
O Saga: Part Two: Book of Death

Oren is a child of destiny. Dark forces search for his location, while forces of light protect him. Rovan is a warrior who helped defeat an ambitious leader; now, he must rush home to save his family. Kittisek Khan and Sultan Graeo'gi look to suppress revolution as they prepare for war. Thea and Flaero will bid for influence over Malum.

rsLuebben · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Chapter Seventeen: Trick

The city of Mazatl is crumbling, and enemies are attacking from the North, but Malaika is distracted by seeing Ichante again. She last saw her when they were departing Dhara, the capital of Ishavara, and riding the wave of victory over the Tsar.

Malaika and Chaska had gone back to the woods and thought the world was done trying to tear itself apart. Elisapie and Gaia had sought them out to help them fight in Qamata once more, but this time against Nanook.

Chaska and Malaika were reluctant to help as they value all life, and war values nothing. It was only when they learned that the people of Hanwi, Chaska's birthplace, stood to lose if they didn't get more help that they joined.

Elisapie and Gaia had asked them to join the Ningal, but Malaika and her Master preferred to be loners. They were already a part of The Order of the Wolf, and that was enough joining for one lifetime.

Master Chaska was a man of honor who was always loyal to friends, be they animals or humans. Malaika goes where her Master goes, which has brought her back to Ichante.

Is it fate or luck? It really doesn't matter. Malaiaka and Ichante have never truly formalized their relationship, but it's clear that there were sparks between them from the start. If the situation in Mazatl remains like this, they may never get the chance.

It was a good thing that they had separated Chaska and Atoc from fighting on the same side of the city. Their feud, one in which Chaska hid most of the details from even Malaika, could be a distraction.

Malum was leading a unit to the East of Mazatl, and Elisapie and Gaia were helping the Queen defend the center, but Malaika had no idea how they were doing. She could only feel the rumblings and tremors that shook the ground every time a stone from Kittisek Khan's massive warships was hurled at the city.

The city was filled with refugees from the area, and supplies were not unlimited. Malaika knew they'd have to be bold, as this couldn't get dragged out. If this battle turned into days and weeks, refugees and soldiers would be dying from hunger and disease. They had to be decisive and win quickly.

Queen Waconi, Ichante's mother, had warned them that Noyon Altar Gatmaa had taken forces to cross the Rosh River further upstream and would be coming down the river valley and into the city from the North.

Chaska explained to Malaika that a Noyon was like a Lord. The Great Khan gave them a large amount of land to administer, but in times of war, they were military Generals and not to be underestimated despite not having the power to connect.

Chaska also said that Noyon Gatmaa led a famous unit called the Green Horde. Gatmaa had earned a reputation worldwide as a cunning strategist and military tactician. It wouldn't be an easy battle.

Malaika finally saw the enemy marching down the river valley towards them. It wasn't as big a force as she had been expecting.

"Ten Ijani Knights at the front," Chaska said to her.

Malaika's curious eyes appraised the warriors at the front. They were dressed similarly to Elisapie and Gaia, so she knew her Master was right. If the Ijani were like Elisapie, then Malaika knew why Gatmaa didn't need a large force to be a threat. All ten of the Ijani Knights would have the power to connect, but Malaika and her unit only had four: Malaika, Chaska, Apollyon, and Princess Ichante.

Noyon Altar Gatmaa was riding a horse in the back with a few infantry units. He wore green armor and sat with a high arching back as if he were a royal. Gatmaa looked to be past his middle age, as more gray than black was still in his well-kept beard. In spite of his age, he still looked a capable fighter.

Princess Ichante was out front and was discussing strategy with Apollyon. It was only natural that Ichante lead as this was her land and city to defend. Hanwi and Nanook have been rivals since the earliest people arrived in these lands.

Malaika clutched her sword as the pieces were set. The battle only needed the spark, and the fires of war would burn the world around and in the souls of the combatants.

Princess Ichante led the war cry, knowing they had to be swift and gain an early advantage. Ichante and Apollyon lifted their swords, yelled in the name of Hanwi, and charged with the vanguard forward. The Hanwi soldiers, inspired by their Princess, quickly followed. Malaika and Chaska held the rear guard.

This aggressive approach played into the hands of Gatmaa and the Ijani Knights of the Green Horde. Gatmaa gave a countermeasure order, and the five Ijani Knights stepped forward as the other five stepped back in reserve. The Five Knights aimed their swords at the advancing lines of Hanwi and unleashed the power of the O element. Waves and bursts of high energy cut through armor and soldiers in the Hanwi ranks. Flesh and body parts were torn apart. The first blood was spilled, and it didn't take long for it to flow. Cries of pain and agony rang out from Hanwi soldiers who were injured but managed to survive their injuries.

Ichante and Apollyon were able to deflect and block some of the opposition's energy blasts but were vastly outnumbered.

"I've got to go help them," Malaika said to Chaska.

"We must wait. Our time to help them will come. This battle could be over in minutes if we charge out there now. We are the reserve. We must respect Ichante's orders." Malaika's Master reminded her.

"What can we do?" Malaika begged.

"We must be patient. If the Advanced Guard needs to retreat, we must cover them. There won't be a fallback position if we draw the enemy to us." Chaska said.

"I can't watch as friends die." Malaika pleaded.

"Have faith in them. Give them a chance." Chaska tried to calm her.

Ichante and Apollyon led their troops to a defensive position behind some hills just above the river valley. Malaika and Chaska were behind the walls of the North Gate with the rest of the rear guard.

Ichante had brought archers with her and, from the elevated position, was able to force the Green Horde to find cover. The Ijani and Horde were using the slope of the river banks to make difficult targets. Noyon Gatmaa was using a patch of forest as cover.

The battle was a stalemate for a while as both sides waited to see what their opponent would do next. Ichante had already lost many soldiers in a failed attempt to force the enemy into error. Ichante had little choice, for the longer the battle went on, the more it favored the enemy. She had to make at least an attempt to route the Nanook.

The injured soldiers from Hanwi still lie on the ground, bleeding out and suffering. There was little anyone could do to help them without risking more lives. The lucky ones had died instantly. Malaika saw some unfortunate soldiers with gaping bloody holes in their stomachs. Others she saw were spilling out blood from their torn limbs.

Malaika had killed and seen death many times, but death was so senseless in war. As a member of the Order of the Wolf, Malaika was very close with nature and animals. Her power to connect with the O element allowed her to communicate with animals. She and her Master were closer to a Timber wolf pack by their mountain cabin than any human, and she saw them kill all the time. But nature had a reason for the killing and violence. It was usually for survival.

Malaika could justify the reasons the people of Hanwi were fighting, as that was also for survival. Why the forces of Nanook and their leader, Kittisek Khan, couldn't put down their weapons and negotiate their problems was beyond Malaika.

Malaika had a reason to care. She would protect Ichante at any cost. She would not hesitate to give her life for the Princess. Malaika had lost her father, Chief Kava, to the murderous Tsar Miro and the Shadow Coven. Aside from Chaska, Ichante was the person she had come to care for most.

Malaika couldn't explain her feelings for Ichante, but who can explain love? It was love that Maliaka felt, or at least what she thought love would be: the feeling of giving yourself over to someone without any conditions, something deeper than infatuation and lust. Princess Ichante and Malaika had only kissed briefly, but Malaika had felt a connection deep in her core. She could not say yet if Ichante felt the same way.

The enemy had a new strategy. The Ijani Knights and the Green Horde popped up from the river banks and headed to the North in an attempt to reach Noyon Gamma's position. It looked to be a move made in error as it allowed Ichante and her archers to fire on them.

Sensing that she might be able to keep them on the run and push them away from the city, Ichante and her forces began to chase them as they were out of range of arrow fire.

The Hanwi forces and Ichante should have thought that this was too good to be true. As soon as Ichante gave chase and pushed the enemy away from the city, some Green Horde soldiers emerged from behind Ichante. They set fire to the grass and cut off her forces from being able to retreat. Ichante was in a kill box.

Malaika knew she had to act fast, or Ichante and her forces would have no means to retreat back to them. Malaika ran as fast as she could and used her power to connect to create strong winds. This tactic backfired as the winds only made the flames spread. She hadn't waited to see what Chaska was doing.

Malaika didn't know it, but Chaska quickly followed her, and he was down by the riverbanks. He was channeling the O element to divert river water. Chaska was able to douse a small section of the growing fires to create an escape route. Ichante and her forces were able to seize on this and retreated back to the northern gate of the city. Malaika was helping to provide cover fire as some of the Ijani Knights were following behind the Hanwi forces and utilizing the opening created by Chaska.

Chaska ceased redirecting water on the fire, and the flames forced the attacking Ijani to retreat. Two of the Ijani Knights were not as fortunate as they didn't react quickly enough. They were caught by the advancing flames and died horribly.

Malaika and Chaska rejoined Ichante and Apollyon behind the walls of the North gate and used the brief respite to rest. It took some time for Noyon Gatmaa and the Green Horde to put out the fires they had started. The eight remaining Ijani Knights stole Chaska's idea, and they combined to divert some of the river water to put out the flames.

Gatmaa wouldn't be in a hurry. The city was still surrounded, and there was no escape. Not all the fires were put out, and a large amount of smoke filled the air. This made it difficult to see what their enemy was doing. Malaika could only hope it deterred Gatmaa from attacking and would allow for some recovery.

"Are you alright?" Malaika asked Ichante.

"Thanks to you and Chaska." The Princess said gratefully. "I was too aggressive, and it nearly cost us."

"It wasn't a total loss. Two Ijani Knights burned to death." Apollyon tried to remain positive.

"And at what cost to our own people?" Ichante censured herself.

"You had to try. Just look at the damage to the city behind us. We can't stay behind these walls forever." Apollyon defended.

"Can we use this smoke to try and escape? If so, we must leave this very moment." Chaska asked.

"If we leave, we leave with everyone. I don't think the smoke will last long enough to evacuate the city. There are the sick, elderly, and children to consider." Ichante said.

"Your Highness, you must also consider that you might have to make sacrifices and lose today in order to come back with a stronger force," Chaska suggested.

"I will wait for the Queen to make such a decision. Until then we are tasked with defending the north end of the city. We must think of ways to defeat our enemy." Ichante said resolutely.

"Is there any other way to take advantage of the smoke?" Apollyon asked.

"No. Our best path forward lies in the safety of the city walls. Put the remaining archers in the towers. It will be up to us four to deal with the remaining Ijani Knights." Ichante directed.

As they waited for the smoke to clear, Malaika and Ichante had a chance to talk.

"Didn't exactly prove myself a great military leader," Ichante said in confidence.

"All the great leaders learn through failure. There is only one way to learn anything: through experience." Malaika encouraged.

"I suppose you're right. I still have a long way to go before I'm like my father. Leadership comes naturally to him." Ichante lamented.

"You've only seen him after he has been King for some time. Perhaps it didn't come as easily to him either." Malaika observed.

"Do you regret walking away from leadership of your people in the wake of your father's death? If that's not too personal a question." Ichante asked as sensitively as possible.

"Sometimes I do. That was a path that my father definitely wanted, and my decision to join the Order of the Wolf ended any relationship we had. My only regret is that my father and I couldn't have remained close. I was always a daddies little girl growing up, but I had to choose a path that fate laid before me." Malaika said honestly. Malaika tried to hide the pain she felt when thinking of her father.

"Do you think I should have listened to your Master?" Ichante asked, doubting herself.

"No. You must trust your instincts. A leader can make mistakes, but troops hate indecision more than mistakes. Besides, my Master isn't always right, though, like all Masters, they certainly like to think they are. Trust me, he hasn't got it all figured out. I've seen the man eat." Malaika said as she and Ichante burst out laughing. Master Chaska looked over their way with a curious expression.

"The smoke is clearing, there is movement amongst the enemy." A scout informed Ichante.

Once again, the Green Horde approached the city, with the Ijani Knights leading the way. The Knights walked as if their backs were forged of steel, standing stiffly. Their footsteps were in unison as they were well drilled.

The mist and smoke were fading as the wind had picked up, but it still silhouetted the enemy as if they were stepping out of a dream. But it was a nightmare as this conflict showed little sign of ending.

Malaika took their places on the city wall and were given the signal from Ichante to commence firing upon the advancing Knights. Four Knights were upfront and concentrated on blocking incoming fire, and the four Ijani Knights behind them began firing countermeasures just over the shoulders of the Knights in front of them.

Malaika had to duck down into the protection of the thick defensive walls to avoid being struck by the high-energy bursts. As thick as the walls were, they didn't stop some chunks from flying through the air from the enemy's assault. Malaika was struck by some debris but not seriously injured. There were a few cuts here and there, followed by a small amount of blood.

Archers would send volleys at the Knights below, forcing them to cease firing and use their metal shields. One of the Ijani Knights was not so lucky as an arrow struck him through the leg. It wouldn't be life-threatening, but it would affect the Knights' maneuvering.

Noyon Gatmaa was still towards the back, looking confident, and orchestrating his troops. Malaika was trying to think of a way to get to him and kill him. Killing the leader might send their enemy into chaos, but she had yet to devise a plan.

Malaika saw some birds in some nearby trees and wondered if she might communicate to them. But they were smaller birds and didn't really pose a threat. She might pass a message on to them, but who would the message go to? Malaika was frustrated she couldn't find any answers.

As Maliaka was fighting, she saw someone approaching from behind. She turned and was surprised by the familiar face.

"Malum, what are you doing here? I thought you were protecting the East gate?" Ichante said. Malum and Atoc Baal were crouched low and speaking to Ichante and Apollyon. Malaika quickly came over to hear what they were saying.

"We managed to push their forces back to the sea, but that's not why we're here. I'm afraid we have bad news. Your mother, Queen Waconi, is dead." Malum said matter of factly.

A look of pained realization overtook Ichante's face. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she tried to keep her composure and not fall apart.

"How? When?" Ichante probed.

"A large stone was catapulted into the city. I'm afraid she and others could get out of the way as it tumbled through the city." Malum tried to say delicately. "Prince Hotah told us to summon you and forces back. He is the ranking Royal now, with your father still away with the navy. He is calling for a retreat back to the Capitol of Ikai Nor. The Eastern roads are open for now, but we have a limited window before Kittisek Khan moves to cut us off." Malum informed.

Malaika saw that her Master and Atoc Baal were staring daggers at each other and not really listening to the conversation. She knew they were not dumb enough to start fighting in the middle of this chaos. They would keep their indifference to looks for now.

"And what of the people? We can't get everyone out." Ichante inquired.

"The decisions have been made. Those who are able to leave now will come with us. The rest will be left behind for now." Malum said, disappointed. "We leave now."

Malum and Atoc Baal didn't wait for more questions and ran to the East Gate. Ichante had no choice but to give her unit the retreat order. She had no time to mourn for her mother. Ichante would have to respect her brothers' orders for now.

Mazatl and its people were lost. They would retreat back to the capital so that Hanwi wouldn't be lost either. Malaika would go where Ichante went. With the loss of Ichante's mother, Queen Waconi, Hanwi needed its King to come back.