
A dancer's tail (Satan x half wolf reader)


"A what now?" I asked Lucifer.

"Lord Diavolo is going to throw another party, and he wants all of us to attend. It's tomorrow night, so wear something casual." Lucifer left my room.

I fell against the bed. Ever since I've arrived, there's been a question that's constantly on my mind.

Demons and wolves haven't had the best history up until a few centuries ago.

But even now, there are still controversies floating around. Which is bad for me.

On the bright side, I can hide my ears and tail from others whenever I want, and my senses are better than normal humans.

On the bad side, I'm the only person in all of Devildom who has wolf blood inside me. Which is frightening.

I completely covered my body with the blanket, and I made my ears and tail visible.

I lightly brushed my tail, and it felt incredibly soothing. I fell asleep before I could hide them again.

Someone woke me up by knocking on my door. I growled and pulled the blankets closer to me.

"Y/N? Are you awake yet?" My ears perked up.

"I'm awake Satan. Come in if you want." My tail started swaying. I quickly hid my ears and tail as he walked in.

"Did you hear a growling noise just now?" I glanced away.

"No. Maybe it was Beel's stomach." I half joked.

"Haha! It could've been. Anyways, do you have a dress for tonight?" He asked.

"No. I was just going to ask Asmo if he has any." I shrugged.

"Alright. I'll see you later then?" I nodded as he left my room.

My tail popped out and it was moving side to side quickly. I hid it again, and growled again.

If any of my emotions gets too strong, it's harder to hide my ears and tail. For instance if I get too happy, or too angry.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a pale green dress that came below my knees.


I left my room to meet with everyone else. When I got to the main door, Satan's mouth was slightly agape.

"Green definitely suits you Y/N. Let's go." Lucifer smiled. Satan was frozen on the spot.

"Satan? Are you coming or not?" I smiled at him.

"Y-Yeah...you look beautiful." He said.

"T-Thank you. You look pretty handsome yourself." We both left the house, and headed to Diavolo's house.

We arrived early, since Lucifer made us. Punctual as ever. Diavolo smiled when we went into the ballroom.

"Hohoho! It's good to see all of you. Isn't it Barbados?" Diavolo turns to his butler.

"Yes my Lord." Barbados humbly agreed.

We waited for more people to arrive, and then Diavolo officially started the party.

I glanced around the room, looking at the brothers doing their own thing. I didn't see Satan anywhere.

Just as I was about to go look for him, he appeared next to me. I jumped a little bit.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I sighed.

"It's fine. Are you going to ask someone to dance?" He nodded.

"Yeah, and she's right here." He pointed at me.

"Y-Youre asking me to dance?" I glanced away, trying to keep my feelings under control.

"Is there any other girls standing here?" He jokingly asked as he held his hand out to me.

"I'm warning you now that I'm not the best dancer. So sorry in advance if I step on your feet." I said shyly.

He put his arm around my waist, and grabbed my hand with his free hand. I slowly grabbed his arm with my free hand.

"It's alright. Just follow my lead." We started to dance around the ballroom.

We twirled around, and I could feel eyes on us. Watching our ever step. The music seemed to fill my ears.

It didn't even feel like we were at a party anymore, it was like me and Satan were in our own world.

Where nothing else existed but me and him. I didn't care about who was watching us anymore.

"Are you sure it's your first time dancing? You're surprisingly good." Satan whispered.

"I'm sure. I just have...good instincts." I smiled. I felt myself smiling brightly.

But then I stopped dancing. I could tell that my tail and ears wanted to come out.

"Y/N-?" I let go of Satan and hurried out of the ballroom.

My ears popped up, and I could hear Satan chasing after me. I tried my best to run faster.

My tail appeared as well. I was stressed, angry, and saddened. He was the person I didn't want to find out the most...

I tripped on my own feet and tumbled to the ground. I heard Satan slow down, and slowly walked over to me.

Without thinking I started to growl a little bit. Satan got closer, and looked at me.

"So that's the noise I heard earlier." I glared at him.

"Stay away." He stepped closer.

"Did you really think I would hate you for being half wolf?" I looked into his green eyes.

"How did you know?" My ears bent downwards, showing my sadness.

"I've noticed that you have heightened senses. Like smelling dinner before it's even done." He chuckled.

"....you don't hate that I'm half wolf?" Satan shook his head.

"No. In fact I love it. I love every part of you. Now, let's go have some fun." He held hid hand out to me.

I grasped his hand, and he lead me back to the ballroom.

"Hey. Please keep your tail and ears out. Show them the real you. If they so much as insult you, I'll make sure they'll pay for it." I nodded.

As we entered the room, I heard multiple gasps and whispering. I gripped Satan's hand tighter.

"So you've decided to show your true self." Diavolo spoke.

"Yes.....sorry for lying to all of you." I bowed to the other demon brothers.

"So you're half wolf? Lord Diavolo, why didn't you tell me this sooner?" Lucifer asked.

"Because I thought your reactions would be entertaining." I chuckled.

"Shall we dance Y/N?" Satan asked.

"Of course." Once again he led me to the dancefloor.

3rd POV

"Wait. What in the world just happened?!" Mammon asked.

"That's so cool! She's half wolf!" Levi looked at the girl as she danced with Satan.

"Her ears and tail look so cute!" Asmo gushed.

"How are ya so nonchalant about this?!" Mammon couldn't comprehend what just happened.