
O Saga: Part Two: Book of Death

Oren is a child of destiny. Dark forces search for his location, while forces of light protect him. Rovan is a warrior who helped defeat an ambitious leader; now, he must rush home to save his family. Kittisek Khan and Sultan Graeo'gi look to suppress revolution as they prepare for war. Thea and Flaero will bid for influence over Malum.

rsLuebben · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Three: Siege

Nox and Scully were left in comfort at the stylish livery stables in Ikai Nor. Malum had ensured Stully got extra rations as he can be quite a nuisance if he gets hungry. Malum needed to keep a clear head and couldn't be distracted by his horse and donkey.

Malum stripped down fully and submerged himself fully in the bathwater. He cleaned thoroughly as if he was prepping his body for a funeral. He was preparing himself for death.

Malum put on each part of his armor almost ritualistically. He was sharp and focused, and even the way he put on his boots was with care. Once he was dressed, he grabbed his sword, said a prayer with it, and was ready for battle.

Because of its size, the sprawling city of Ikai Nor would be difficult to defend. The sea wall along the Bay of Altifir provides many options for opposing vessels to target. The City extends far back from the coast and into the lowlands. The city gates and walls have thick walls to protect them, but it requires many capable soldiers to keep them from a breach.

The city of Mazatl was sacked. Its walls weren't enough. Kittisek Khan's advantage of firing stones without challenge made the difference. Prince Hotah and Chancellor Flaero didn't want to repeat this mistake.

As Kittisek Khan's massive warships came around the horn of Pakal and into the Bay, Chancellor Flaero's Ishvaran fleet moved in behind them to form a blockade. The strongest ships in the Hanwi fleet had sailed with King Ohdakota, but he was now in a watery grave somewhere in Anahiti.

The Hanwi fleet that had tried to take on Nanook's superior fleet could not overcome the odds. If Ikai Nor were to have a different fate, the Ishvaran fleet would have to prove their mettle.

Flaero's fleet blockade was in a position to trap the Great Khan's forces in the Bay and attack from behind. They would have to hold their lines, though. If Khan's ship could blast an opening, then the plan would start to unravel.

Meanwhile, Chancellor Flaero was preparing to give a speech to rally the troops and the people in the city center. He had no power in Hanwi, but Prince Hotah deferred the parting words to the more experienced leader.

"People of Hanwi and Ishvara. Soldiers and townsmen alike. Man, woman, and child. Today, we prepare to fight for the survival of the city. Our survival as nations. Our survival as humans. But before the first sword is brandished, arrow is slung, and stone hurled at our walls, we must also fight for peace as well. If we only see the evil in the faces of our enemy today, or if we only see our enemy as the worst version of themselves, then society as a whole is lost. All of us who breathe are capable of the worst. We fight against our own demons and must find the courage and bravery deep within. We can't be afraid. If we can't believe that there is hope for redemption, then there is no hope in the future. Someday, this war will be over, and in the aftermath, we will have to choose what future we want for the generations to come. We want to be the ones deciding that, not dictated to us by a ruthless warmonger. So, fight for our future. Fight for today. Fight for every child in every land so that they will not know war. Fight for freedom. Fight." Flaero said with a fist raised in the air. The Chancellor then stepped away, but the people were stirred.

There was cheering and yelling. Songs were being chanted as soldiers moved to their posts. The energy in the city had been renewed with purpose.

The hospitals were ready to take the wounded as the Order of the Medicine Wheel stood ready. Malum knew Thea would be there doing her duty.

Vendors and shops did their best to board their buildings, but it would do little if the town caught fire. Most of the noncombatant villagers sought refuge in the Churches, Hippodrome, Palace, and other stone and marble buildings. Food and blankets were all that they could offer to the weary and nervous souls.

Ikai Nor was known as the city of a hundred pillars and forty minarets. Not one may be left standing at the end of the day. Malum could feel the weight of what was at stake for the first time. It didn't make him want to cower and hope it all went away. It made him want to do everything in his power to save others, even at the highest cost to himself.

Malum was walking the stone roads to his post as calm as a Hawk, looking for things to devour. He had made his peace with death and had no fear—no fear for himself, that is. He worried about Thea but knew she was a capable warrior. He could sense that he would see her again.

Kittisek Khan's infantry and cavalry were encamped outside the city. They had been building siege engines and resting. Noyon Altar Gatmaa Was leading the land attack, while Kittisek Khan was with his fleet.

Prince Hotah, Sequoia, Elisapie, and Gaia were among the few Malum knew and would be protecting the city from the stones inevitably being hurled at the walls. Princes Ichante was sent with Apollyon, Malaika, and Chaska to the Western wall and gate.

Meanwhile, Malum was sent to the northern gate with some newly recruited Ningal warriors, Atoc Baal and Lady Veneno. The pair had recently sworn fealty to Chancellor Flaero and were given armor like Malum in return.

"Look good in your new shiny, rooks," Malum told them, but they didn't laugh. "Never mind bad joke. I'm glad to have you both by my side. Flaero thinks you can handle fighting against your people. Do you think you're ready?" Malum asked Lady Veneno.

Veneto's stoic gaze gave nothing away, "I'm ready." She said.

"Only time will prove it." Malum finished.

Malum and his unit were looking over the wall's crenelation and at Kittisek Khan's forces moving their siege engines through the forest. It wouldn't be long before things ignited; Malum could feel it in his guts.

The Nanook forces in their green armor. The Hanwi forces in their orange armor. The combined forces of Ishvara and Qamata were in newly painted purple armor. Malum and the other Ningal warriors were in navy cloaks with silver and gold armor. Malum had chaffed at first when he was made to wear his armor, but it was starting to feel like an old hat.

Malum knew that the first bit of action that Flaero had devised was that the Ishavaran fleet, forming the blockade behind Khan's warships, would send a fire ship to kick things off.

It was an empty ship set ablaze and then directed at the enemy ships. The hope was that it would collide with one of Khan's, start a chain reaction of fires, and take out some vessels.

Malum couldn't see what was happening in the bay but heard the signal to start things. He'd have to wait and hear if the tactic was successful. They couldn't let Khan sling stone unopposed this time.

Malum didn't have time to consider the events of the sea as The Great Khan's forces began to move their siege engines on the city walls. He ordered the archers to target the attackers, and the battle was on.


The vibrations jolted Malum as the first stone hit the sea walls. Although he was on the complete opposite side of the city, the tremor had reverberated through town.

The Nanook Army was pushing their siege engines, and Malum's archers were felling many soldiers, but it wasn't enough to stop the enemy.

"Prepare for a breach!" Malum shouted.

Malum used his power to connect with the O element to send an energy blast that completely destroyed the siege engine tower, which was getting pushed near him. He then instructed Baal and Veneno to do the same.

There were only three of them on the North gate who could use this tactic, and there were too many towers to attack. Many of the enemy towers reached the walls, and the gangplank dropped.

Enemy soldiers rushed down the ramp onto the top of the walls and were killing many in Malum's defensive unit. Swords and spears were carving out men's flesh, and blood sprayed onto the stone. Malum needed to adjust his tactics or he risked defeat before this contest even started.

"Atoc, I need you to take the left flank and clear the wall of enemy fighters. Do what you must. Veneno, you do the same to the right. Call up more archers and have them bring in ballistaes. I'm jumping down and taking out all of these siege towers." Malum commanded.

Malum didn't wait to see if there were objections. He trusted that the two Ningal warriors could easily outmatch common soldiers. It was a plan that could fail very quickly if they weren't up to the challenge.

Malum didn't disappoint in his task. He soared down to the ground like a Hawk swooping in on prey and instantly started to wipe out all comers. His sword whirled and jabbed, killing with precision. He was a confident warrior now. He had full control of his abilities.

He set siege towers on fire with energy blasts. Many enemy soldiers were trapped inside the towers, unable to escape. They were screaming as they burned alive.

Malum had no time to look back on the carnage he left in his wake. He decapitated soldiers as they rushed him. He must have been causing fear and panic amongst the enemy as some hesitated to engage him.

He was deep into the connection with the O element and was calm. His attackers appeared to move in slow motion, and he could almost see their movements before they happened.

Malum was close to wiping out all of the northern gate siege towers when the enemy brought forth their own elite fighters. Five Ijani Knights emerged from the shadows. Malum knew he could kill them all one-on-one, but taking on all five was pushing it. He used his sword to channel some wind to cool one of the towers enough for him to climb back to the top of the wall and rejoin his men.

The Ijani Knights were not alone as units pushing catapults and trebuchets arrived. Malum whispered to himself, "Where are those ballistaes?"

Baal and Veneno had successfully cleared the wall of enemies, but Malum didn't know where they were now. He couldn't do this without them.

The reinforcement of archers arrived with Lady Veneno, and soon after, Atoc Baal returned some units with ballistaes.

"Just in time. They are positioning their siege engines. It won't be long before they're firing with all they have." Malum informed them.

As Malum devised a plan, he saw a couple of wall lizards scurry away. He didn't blame them; it wouldn't be long before every inch of this wall was shaken.

"We don't have anything large enough to take out the catapults, so we will target the men firing them. The catapults will do the most damage, so they are priority one. Our Ballistae will focus on them. The enemy trebuchets will make it difficult to time our assaults, as any head that pops up above the protection of the crenelation will receive a large arrow. The archers will have to coordinate attacks to try to grant us time to engage the Ijani Knights between the three of us." Malum explained.

"What are we doing to engage the Knights?" Veneno asked.

"I doubt it will take much to get their attention. As long as the five are targeting us, that means they aren't spitting up to do more damage. We just need to keep their attention for now."

"Are his plans always this loose?" Veneno asked Baal.

"They work," Baal admitted. Veneno rolled her eyes but was all in.

The Nanook Army began launching stones from their catapults, and as Malum predicted, they already started to do damage. Malum ordered the ballistae to return fire but found it difficult to target through the hails of arrows being fired in their direction by the enemy trebuchets. Malum gave the signal for his archers to fire on the trebuchets.

Malum, Atoc, and Veneno coordinated a volley of energy blasts that targeted the five Ijani Knights. The blasts fulfilled their intentions as the Knights were solely focused on returning fire at Malum and company.


Malum could sense a change in the war as the city shook with more frequency hen before. Something had changed and not for the better. Khan's forces must have found success somewhere, but Malum's focus must remain in the North.

Malum and his forces had been able to limit the damage to the wall so far. Malum's archers were finding their rhythm and aim as they killed many of the men firing the trebuchets. Malum was losing archers as well, but not enough to affect the outcome.

Malum's unit of ballistae found it harder to hit targets but managed to distract the catapults at least. The catapults were still able to land hits on the wall, but they hadn't successfully caused any breaches.

Malum, Veneno, and Baal had managed to keep the attention of the five Ijani Knights, but it wouldn't last before they caught on to the tactic. In fact, it was sooner than Malum had thought.

The five Ijani Knights split up and were fanning out along the wall. They started to use their powers to send blasts at the wall. This caused heavy impact and chunks of stone to go flying.

"You two take the two knights on the right, and I'll take the two on the left," Malum ordered Atoc and Veneno.

"What about the fifth in the middle?" Veneno questioned.

"Whoever can get to him first," Malum said with a smile as if he was suggesting a competition.

Malum ran on the top of the wall and sent blasts of energy toward the two Knights below him. He attracted their attention away from targeting the wall and forced them into defensive positions. They returned fire that Malum was able to dodge.

Malum jumped down to the ground and ran directly for the closest knight. He engaged the knight in a sword duel while the other continued assaulting the wall.

Malum knew he didn't have time for a prolonged fight. He maneuvered his foe into position and, with five quick movements, took his arm and leg. He hoped he had injured him enough to eliminate him as a threat.

Malum didn't waste time engaging the second knight. He moved slowly and circled his foe to his right, waiting for his opponent to create an opening. His foe attacked, but Malum easily defended it. The Ijani Knight stepped back and tried to catch Malum off-guard with an energy blast, but Malum anticipated the move and parried it away.

They crossed swords a few more times before he finally saw his moment, and Malum's steel sliced through flesh and bone to pierce his opponent's heart. The second Ijani Knight dropped dead.

Malum called for someone to drop a rope down the wall. Once it was lowered to him, he grabbed it and used it to repel and scale the wall. Some enemy soldiers tried to use it as well, but they cut it and they fell back to the ground.

Atoc Baal and Veneno were waiting for him.

"You both must have succeeded?" Malum asked them.

"One dead, one on his way," Veneno informed.

"That leaves one more," Malum said to himself.

"The fifth retreated back from the wall for now," Veneno said.

"Smart move," Malum said, laughing a little.

There was little time for celebration or laughter as Malum saw the face of Sequoia moving to his position.

"What are you doing here?" Malum asked in surprise.

"I was sent to give an update and new orders," Sequoia informed.

Ikai Nor was a very large city, and it was difficult to establish lines of communication between leaders and units.

"In the Bay, the fire ship tactic failed, as Kittisek Khan wasn't fooled. Our fleet has managed to tie their navy up enough to limit their attacks on the sea wall—or at least had; Kittisek Khan's warships recently broke a line in the blockade." Sequoia started.

"That's why we've heard an increase in stones smashing into the wall. We could feel the change all the way over here," Malum said.

"Yes," Sequoia said. "Price Hotah and his unit have been forced to retreat. It's only a matter of time before Khan lands troops to breach the center. They are worried that you and your unit will be cut off. Flaero and Prince Hotah have ordered you to fall back to Eastern Gate. All citizens are being evacuated to the East."

"But that would be the end. The city would be lost." Malum said in disagreement.

"I don't know the cost; I only have orders. As you fall back, you are to set fire to the city. They hope that the fires will make it difficult to reach the Eastern side, that we might form counterattacks." Sequoia continued.

"I will do as ordered, but it sounds like we're all being herded into one spot, which might make it easier to target," Malum said in defiance. "I will give the order. FALL BACK! Everyone fall back to me."

Malum's unit did as ordered. As they moved through the city to the Eastern gate, they made sure there were no straggler citizens before setting the buildings and homes on a blaze. With no one defending the wall, it would only be a matter of time before the city was breached from multiple sides. Malum would have preferred to stay and fight to keep them out.

Malum and his unit reached the command post where Flaero and Prince Hotah were. Malum wanted to march up to his friend, Flaero, and let him know his indifference to this plan, but Flaero was engaged at the moment.

Malum saw the line of refugees fleeing the city and heading for Ishvara. Makeshift tents were put up just outside the city and used as hospitals. Malum saw the wounded being rushed into many tents while others in need of care waited outside on stretchers.

This was a failure. Ikai Nor would soon be lost, either by the enemy taking it or by the flames they started themselves. All hope seemed lost. It would be only a matter of time before a full retreat was ordered and Kittisek Khan declared another victory. Malum was disgusted. He wanted to make a difference.

Malum's eyes were filled with the sight of the fires that burned the city, but he was being consumed by a fire within.