
Obito Uchiha in BNHA

Guy gets Obito Uchihas Mangēkyo Bnha is not mine I only own my mc

XenGhost · Tranh châm biếm
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Spin the Wheel!

Well I'm dead. Cliche start right. Well I don't know how to start it with other stuff, how I'm dead I got shotgun blasted to the head in air soft. You must be wondering how can airsoft bullets kill you, well the thing is they weren't airsoft bullets the dude forgot to bring his airsoft gun and actually brought a fucking gun. Supposedly I'm the only one who died as he started vomiting which allowed time for the refree and other people to apprehend him. How do I know this it's cuz I've got a holographic screen in front of me.

Sometime Later

"I'm sorry child for letting you wait for so long, now let's get on to the wheel of reincarnation" A ROB said

"Sure" MC said excitedly

"No questions" ROB asked intrigued with MCs answer

"Nope this is what I expected as I have read many novels" MC says with a calm look

"Hmm ok so we are here at the wheel" As the ROB says this a massive wheel appears out of nowhere

"So what am I supposed to do now" MC said with a hint of interest and excitement

"Are you stupid? Basically you spin to see if you keep your memories. After this it will decide your world anime and the like. And after this you will spin to gain a persons power" ROB said with a look that says do you have any common sense

"Ok" MC says

As he the MC says that he goes to the wheel and spins it with utmost force and after a whilst he has his memories. After this he spins for the world and it goes past DC, Marvel, Twilight and the like and finally stops on BNHA. 'BNHA huh a slightly dangerous world but if the power I get is good I can survive and thrive' MC thought. Finally the MC goes to the spin. As he goes to spin it he closes his eyes hoping to get a good power and when he hears the ticking stop he sees it lands on Obito Uchiha. 'Yes Jackpot'.

"Kid next you can choose your appearance. However you won't be able to use chakra but I will allow you to use both sharingan and rinnegan without strain." ROB says

"Huh then give me the other sharingan as well as Obitos taijutsu experience you can at least do that" MC says with a look like he'll gain a bargain but he isn't

"Hmm sure now let's move onto your appearance. So what would you like to look like." ROB says

"I would like to look like Seung-Jin-Woo please" MC said

"Sure now off you go" ROB says whilst pointing at a portal

"Thank you sir" MC says bowing

As he says that he walks to the portal and this was the start of a new journey. But what the ROB didn't tell him was that his personality may change as Obito was a ruthless character. But the MCs past will remain a mystery. For Now...