
Oasis of Blood

Prince Samir looked at her disdainfully. “You’re not human.” “Aren’t I?” Nazmi asked boredly. “You aren’t.” She rolled her eyes. “Then what am I, your highness?” “A nymph. I can tell.” Prince Samir’s golden orange eyes threatened her. That if she lied again, she would surely lose her life. Nazmi started to panic. She hadn’t felt such genuine fear in a very long time. Time was running out, she needed to try and execute her plan before it was too late – but she swallowed the fear inside her to avoid blowing her cover. “How can you be so sure?” Nazmi laughed. Unfortunately for him, aside from having a lot to hide, playing with fire was her favorite activity. “Is it because you can’t bite me?” His dark skin and glowing eyes looked beautiful in the dim lighting; such an ethereal and lovely appearance wasn’t befitting of a vile monster like a vampire, Nazmi thought to herself. How unfortunate. The vampire hummed in agreement. “I would have ripped your skin and devoured your ichor the moment I saw you if it weren’t stopping me.” “You could always just kill me and drink my blood that way,” she said with a sarcastic smile. “Barbaric, yes, but it seems you and your kind prefer it that way. I’d say you’re animals, but that would be too cruel a comparison. Animals could never be as disgusting as you.” — War between the humans and vampires has gone on for centuries. Bloodshed and domination are all the two races seem to know, and neither side ever show intention for peace. The death toll between them is massive, both mortals and vampires alike. But what about everyone caught in between? Nazmiseia is one of the few remaining nymphs left. Since nymphs are spirits borne from nature, the constant shedding of blood and war has destroyed countless of their homes. Many of the wars took place on nymph land.As a girl, she lost her friends and family all save for her father. He took her to live amongst the humans and blend in, so that they could live a peaceful life. She took up the human-friendly nickname of Nazmi. Her father didn't know that his sweet girl would grow up wanting nothing but revenge on both humans and vampires alike. She is now the age of 20, finally old enough to begin learning how to use her nymph powers. While developing connections with strong people and training to fight, she ends up thrown in the middle of a human-vampire skirmish at the border. Nazmi not only finds herself injured, but captured by one of the most fearsome vampire generals. In the hands of the notoriously handsome and tyrannical vampire Prince Samir, her plans for revenge have to take a backseat to something more urgent - escape! — There will be lots of R18 detailed smut throughout the story. Please be aware! Blood and gore, vivid descriptions of death. Enemies to lovers, of course.~

carmyko · Kỳ huyễn
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113 Chs


Nazmi's eyes widened in surprise. "You… you're you a sorcerer?"

"Yeah…" the girl chuckled nervously. "I hope that doesn't bother you?"

"Of course not," she replied with a sheepish smile. "I didn't know anyone else frequented this area, it seemed pretty secluded. I've been traveling for days and haven't come across any towns, let alone any other people."

"My brother and I only come here to gather materials and reagents for potions and spells," Shea explained with a gentle smile. "Our hometown is just a few hours north of here by horse. What's your n-"

Her sentence was left incomplete when footsteps were heard coming from behind her, followed by a soft but masculine voice.

"Shea, where did you go? I gathered all the mushro-" a young man with short blond hair appeared by her side, but his words were caught in his throat at the sight of Nazmi. She was holding her dress in her hands, where it just barely hid her chest and abdomen.

Nazmi was very small in stature, so most people had to look down at her. Nymphs were known for being short and overall petite creatures.

Her pale skin was completely unblemished, and her long gray hair tumbled freely down her back and shoulders. The sage eyes she wielded were half-lidded, amusement and mischief visible within them. From her oddly perfect, pointed elf-like features, to her stature and the way she held herself…

She almost didn't seem real.

"Oh, my God!" The boy exclaimed, turning around as fast as he could, so as not to look at her any longer. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea-"

Shea sighed. "This is my brother, Aero."

Nazmi blinked a few times at his turned back, then burst into uncontrollable laughter. His reaction was so extreme, and it wasn't as though he had actually seen anything explicit. She wasn't particularly worried or protective over being seen naked, so she really just felt the entire situation was funny.

"I'm Nazmi," she greeted with a bemused expression. She quickly stepped into her underwear and slipped the still-warm dress over her shoulders. "I am clothed, you can turn around."

He cautiously turned back to face Nazmi and moved to stand beside his sister.

"It's nice to meet you," Aero said, his voice gentle and smooth.

When they were next to each other like that, Nazmi could see their resemblance. They were nearly identical, Aero was just an inch or two taller with slightly broader shoulders.

"Are the two of you tw-" she started to ask, but quickly bit her tongue when she saw their faces tense up at the same time.

She had nearly forgotten the weight of being a twin in their world. Twins were considered a curse; majority of all twins were killed at birth, either by the doctors or the parents themselves.

They were believed to bring despair and misfortune to not only their family, but to humans as a whole. According to legend, they're stolen lives being put into the world against the gods' wishes, which invoked divine wrath toward mortals.

It was incredibly rare that a set of twins made it to adulthood.

"Ah," Nazmi said shyly. "I mean to say, are the two of you on your way back? I haven't rested anywhere other than outside for the last week and a half."

Shea's expression relaxed a little. "We are. You must be starving! It doesn't look like you packed very much…"

"I'm amazed you even made it this far walking a whole week with a bag that small," Aero added. His blue eyes seemed puzzled as he inspected her.

Nazmi cursed herself inwardly. 'I am so suspicious!'

She just hoped that since she ignored their secret, they wouldn't press for hers.

"You can come with us if you'd like," Shea said with a smile. "It'll be getting dark, so it's best to head back now anyway."

Aero hummed in agreement. "Yeah, and we brought two horses. Shea and I can ride one and you can ride the other. Ah- that is, if you know how to ride a horse?"

"I know how, don't worry," she lied through her teeth, with confidence and conviction.

Truthfully, she had never even seen a horse up close – but she didn't want to seem even more strange. They were probably suspicious of her enough as it was. Nazmi crossed her fingers and hoped that her passive nymph abilities would be good enough.

Shea took Nazmi's small hand in hers before the latter could protest. The young sorceress nearly jumped in surprise when she felt the coolness of Nazmi's skin.

"Are you alright?!" She asked, brows furrowing with concern. She grabbed both of Nazmi's hands in hers and pressed them to her face. "You're freezing!"

Nazmi retracted her hands and laughed awkwardly. "I was just in the stream, I got a bit cold."

She couldn't help but feel saddened by this reaction. Nymphs' blood was always cold. It was one of the signature giveaways for a nymph in hiding; though, by an untrained eye, they could sometimes be confused with vampires who are also perpetually cold.

What would it be like to feel warmth deeper than just the surface of her skin?

"Ah, you're right! You were basically sleeping right next to it," Shea nodded in understanding. Nazmi was relieved that she seemed to believe her.

"You can use my cape if you'd like," Aero offered. "It's quite warm if you wrap it tightly."

"Ah, no, it will be fine. I'll get warm while we're riding. The sun is out, still nice and warm," Nazmi said with a smile.

The siblings looked at her worriedly, but decided not to press any further.

"Anyway, follow me!" Shea said, starting in a direction confidently. Her stride was as carefree and bubbly as her personality.

Nazmi did as she was told and followed several steps behind. To her surprise, however, Aero matched her pace and walked beside her.

He glanced down at her with a smile so gentle she could hardly see it, then spoke. "You said you've been traveling, but do you have a destination?"

Nazmi was puzzled by the question. Did she even have one? She was mostly just wandering, hoping opportunity would find her. The young nymph thought for a moment before she decided how to respond.

"I don't," she admitted. "I left home with no idea where I would be going. I have a dream that I want to fulfill, but I have to get stronger before I can achieve it."

"So you are traveling in hope of finding enlightenment and strength," he summarized. "I think that's admirable of you."

"It's hard to leave home for the first time," Shea added thoughtfully. "I hope you find what you're looking for."

Nazmi had never been one for long conversations, let alone personal ones, but she decided to try and be more open. She had a feeling somewhere deep in her chest that these two were dependable.

"I think meeting the two of you is my first stroke of luck," she said quietly, turning her gaze downward.

"I think we're the lucky ones," Aero replied.

"I agree!" Shea added happily.

A stirring feeling occurred within Nazmi. It was a new sensation, but not an unwelcome one. She found herself getting a little excited to get to know the siblings better.

How do you think Shea and Aero escaped their dismal fate as twins? Don’t forget to add Oasis of Blood to your library!

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