
LLP (Levi x shy reader)


I kept mentally repeating this phrase as my pace slowed down a little as I reached my destination; Levi's room.

I spent the next few moments slowly raising my shakey hand to the door, and softly knocking on it.

"What do you want?" I heard Levi's voice from inside. It sounded like he was busy.

"U-Um....." I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to bother him, but I also wanted to ask him something.

"Wait. Y/N? Is that you?" Levi's voice got closer to the door.

"Y-Yes..." I said with my usual soft voice. The door opened, and I was pulled inside.

"No one saw you right? I don't want people to know that I let a normie into the room." I shook my head.

"N-No one...saw me." I noticed that my wrist was still warm from his touch.

"Good. Did you need something?" I nodded again.

"Make it quick. I'm about to start a raid in Mononoke Land." He held up his phone.

"U-Um....I just w-wanted to ask....if you wanted....t-to....go on a....p-picnic with me....this weekend..." I felt like covering my face out of embarrassment.

"A picnic...? With you?" He asked.

"But you don't have to if you don't want to!" I blurted out. I covered my mouth, and glanced at the floor.

"No, that's not it......it's like something out of a romance anime!" Levi gushed.

My face became bright red, and Levi seemed to notice it because he blushed a little bit too.

"S-So....you want....to go?" I repeated my question.

"Yes I'm going. Besides, how could I say no to my one true friend?" Levi smiled.

"A-Alright...we can go....around 3...on Saturday....if that's f-fine." He nodded.

I left his room, and went back to my own.

I woke up around 9 to make lunch. I wanted to impress him with homemade food.

So I went to the kitchen, and surprisingly I didn't see Beel inside. Which is good because he might try and eat the food.

I decided to make sandwiches, and some tea to go with it. It didn't take me too long to make since I've had lots of practice.

I carefully put the warm tea in a thermos to keep it nice and warm.

I placed the sandwiches and thermos inside of a little basket that I had found in one of the cupboards.

I went back to my room and hit the basket in the bathroom, and shut the door.

I had also found a blanket to sit on, and I folded that so I could carry it easier. The time seemed to fly by until it was 3.

So I grabbed the blanket and the basket, and walked to Levi's room. I knocked on it, and Levi peeked out of the doorway.

"R-Ready to go?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Wait. You mean go OUTSIDE?" I mentally facepalmed.

"I-I'm sorry! I forgot you don't like going out all that much!" I looked at the floor. I felt dumb.

"Can't we eat in here?" Levi suggested.

"T-That's fine..." I said somewhat feeling saddened. I got too excited and didn't consider Levi's feelings on going outside.

So I walked inside as Levi closed the door. I tossed the blanket aside and opened the basket.

"Woah! Did you make those?" Levi's eyes sparkled.

"Y-Yeah...I also made some tea." I blushed.

He grabbed a sandwich, and took a bite out of it. My whole body tensed up. Did he like it? Did he hate it?

"It's....amazing!" He downed the sandwich quickly, which made me happy inside.

"I'm....glad you like it." I smiled.

We talked as we ate the sandwiches. Mostly about manga, anime, and video games. I enjoyed every minute of it.

"I think I ate too much...my hunger bar is overflowing." Levi held his stomach. I instantly got worried.

"Y-You....should lay down." I suggested.

"Energy level is also down." He mumbled.

"Y-You........can lay your.....h-head on my.....l-lap...." I was surprised to hear those words come out of my own mouth.

"Wait.....could it be? The LLP?!" His face became super red.

"LLP?" I asked. I didn't know what that stood for.

"The legendary lap pillow! Something that seemingly only happens in anime! But I knew it existed IRL." Levi seemed super happy.

"O-Okay then.....here." I scooted close to him, and got on my knees.

I sat on my feet, and Levi lifted his head . He then placed it on my legs. The two of us were blushing like crazy.

His blue hair tickled my legs, but it looked super soft. I subconsciously moved my hand up, and started softly stroking his head.

I could tell Levi was trying to hold back his fanboying, and it made me smile.

"H-Hey Levi....." He glanced up at me.

"I-I um.........like you." He seemed confused.

"I like you too. You're my friend after all." I bit down on my tongue.

"N-Not like that....." I leaned down and kissed his forehead.

Levi froze right then and there.