
O Saga: Part Two: Book of Death

Oren is a child of destiny. Dark forces search for his location, while forces of light protect him. Rovan is a warrior who helped defeat an ambitious leader; now, he must rush home to save his family. Kittisek Khan and Sultan Graeo'gi look to suppress revolution as they prepare for war. Thea and Flaero will bid for influence over Malum.

rsLuebben · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Chapter Five: Lies

Malum can see the Temple of Isashua on its solitary hill. The rectangle-shaped building with large columns was cut from white marble. Inside was a massive statue of Isashua sitting on a throne. It made it seem as if Isashua was watching over his earthly kingdom as, for many Ishvarans, he was the one God.

Heaven's Gate wrapped around the Temple; it was an ancient, holy wall. People from all over Ishvara would come to pray at its walls. It is said that those of deep faith would have their prayers answered there. Malum didn't believe in any of it.

It wasn't long ago that if Malum had come to the capital city of Dhara, he would have been arrested. Now, he was arriving at the city gates a hero.

Malum adjusted the saddle on Nox, a gifted horse from Thea, and gave him a pat of encouragement. Of course, the Donkey Stully was close behind, loaded with gear. Nox was always well-behaved and had a regal quality. Stully, on the other hand, never saw a patch of grass he wasn't tempted by.

As Malum rode into the market square, he looked back at Stully, eyeing all the food offerings from the vendors.

"Come now, Stully. We're not here for treats. When we get to the stables, I'll make sure they get you plenty to chew on," Malum said.

After setting up Nox and Stully, Malum went to the Palace, where Flaero awaited him.

Malum used to be rough around the edges. He used to be dirty all the time with overly worn clothing. As Malum strolled through the city, he caught glances from the people for different reasons.

Malum was tall and athletically built. His sharp features no longer went unnoticed, especially by the women. As a Knight, he had come into his own and carried that newfound confidence in his walk and demeanor.

Malum met Flaero in his private chamber. Although Flaero was only the Chancellor, he had taken over the Tsar's dwellings. Unlike the Tsar, the halls weren't filled with fanciful things; they were much more austere.

"Malum, you made it?" Flaero greeted him happily.

"Yes, I see you're doing quite well."

"You mean living in the Palace? It won't be for long. I'm in the process of building a fortress in the mountains that I'll use. I'm calling Caro Vorare. I plan on turning the Palace over to the people. They can decide what they want to do with it. Some have suggested using it for a University." Flaero explained.

"Caro Vorare? Why are you building a fortress?"

"Remember I told you I was forming an elite unit of people who could connect to the O element? The Ningal, I call it. I plan Caro Vorare to be its center- a place where The Ningal can train, meditate, recover from injury, and live free of the advice of politicians."

"Except one."

"You mean me? Yes, I'll be spending as much time as I can there. Unfortunately, I'll still have to return to the Capitol with the wolves. The newly elected houses are just as ferocious as the Boyar were."

"I wouldn't know. Caro Vorare sounds better." Malum said casually.

"I hoped you'd say that. I still want you to be one of the leaders. I want you to be my number one there."

"How long before it's built? Won't the conflict with Nanook delay it?"

"No, it won't delay it. It will be done within the year, maybe two."

"What about your duties as Chancellor, doesn't it conflict?"

"Not really, no. I'm trying to give more power to each District and let the local Government take on more responsibilities. They know what they want for themselves. I'm more concerned with protecting the borders right now. I believe in the best Government that governs the least. I might have to show a strong hand to keep the peace occasionally."

"Is that where I come in, and the Ningal? To be the strong hand?"

"From time to time, but we have matters of war to concern us. But enough of the war talk. Let us speak of matters of the heart. Where's Thea?"

"She isn't coming. She's gone to Eladoer to find the Order of the Medicine Wheel. She wants to be a healer."

"I suspected she wouldn't come."

Malum saw a glint in Flaero's eye, and he was grinning.

"Why are you grinning? Do you have something against Thea?"

"No, nothing like that. I only laughed because I didn't think Thea cared much for me. Thea must be relieved she doesn't have to deal with me. I'm quite fond of her and disappointed she won't join us. She is a fierce warrior; we could use her."

"I think she wants to get away from the fighting."

"I hope you see me as a friend and enough of one that you'll feel free to confide in me." Flaero offered.

"Of course."

"Then can we talk as friends? Aren't the two of you together?"

"I'm not sure. I want to believe it, but we didn't depart on the best terms."

"I saw this coming."

"What do you mean?"

"You're my friend, so I didn't want to say anything. I was happy that you and Thea were so in love."


"Come, walk with me in the Gardens while I explain."

They left the oversized and lonely hallways of the Palace for the sunshine and fresh air of the gardens. The sweet smell of budding flowers and shrubs filled the air, and pollen overwhelmed Malum's palate. He grew up in a mining town. Malum's body preferred the smokey air of the gloomy, worthless town he left. Even on the farm with Thea it took him time to get used to it.

The Garden was a large rectangle whose paths formed X's through square patterns. The outsides of the gardens were perfectly trimmed hedges that acted like walls. Pavillions, statues, and fountains lay at the intersections, and the rest was filled with precisely groomed flower beds.

"There are a couple of things I must tell you, but I know they might hurt," Flaero began to say as they walked slowly on the finely kept dirt paths. "The first I wish to tell you is that we've made a peace agreement with the Shadow Coven."

"With the Witches? Why in God's name would you do that?" Malum asked, on the verge of an angry outburst.

"We have enemies forming in the West on two fronts. I didn't want to risk having a third front open up behind us in the East. Have you never heard that the enemy of an enemy is a friend?" Flaero asked.

"But you know what they did to my brother. You knew Kai. You saw what they were doing in Qamata."

"Yes, I did. We have only agreed not to fight. I agreed to give them access to certain supplies, and they agreed to remain neutral. They claim they had no choice but to join Tsar Miro as they needed supplies he controlled. I saved many lives by this agreement. Even with the forces of Hanwi, we wouldn't have a chance if Nanook or Anahiti had recruited them first. I considered Kai, a friend; I didn't make this peace agreement easily. As Chancellor, I must think of others, not just my concerns."

"And what about how they tortured people? Have you forgotten?"

"No. But I also haven't forgotten all the lives taken in fighting them. Our focus must be on Nanook and Anahiti. I never said this was forever. If the Shadow Coven breaks their promises, we will fight them. Right now, I need them to stay out of the fight. In regards to your brother Kai, I was assured by the Mother Superior herself that she never ordered Soror Dominus to kill him. Dominus acted alone. You killed Dominus; the Mother Superior doesn't hold a grudge against you. She believed you did what was right."

"Are you serious?"

"I am."

"What about what they did to Kiron and Decima? They killed Thea's parents."

"Remember how we broke the laws of the Covenant when we rescued Thea on the Isle of Wicca?"

"Yes, I remember they sentenced us to death."

"But they didn't kill us, did they? There was a reason we escaped so easily that day when we rescued Thea. We broke the rules and even stole one of their Sorors. They haven't asked for us to be killed." Flaero kept overwhelming Malum with revelations. "Mother Superior said that they didn't kill Decima. Thea's mother killed herself before they got to her. The Shadow Coven had no plans to harm her, just like they would never harm us."

"I Don't believe you. I would never trust those Witches." Malum said with pained eyes.

"I didn't say I believed them, but that is their side of the story."

"Thea told me herself about what happened to her mother. She wouldn't lie to me."

"Kiron told her, and then she told you."

"Why would Kiron lie?"

"To protect her. It's easier to say that evil witches killed her mother than to tell a child a parent killed themselves. Your father Udai blamed you for killing your mother, didn't he? But you were innocent. Parents can make mistakes, too."

"What was the other thing that you wanted to tell me?" Malum said, wanting to change subjects.

"As you can see, I have communicated with Mother Superior of the Hagar Covenant. I don't trust them like you, so I have had spies infiltrate them to ensure their honesty. I have learned a few things about Thea and her time there."

"Like what?"

"I know this is hard for you, and I'm just the messenger. They say Thea was seeing someone there, one of the Black Legion soldiers." Flaero said.

"They lie. Whoever told you this is a massive liar. Thea would never do this to me. She hates them."

"I didn't believe it either. There's more. The Black Legion soldier she was rumored to be with disappeared from the Island. After some tracking, it turns out he left for Eladoer. I don't know where, though. Didn't you tell me Thea was leaving for Eladoer, too?"

"No, this isn't right. I don't know what is happening, but this doesn't seem right. Thea didn't leave me for someone else. We plan on meeting in a year when her training is done."

"I am on your side. I believe you, Malum. I didn't want to tell you this because I knew it would hurt. But I also didn't want to lie to you like others would. I didn't want to hide things from you. I thought you should be allowed to decide about it." Flaero said, trying to give him a comforting smile. "Let us speak of other things. Have you thought about joining the Ningal as my second in command?"

"I came here to turn you down. I came here because I thought I knew my future, but now I am as confused as ever."

"There is no rush. In the meantime, I can further your training with the O element."

"How can this be?'

"I have also tried to communicate with the leaders in Eladoer, as it is the most powerful nation in all the lands. I couldn't risk waiting to see what they might do. I couldn't let them take a side. They have agreed to remain neutral."

"What does this have to do with my training?"

"Nothing, but I located the Order of the Empty Mind in those communications. They are like librarians, scholars, and scribes. I feel like I'm your Uncle sometimes and want what's best for you. I feel like I helped you in your training, did I not?"

"Yes, that's true."

"So I wanted to learn more and sought out the people who know more than I, the books and scrolls. Because of my new position, I can get access to such things. So they sent me all that I asked. I did it for you."

Malum wasn't sure what to make of all this. His head was becoming a whirlpool; everything was spinning. He wanted to sit down.

"I see you are overwhelmed." Flaero began. "There is no need to think further about the Witches. There are no plans to proceed further with them. We shall leave each other alone. As for Thea, I'm sure you are right; it is just bad information. But it would be best if you didn't leave without considering my offer. Let us put things in the past. Join me."


Malum had nothing to go back to on the farm. He only wanted to be with Thea, but he now questioned if she truly wanted that. Joining with Flaero was his only real choice.

After some time, Malum finally gave Flaero the answer he wanted: Malum was to be the leader of the Ningal and have the power and resources he needed. Malum wasn't happy with his friend and some of his choices. The alliance with the Witches was a mistake, He thought. It didn't matter as Malum no longer had Thea to run home to. He had no one. This was a chance to make a name for himself at least, and have some purpose. Flaero insisted that he get fitted for armor as part of his new position in the Ningal—a padded plain shirt and pants. A chainmail shirt went over the top and was covered by a chest plate. The metal plate covered his core from neck to waist and had a gold line running down the middle. The chest was light silver, and the abdomen was darker gray.

A navy surcoat hung to his waist. He wore knee-high brown leather boots. A navy cloak lined with velvet lining extends from the top of his back neck to his ankles. The cloak hides the metal shoulder armor.

Kiron's sword, which Malum has been using and which Thea gifted to him after his death, sits in a new, highly ornate sheath.

It's the most foolish Malum has felt wearing something. He wasn't accustomed to such fine things. He felt like an idiot.

Flaero brought Malum to a map and explained the situation with the war.

Flaero pointed to the Easternmost border of Nanook, the one shared with Hanwi and Qamata.

"This is the Great Wall of Nanook," Flaero said. "It runs from the top of the continent to the bottom. Kittisek Khan has had small bands sneak across the wall, mostly at night, and go on raids. They find small villages, kill the men, capture the women, and burn everything else."

"Why such small raids?" Malum asked.

"It's an old tactic. It weakens the area because it is short on men to help fight, and all the resources are burned up. It's often more effective than taking fortresses, as his side has minimal losses. These raids have happened everywhere along the border: North to South."

"What about the Ijani Knights? Aren't they the Khan's elite soldiers? Have they been involved?" Malum continues questioning.

"No, not yet. He has been using lower-level units. Kittisek Khan doesn't want to take King Ohdakota and Hanwi full on, so he's using other methods."

"Why is afraid of Hanwi?"

"He's not. He wants to get all his pieces in place first. But so do we."

"As I told you, Elisapie and Gaia went to recruit Malaika and Chaska, who were back to living somewhere in the mountains- probably with their bear and wolf friends again. Princess Ichante and Apollyon led some Hanwi Units to the South."

Flaero continued, "The people of Qamata have been depleted from the last war and had their Chiefs killed by Black Legion soldiers."

"Yes, and now we are allies of some of the forces responsible." Malum rebuked, but Flaero let it pass. Malum was referring to the Witches.

"Elisapie is heading to help the Qamata and will lead them in the North. Malaika and Chaska will hopefully join with them."

"Do Malaika and Chaska get new armor like me for joining up?" Malum joked.

"I doubt they'd wear it. They are too fond of their natural wear." Flaero said, finally more light-hearted.

"And the Others?"

"Prince Hotah, Ichante's brother, is leading some forces. Sequoia, a prominent warrior of Hanwi, will be with him."

"What about Anahiti? I thought they were a part of this?" Malum inquired.

"King Ohdakota has taken a fleet with him to sail on Gaffar, the Island where the Sultan is. The King is only trying to form a siege. If we topple Nanook and Kittisek Khan, we hope Sultan Graeo'gi of Anahiti will surrender."

"Do we know where Rovan and Olafur are? Where's the Elysium?"

"Last we heard, they were trying to rescue Rovan's family. Olafur's Uncle is in Dhara. They are waiting for the Elysium to return here." Flaero explained.

"We could use Rovan and the other's help. They'd make a big difference." Malum tried to convince Flaero.

"They are unknowns right now."

"You have told me of what the others are doing, but what is my mission?" Malum asked, reluctant to know.

"I have to stay and keep the defenses of Dhara and Ishavara. Queen Waconi is defending Hanwi. I am sending you to the Mountains with combined units of Ishvaran forces and one from Hanwi. Atoc Baal leads the unit from Hanwi, but you will be in charge of the overall force."

"What are Kittisek Khan's forces strengths and numbers where we are heading?"

"They will have Ijani Knights. As you know, they are highly trained and have the power to connect. Don't underestimate them. As for numbers, it is hard to say. They will have the advantage of hiding behind the Great Walls." Flaero warned.

"What can you tell me of this Atoc Baal?" Malum asked

"I can tell you he has a great reputation as a fighter. He has the power to connect, but he isn't a talker. Don't expect he'll be your buddy."

"Wish me luck, I guess," Malum said gallantly.

"You don't need luck. You have my permission to use any means necessary to achieve our goals."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I have faith in you. You are the most gifted man I know. You should be proud of what you've become. I know I am proud of you." Flaero praised Malum as he left for his mission.

Malum finished preparing Nox for the long ride ahead. Stully was already fully packed and was annoyed by the extra weight. That donkey got more stubborn by the day. Scully used to be so easygoing. A taste of war and heroics and he becomes a diva. It happens to the best of us, Malum thought.

Malum and the Ishvaran units took a ship across the Bay of Altifir to the Hanwi Capitol of Nascha. Malum was meeting Atoc Baal and his forces there. They would follow the Nader River North until they reached the city of Invan.

Malum was still adjusting to his new life as a leader and soldier. It didn't appeal to him yet. It was like this new armor; it chaffed and didn't fit.

As Malum looked to the sea, he couldn't help but think about Thea. He couldn't believe what Flaero had told him about her. He knew they were false, but a small, insecure part of him wouldn't let it alone. Malum hadn't even begun his life as a soldier and wanted to run away and find Thea. He wanted to ask her so many things now. He missed everything about her. He still loved her.


Malum and the Ishvaran units had combined with Atoc Baal and his Hanwi units. They were already riding North, following the Nader River. Occasionally, they passed ancient city ruins where temples and buildings still stood.

They were remnants of vast empires that had come and gone. They were incredible feats of human engineering and artistic skill, but much of that history was now lost to the expanding forests and jungles.

Atoc Baal kept a menacing gaze and concentration at all times. Since meeting Atoc, he had barely spoken three words to Malum.

Atoc was a powerful warrior and commanded the respect of his troops. Even the Ishvaran troops had quickly learned to remain disciplined around him.

Atoc wasn't cruel, but he didn't suffer fools or laziness. On the rare occasion he did speak, it was to rebuke anyone he saw failing to uphold his high military standards. Malum had no problem with Atoc's methods, as they saved him from having to do it. Malum also wasn't as experienced as Atoc and didn't want it to show.

Malum was riding Nox, and Stully, carrying his supplies, was just behind. The horse and donkey were his only close companions. Malum hadn't yet mastered using the connection to the O element to speak to animals like Malaika, so he had no one to speak with on the long journey.

They were steadily climbing the lower steppes and foothills of the mountains, and it was slow traveling. Malum and his forces had to be the resistance to any Nanook advances into Hanwi through the mountains. They had to patrol and repel all enemies in these high passes. They must stop the raids and destruction from continuing.

They were heading to the mountain city of Invan to resupply. Invan would be their base from which to run missions with Elisapie's forces heading further North into Qamata. Prince Hotah to Malum's South, so he formed the center link.

The terrain got steeper and steeper, and the weather turned cold. When Malum and his forces reached Invan, they were exhausted and felt like ice cycles. Malum greatly looked forward to a nice roaring fire and a warm bed.

Malum ordered that the men were allowed to indulge themselves while in town to boost morale, which greatly displeased Atoc. Baal didn't utter a word of dissent or question the order, but Malum could see the disagreement in Atoc's eyes.

Malum didn't care for strong drinks and women, so he looked to find his warm fire and bed. It wouldn't be long before they'd leave the city again and head further into the mountains on patrol, so one had to savor the moment while it lasted.

As Malum lay his head on a pillow, the thought that had plagued him the entire trip crept in for one last torment: Thea, did you betray me with another? It had eaten at his soul every moment since Flaero had said it. It wouldn't stop until it consumed him whole and swallowed him in a jealous fit.