
O Saga: Part Two: Book of Death

Oren is a child of destiny. Dark forces search for his location, while forces of light protect him. Rovan is a warrior who helped defeat an ambitious leader; now, he must rush home to save his family. Kittisek Khan and Sultan Graeo'gi look to suppress revolution as they prepare for war. Thea and Flaero will bid for influence over Malum.

rsLuebben · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Fleet

King Ohdakota sailed with his fleet of twenty. The Elysium made it Twenty-One. They had sailed almost straight due South from Mazatl in Hanwi to reach the Great Reef, which was just North of Asta Island in Anahiti. 

 It was a shallow place in the open ocean. It was a coral reef system composed of three thousand individual reefs. There are also small islands dotted around it that aren't big enough to sustain anything. It is teaming with life and organisms. 

It is also a massive graveyard for ships.

 Ships can't traverse through it and can only circumnavigate around it. A crewman aboard each vessel has to be vigilant about depth sounding as the shallows are hard to judge, and a ship can easily run aground.

 Many sailors use the reef to navigate when heading North. Knowing that Sultan Graeo'gi's fleet is heading to Mazatl, it is a likely place to intercept and confront them. 

 King Ohdakota's fleet was well-stocked with supplies when they left, and The Elysium was able to get essentials when they were anchored by Gyoa Island. If they missed their chance to intercept the Sultan's fleet, they'd have to track them down, which would be near impossible because the wind gauge was with the ships heading South. 

 Because they had the wind gauge, they could wait out in the open and not try to hide. The Sultan's forces would have slower capabilities trying to sail against the winds. They also wanted to use the shallow water by the Reef to trap their enemy and keep them from sailing past them.

 King Ohdakota was on the flagship Frigate, "The Kane." It would be in the central rearguard. Ten ships were in the Vanguard and ten in the rear guard. In each line, five would flank right, while the other five would flank left to form a squadron. The Elysium would be the wild card. The King gave them permission to go where they were needed.

 The Elysium was a fast corvette. Although it was bigger than most Anahitian vessels, it maneuvered like a smaller class ship. Each ship in the King's fleet had a garrison of Marine infantry. Archers, trebuchet's and small catapults that could send flaming arrows and stones at their enemies. The ships had to be in close range to be effective, though.

 There were four large Frigates in the battle group that led each squadron for the King. the Lono, the Tagaloa, the Uoke, and the Roua. The rest of the ships were Clippers and were faster but had more limited defenses. The bigger ships were designed to take damage and inflict damage. The smaller vessels were to maneuver, board, and protect. 

Admiral Colel Yunnan was Captain of the Tagaloa on the right flank of the Vanguard. Admiral Paclav Eurpi was the Captain of the Roua on the left flank of the Vanguard. Admiral Hati Kwae was the Captain of the Uoke on the left flank of the rear guard. General Ookpik Pinga was Captain of the Lono and sat next to the King's flagship on the Rear guard. Pinga was a close advisor to the King, and even though he wasn't a navy man, the King trusted his leadership.

On board, the Elysium Captain Dantes approached Rovan.

 "May I speak with you about something?" The Captain asked.

 "Of course."

 "Since I've known you, the crew and I have gone along with a great many things and we've never complained. We have let you and Olafur be our North Star, guiding us across the world. We have lost good men and killed others who might not have been." The Captain began.

 "And what are you getting at?" Rovan inquired.

 "We have done all these things and never questioned your decisions." The Captain said, trying to be delicate.

 "And now you are?" 

 "Not about fighting with the King against our homeland. I question your quest for revenge." Dantes said frankly.

"What about it?" Rovan asked, getting annoyed.

 "They say on a quest for revenge, dig two graves."

 "Yes, I've heard this saying."

 "They also say if someone spits at you from behind, you are already ahead of them." Dantes followed up.

 "I have also heard this."

 "You are a great man. I'd hate to see you be dragged down to their level. You're better than them, and this crew needs a man like you. The world needs a man like you." The Captain praised.

 "I appreciate your kindness and all that you and the crew have done for us; for me. But I will do what I must." Rovan said.

 Captain Dantes walked away from Rovan with a sadness still in his heart. Sometimes, no matter how much you want to help someone, things will never be right until they are willing to make the effort. Pain, suffering, and even some blood may have to be spit for that to happen, but that is often a reality we have to live with.

 The Sultan's royal fleet was spotted approaching from the South. They caught their first break as the fleet hadn't slipped by them. A signal was sent that a negotiation was desired over outright war. 

 A small group from both sides met on one of the islands near the reef. Olafur went with them to observe the leadership. Prince Tugce was leading the fleet in place of his Father, the Sultan. As expected, no peace or accord could be reached. 

 Olafur briefed King Ohdakota and other Captains on what he observed. 

 "I count twenty-six Anahitian vessels. At the back, there are two large Frigates. One of which will be the Prince's flagship, the Mongke. The other Frigate at the back is the Jochi, and Vizier Divan Harem will be Captaining that ship." 

 "The Rear guard has two squadrons of six, led by two Clippers, The Jebe and the Subutai. The Subuatai will be Captained by Vizier Krev Drak. In the Vanguard, there are also two squadrons of six. The two Clippers leading the Squadrons look like the Chagatai and the Ogedei. I don't know the Captain of the Chagatai, but the Ogedei is captained by Admiral Ozan Defne. The rest of their ships are war-sloops and will be very fast." Olafur finished his briefing. The leadership split up and boarded their assigned vessels. King Ohdakota had given each one their orders. Now, it was waiting to see who would make the first move.

 The wind gauge would determine the strategies. If the wind is against you, you won't have speed. Right now, they still have the wind gauge, as it was blowing at about eight knots southeast. They'd be in the tailwind while their opponent faced a headwind. 

 King Ohdakota's fleet was located off the Northwestern corner of the Great Reef. To trap their opponent, they'd have to sail in formation sightly against the wind to the Southwest. This would make it difficult for the Sultan's fleet to get around the right flank. The winds would naturally want to push the Sultan's fleet towards the reef. 

 The Sultan's fleet's best tactic would be to move into the shallows around the reef, which might help nullify any advantages. 

 As expected, their enemy sailed East into a natural harbor created by the Reef. The two big flag ships went to the back. Their rear guard flanked them tightly on both sides. The Clippers were tucked inside and close to their leads. The sloops fanned out to the corners of the bay to close any openings on the sides. 

 Their Vanguard fanned out their sloops to cover the center of the bay, while their Clippers tucked behind them. To add further protection, they had filled any potential gaps between them with 'Hell-burners.' These were empty long boats and dinghies they set on fire to dissuade any opponent from trying to break their lines of defense.

 They essentially trapped themselves in the bay. Until the wind gauge changed, the open ocean wouldn't have been much different. This way, they couldn't be outflanked. The only other option would be for their opponent to order a full retreat. 

 King Ohdakota sent the Roua and Admiral Eurpi to sit on the North edge of the bay to keep any escape from happening. Eurpi sent three of his Clippers to attack the five war sloops, while keeping one in reserve. Clippers are bigger than sloops, so they might make up for being out-numbered.

 Admiral Yunnan led his squadron to plug the middle gap. The Tagaloa sat between the two enemy vanguard squadrons. He sent two of his Clippers to join with Eurpi's Squad, and the other two to help Kwae's Squad.

 Admiral Kwae held the Uoke and one of her clippers back in reserve while the others attacked the left vanguard.

 The opponent's left rear guard was open to flee to the South as no one was attacking it, while the other rear guard was trapped. King Ohdakota sent the Elysium to sail wide to the southwest so that it would be just South of the Reef. Any ships trying to retreat was their job to destroy and keep pinned into the bay.

"Did you see Dagrim Kvore among them?" Rovan asked Olafur.


Rovan looked disappointed. "That's what I was afraid of. My fight isn't with the people of Anahiti. I don't want to take out a whole healthy forest just to chop a couple of bad trees." 

 "Nor I, Master. Prince Tugce is with the fleet." Olafur enticed.

 "The Sultan's Son? That was a mistake. Now, the Sultan will be the one losing those he loves." Rovan said morbidly.

 "Master, remember what you taught me? About surrendering to the will of the Source of All Things. I don't think revenge is its will." Olafur tried to consult his Master.

 Rovan seemed to be trying to ignore Olafur's advice.

 "We only need to keep them from retreat. With luck, they'll surrender and negotiate." Olafur tried to reason.

 "Where's Valen?" Rovan asked, changing subjects.

 "She'll be near Captain Dantes." 

 "Good. She doesn't need to see any of this." Rovan said.

 "Master, you think any of this is a trap?" Olafur asked.

 "No, not a trap. But in my experience, when you put a dangerous animal in a corner, they tend to show their fangs and claws." 

 "We just have to hope ours are sharper." Olafur asserted.

 "We should smash into the rear guard and make a direct line for the flagships. Kill the Prince and be on our way." Rovan said in frustration.

 "You, of all people, should know the importance of following instructions in a battle. Even more so, you know the dangers of letting emotions, particularly strong emotions, guide us. Are you teaching me the old, 'do as I say and not as I do,' chestnut?" Olafur tried a joke to lighten his Master's mood. It seemed to work.

 "I know you're right. I know that I've been in the wrong about so many things lately. My emotions swirl around. One moment, my head is clear, and I'm my normal self. The next, I'm triggered into a storm of rage. I know what my Master Akiva would say, and I know what the ancients would say. I might even know what you'd say, but still, it persists." Rovan confessed.

 The Elysium was sailing up the edge of the Southern reef and could see the sea battle in the bay. The smoke from the 'Hell-burners' created a permanent haze that loomed and made it difficult to see everything.

 The 'Hell-Burners were working as a tactic. It made it difficult for either side to get close and exchange heavy attacks. They were reduced to firing flaming incendiary arrows and oil bombs over a distance. 

Oil bombs were shot like an arrow, but instead of a tip, the end was full of various oils in a sack. When the sack hit something, the oil would splatter out. The hope was that one of the incendiaries would ignite the oils and spread the fire further on an opponent's ship. Oil is harder to clean up, as well. Mud and cloth would have to try and soak it up quickly as it also created a slippery surface for a crewman to navigate around.

 To counteract the incendiary tactics, crewmen would quickly clean up and put out any potential dangers. So, the battle so far was largely both sides on clean-up duty. 

 "Looks like a stalemate so far," Olafur observed.

 "Both sides are being cautious, not wanting to make the first mistake. That's usually when you make twenty." Rovan said sarcastically. 

 Olafur could sense his Master's impatience and helplessness to affect the battle. Both Olafur and Rovan's powers with the O element could make a major difference. But it's also why they were needed in reserve.

 "They won't be able to fight forever. Prince Tugce won't burn all his resources hear. The prudent thing for them is to run. They have the faster ships, and the wind gauge would push them back to Anahiti with ease." Rovan observed.

 Olafur and Rovan were at the bow of the ship, as always, with their swords at the ready. 

 "Tell Captain Dantes to come here," Rovan ordered Olafur.

 "What do you have in mind?" Olafur asked, intrigued.

 "I'll explain when he gets here." 

Olafur did as he asked, and Dantes came to the bow. Valen did as she asked as well and followed him to a meeting she wasn't invited to. None seemed to mind, though.

 "We are bigger than the sloops. If we aim the Elysium at the center of the rear guard's left, it will allow Olafur and I to use our powers to set the other four war sloops on fire. It should prevent any escape." Rovan detailed.

 "But we were ordered to hold until they tried to retreat." Captain Dantes questioned.

 "I know, but if we wait, we'll have six ships coming at us. It is far harder to target a moving object than the sitting ducks they are now. It won't be too long before they make their move. It will be too late if we wait. We have to do it now." Rovan warned.

 "You are probably right. But moving in from our position could be what they're waiting for and why King Ohdakota wants us to hold. If we move in and their fleet runs, we won't be in a position to pursue. We might take a few ships out, but we will be behind the bulk of the fleet. The winds will favor them, and they'll escape to Gaffar Island." Olafur countered.

 "It will be worth the risk if we manage to trap them. This whole affair could be over." Rovan said.

 "We are not subjects to the King; you two are our leaders. If you command me, I will do what you ask, but I think we should be prudent as well." Captain Dantes said.

 "And I am Olafur's Master. I think we should attack." Rovan said, determined.

 "You are my Master, but it is my Uncle's ship. I agree with Captain Dantes." Olafur said firmly.

 The winds were picking up from eight to ten knots to between twenty and thirty. The skies to the Northwest were getting overcast, and the waves had steadily picked up. This would be more reason for the enemy's fleet to run.

Anahitians were smart sailors, and they could read the ocean like a book. They all knew that a storm was coming. Rovan's powers might have made him more sensitive to the change in pressure. It might have been what was making him eager to act. It would have been something in his subconscious tickling his instincts.

 As predicted by Rovan, Prince Tugce was making his move. It was too late for Rovan's plan. 

Neither side had sustained any lost ships or heavy damage. Krev Drak and the Subutai were behind his squadron, heading directly for the Elysium. As the Elysium had sailed to the South and was facing North, the retreating forces now had the wind gauge. Rovan and Olafur would have to try to slow them down.

 Krev Drak wasn't trying to get past them, though; they were merely trying to tie up the Elysium to let the others a route out of the bay. 

 The rest of King Ohdakota's fleet couldn't easily help as the 'Hell-burners' forced them to take a wide course to the West first. 

Admiral Defne and the Ogedei placed themselves South of the 'Hell-burners' to further obstruct the reinforcements. The Chagatai and the Jebe would now be the rear guard out of the bay, and the two flagship Frigates would stay in the middle as they all piled out close to the edge of the reef.

 The winds and waves kept increasing, making it difficult for the Elysium to maneuver. Rovan and Olafur tried to move around the ship to fire on the enemy, but they were always just out of range to inflict any damage. They were blocked off from heading South in pursuit.

 With all of the Sultan's fleet out of the bay, Krev Drak and the Subutai joined the retreat at the back. The Elysium was now the lead ship in pursuit. The rest of King Ohdakota's fleet was finally swinging into formation behind them. The incoming storm made it more challenging than expected for them to regroup, and a few ships were nearly pushed into the shallows. All the ships were heading South.

 Rovan was visibly frustrated with the situation.

 "I knew we needed to act sooner. Now, it will be impossible to catch them. The winds will blow them straight home. If we pursue them, we risk burning through supplies and being exposed in unfriendly waters." Rovan ranted.

 Olafur knew Rovan was just venting and would eventually calm down. 

 "We can figure out the blame later. We need to prepare the ship for this tempest, or there might not be much of a ship to chase anyone. We can hope that they lose some of their fleet in the storm." Olafur reasoned.

 Rovan knew Olafur was right and quelled his own growing tempest.

 "We didn't lose anyone and are heading towards the Sultan. That's what you wanted in the first place." Olafur said, putting things into perspective.

 Valen came to the bow and looked like a scared cat.

 "Is this your first storm at sea?" Olafur asked.

 She shook her head yes. 

 "You can go with Rovan and I to the gun deck to push water. " 

 The deep and open ocean lay between them and hostile islands. The further they got from Hanwi, the steeper the odds of success would be. With every wave, they became more committed. 

 For now, both sides would be preoccupied with surviving the arsenal that Mother Nature can unleash. She rarely loses a battle.