

Armed with a super system and the knowledge of his previous life our hero will reign suprem over the univers and the other dimensions

Ramling · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Level 3

Alexander left for Roger Evans villa  to spend some days with him, at first Alexander only left for an afternoons but little by little, 1 day became 3 then 5 ... Until it was a whole week, he didn't exceed the week because he was afraid his family  would suspect something.

a little boy with a tall and strong middle aged man walked to a villas, once in the residence, he let go of Soren's hand and all the peoples in the residence nelt on one knee and welcomed him.

Alexander wasted no time and mounted a griffin and flew  to his residence in emerald 

The dungeon he was going to do today was the dungeon of the Orcs, green and hideous creatures, the orcs were known for their great strength and explosive tempers

located at the western end of the forbidden forest, near the howling canyon, the orcs lived in groups, the strongest orc did not exceed level 2, the young orcs were level 0-advanced or 0-pinnacle, left alone, the orcs proliferated in several tribes their number exceeding 10.000, the guild of adventurers even sent a request for their extermination to the neighboring kingdoms but to no avail.

The Orc group was made of 20 tribes who spread over 100 miles of territory, so Alexander had to kill three tribes per day to return before the end of the week

The first thing that he Did was to select the tribe to attack, a level 2 tribe ( a tribe with a level 2 mage )  would be much more dangerous than a level 1 tribe, he also brought back a space ring with a capacity of 75 m3 to carry the loot. (loot = spoil of the war )

The Guild  provided a detailed maps indicating the level and the number of orcs each tribe contained, which greatly simplified  his work

Menu Name: Alexander Davis

Class: none

HP 6.000 Mp 6.000

Strength 600 Agility 650

vitality 700 intelligence 600

EXP: 5,000/100,000

Alexander waited until nightfall and then began his farming session, his team was nearby in case something happened, but he asked them not to help him attack the Orc camp to have all the experience points for himself.

he first attacked all the small enemies of level 0- advanced and 0-pinnacle

Ding + 300 experience points

Ding + 300 experience points

Ding +500 experience points

he then took care of the commanders who were level 1 - beginner

Ding +1,000 experience points

Ding +1,000 experience points

Ding +1,000 experience points ...

then he attacked the leader who was level 1-intermediate

At level 1 and above, the fights are extremely fast, each one launches his attack and dodges at the same time, spells used are deadly and destructive, unfortunately for the Orc leader Alexander was level 2

Alexander: '' ball of darkness'', ''ball of Darkness'', ''ball of darkness''

Ding + 1,200 experience points

He did the same for each tribe, at the end of the night  3 orc tribes disappeared from the howling canyon

The loot of each tribute consisted of 500 level 0 weapons, 200 level 0 armor, 10 level 1 armor, different plants which are worth 400,000 gold coins and different level 1 element stones and other minerals which are also worth 400,000 for a total of 900,000 gold coins for each tribe.

Alexander's group  dug a cave were they spent the night, everyone gathered near the fire to discuss, they were all serene, it was like being in a summer camp, they laughed and ate

The days passed and the number of orc tribes decreased, at the end of the 6th day alexander eradicated all the tribes, won more than 18 million gold coins and his experience bar was close to level 3

Menu Name: Alexander Davis

Class: none

HP 8.500 Mp 8.500

Strength 800 Agility 850

vitality 900 intelligence 800

Exp: 2,000,000/10,000,000

Alexander was now level 2-pinnacle, a little bit more and he would be level 3, he went back to the Evans's and with his 18 million gold bought other level 2 slaves, Alexander was no longer afraid  of any form of insubordination, he bought 9 level 2 slaves.

He asked the other slaves if they wanted their freedom, he couldn't bring them with him anymore, he could form teams to do dungeons but compared to level 2, a group of level 1 does not bring to much resources

only 1 year elapsed  before he kept his promise 

All without exception refused to leave, he chose the most promising (the majority of level 1) and taught them alchemy Alexander was now going to create a team of alchemists to process all the plants he had looted

he will no longer sell them but make even more profits by transforming them into potions but first he had to find a master alchemist who will agree to teach the members of his organisation

He therefore began his search, he went to the assassins guild to ask for information on the various alchemists present on emerald who had a grudge with other families 

After some investigation Alexander found 3 different alchemists: The first had a son who had gambling problems, he had not paid a big debt to one of the families who controlled one of the underground casinos, after several days without giving any news, the young man was found dead drowned in a lake, the father was devastated but he could not do anything against a level 3 family

The second was an orphan, having by chance been adopted by an alchemist, he learned and continued the profession of his parents, unfortunately he was not very talented and none of the different clans took him into their groups, an alchemist without protection cannot do much, if the customer refuses to pay or if they threaten him he can only accept the situation as it is 

The third had a problem with a group of level 3 bandits, they had kidnapped his daughter and refused to return her to him if he did not give them elixirs weekly, he could only see her when he gave the different elixirs to the bandits

Alexander's solution to all these problems was to take these different alchemists and hide them in the black wolves lair, he wasn't going to face level 3 individuals because first, all these mages surely had other people behind them and even if there was no one a duel to the death with a level 3 was to risky So he will only hide the alchemists.

He returned to his family after a week and spent the next week chatting with his sister and meditating. He had at the same time gathered all the level 2 slaves within the evans  residence 

if something happened at his place, he would have reinforcements quickly, the rest of the men were in the black Wolf hideout , he also bought different books on alchemy and ordered all the members to read them.

The second job that paid the most was that of engineer, machines that works with mana, flying machines, bio-mechanical arms all these inventions that gave a lot of money

  Now Alexander had 2 priorities 1 look for enemies of level 2 or higher, second looking for craftsmen to increase the skills of his organization

15 days after returning to the Davis mansion, he went back to see his Friend Roger evans (the 15 days with his family was spent in sword training and meditation.)

  he then headed  to the bug dungeon (different insects took possession of the land near emerald) it was located east of emerald with insects of all sizes and shapes roaming the dungeon 

the only characteristic they all had in common was the fact that they were deadly, claws, mandibles, poison all these insects had all kinds of ways to kill

once at their destination he ordered soren and the others to prepare a camp and to be ready to fight at any time, he will first level up to level 3 and then give them the antidote to the poison. ( the poison that he used to blackmail the level 2 slaves, he wasn't level 3 so he was still cautious )

Insects were visible for miles, several holes were dug  on the ground, he as usual began with the weakest enemy

Ding +1,500 experience points

Ding +1,500 experience points

Ding + 1,500 experience points ... He continued to target the insects that were alone,  little by little he started to attack bigger groups 1,1,1,2,2,3 ,4,7,10,14,19,25...

their number was only growing Alexander fearing the injury stopped hunting, he had already worked well

Menu Name: Alexander Davis

Class: none

HP 8.500 Mp 8.500

Strength 800 Agility 850

vitality 900 intelligence 800

Exp: 2,100,000/10,000,000

there were  different insect nests and there was no communication between the different nests ( only if a nest was going to get destroyed will he send a chemical message asking for help ), so Alexander did the same thing on the different nests 2,200,000, 2,300,000, 2,400,000... little by little his experience increased

after eight hours of hard work Alexander had  increased his experience by 800,000 points, 100,000 experience points per hour

After a long break, he resumed his work, he did not need to sleep only to rest occasionally, the insect nests stretched for miles, after 5 days Alexander finally reached level 3


Name: Alexander Davis

Class: none

HP 10.000 Mp 10.000

Strength 1.000 Agility 1.100

vitality 1050 intelligence 1.000

Exp: 0/100,000

The rest of the team was wondering how did Alexander manage to increase his level by fighting,  and in the end the team agreed that it was because he risked his life and thus stimulated his body in an intense way, After giving the antidote to everyone, Alexander inspected his loot, 8,000 level 1 insect shells which is 40,000 gold.

After taking a hot shower Alexander moved towards the Davis residence, once at home he could sleep, arriving at the entrance of the residence, he could feel all the level three mages who normally protect  the residence.

there were 4 different level 3 which protected the residence

Name: Alexander Davis

Class: none

HP 10.000 Mp 10.000

Strength 1.000 Agility 1.100

vitality 1050 intelligence 1.000

Exp: 0/100,000