
Wedding Day (Levi x reader)


"Y/N?" Someone said, but I barely heard it. My brain was busy.

Monday was the start of the school's spirit week, and it was Wedding day. Who the heck came up with that?!



"Yo! Y/N!" Someone yelled.

I looked up and saw everyone looking at me. We were eating breakfast, but I had barely ate anything.

"W-Why is everyone looking at me?" I shrank in my seat a bit from all of the eyes staring holes into me.

"Is something the matter Y/N? You've barely touched your food." Lucifer asks.

"Can I have it?" Beel was already reaching for it. I slid the plate over to him.

"I'm fine. Just thinking about things." It wasn't that big of an issue, so I decided to be vague.

"Oooh! And what is our cute Y/N thinking about~? Though I know you're thinking about me." Asmo chimed in.

"It's nothing. And no, I wasn't thinking about you Asmo." I shook my head.

"Morning." Levi walked into the dining room, and he had a certain look on his face. One I knew all too well.

"Binge again?" I asked.

"Yes. But it was so good!" He seemed to glow as he said that.

"Which one did you watch this time?"

"Toradora." My eyes widened.

"Levi you're the best!" I sat up from my seat and hugged him tightly.

"W-What are you doing?!" He sounded very flustered.

"Thanks True Friend! I owe you." I dashed out of the dining room, and back to my room.

3rd POV

"What just happened?" Satan asked no one in particular.

Everyone was confused on the events that just happened.

"What the hell were Levi and Y/N talking about?" Belphie thought out loud.

"Probably somethin' nerdy!" Mammon laughed.

Levi was as red as a tomato.


I got on my phone and tapped on the Akuzon app. I quickly typed in something, and scrolled down a little bit.

"Aha! There's a good one. It's not even that expensive either." I mumbled to myself as I ordered it. With 1 day shipping.

I also ordered a couple other things.

I anxiously waited by the front door. I didn't want anyone else to see that I ordered things. I wanted this to be a surprise.

I heard a faint knock, and I quickly opened the door. An older demon was holding a 3 small packages.

"Are you Miss....Y/N?" I nodded, and he handed me the boxes.

"Thank you." I closed the door, and hid the packages as best as I could.

Once I got back to my room undetected, I locked the door behind me. Then went  into the bathroom and locked that door as well.

I set down the packages, and decided to open them one at a time. The first package had a hair accessory with little flowers on it.

I set it aside and opened the next package. It contained a small bouquet with light pink roses.

The final package had a dress in it. Since Levi unintentionally reminded me that Taiga wore a white dress with angel wings.

I didn't have the wings, but it was still a white dress. So it fit the theme of Wedding Day.

I took off my clothes and tried on the dress to see if it fit me alright. When I saw that it did, I had a mini celebration in my head.

I already own some white flats that I could wear, so that settles everything.

All I needed to do was wait for Monday to come.

I had put on the dress, flats, and the hair accessory. Now I just needed the guys to leave first.

"Y/N, what's taking you so long?" Lucifer knocked on my door.

"You guys leave before me. I want to surprise you." I said giddily.

"Very well, but don't be late for class." I heard him walk away.

I waited about 10 minutes before I carefully peeked my head out the door. No one was around.

So I left the manor and made my way to school.

3rd POV

"Why didn't Y/N come with us?" Levi asked. He wondered where she was.

"She wanted to surprise us." Lucifer smirked. He already knew that she had ordered things from Akuzon.

How you may ask? Well, Lucifer knows everything that goes on inside of the manor.

As the brothers walked a little farther, they could hear gasps and whispering behind them.

"Hey guys!" A cheery voice called out from behind them.

Levi was the first to turn around, and his face became as pink as the bouquet of flowers that Y/N was holding.

"You're wearing the same dress as Taiga!" Levi geeked out.

"Oh my heart just stopped! You're absolutely beautiful Y/N! I just want to eat you right up." Asmo complmented.

"Thank you, but I have to hand it to Levi. He gave me the idea for the dress." Y/N gestured towards Levi.

"I-I didn't do anything..." Levi glanced away.


Levi looked pretty handsome. He had a dark blue tux on, and his hair looked neater than usual.

"Nu-uh! Go home right now! You're showin' too much skin." Mammon blushed immensely.

"Hey Levi, I think I know how I can thank you." I stepped closer to him.

"Is it a manga?" He asked.

"Nope. It's even better." I smiled warmly.

I cupped the side of hid cheek, and kissed him right on the lips. I felt his body tense up.

He slowly became less tense, and kissed me back. It felt amazing. When we finished, I smiled.

"Let's get to class." I held my hand out to him.

"O-Okay...." He took my hand, and we walked away.