
The Top Of The World

Shi Xiaofei awoke in a Chinese-styled dark courtyard. The two moons in the sky shining light on him was the first thing he saw.

It took him roughly ten seconds to deduce that he'd been reincarnated into a new body. After all, the fall he took from that mountain surely wasn't a dream; the pain he felt back then still made his teeth shiver. But at the same time, it also proved that what had happened to him was just as inconceivable.

Shi Xiaofei exhaled and inhaled; for a few moments he repeated it until he was calm. He stood up and glanced at his body in caution, and unfortunately realized that the person he reincarnated into might be a soldier from ancient times. The reason for that would be the thick silver armor wrapped around his body.

From what he could see, his entire armor was beautifully designed with runes and mysterious markings. It covered him up from his toes to his neck. He looked like a man caged in metal!

Other than that, Shi Xiaofei had nothing he could do in the empty courtyard. He didn't know where he was, or who he currently was… also was he actually reincarnated or was he just in a coma?

"Sh*t… where am I? I-I don't even know who this body belongs to… " His voice weakly erupted as he looked around and tried to figure out his location.

The courtyard was completely empty except for a few trees and orbs that floated above the fences; despite having no electricity, they shone light and illuminated the whole yard. After looking around for a moment, he found a wooden sliding door behind him.

Shi Xiaofei walked towards the door and found crackling sounds emitting from his bones. It didn't hurt, yet he gnashed his teeth and slightly bent his back since he was afraid of breaking his bones.

"My lord, have you awoken?! " A deep, frenzied voice ripped through the air. Before Shi Xiaofei could open the door, a massive figure from the other side slammed the door open.

Shi Xiaofei backed down in surprise and was promptly shocked after he saw a 'person' charge into the room and bow to him.

The two-meter tall being clad in bloody red armor whispered with utmost respect, "I, Commander Stormwind, bow to Sovereign! Ashnu-valah, my life is yours! I apologize for entering without permission, my lord, but I was concerned with your injuries. "

The two-meter tall, from what he could hear, man lifted his head and exposed his exquisitely crafted helmet that housed his red eyes. A burning smoke that smelled of burnt blood drifted out of the blade sheathed on his back.

Shi Xiaofei momentarily inhaled and calmed himself. He needed to act like the original owner of the body, who from what he could see, was a ruler of some sorts. He stopped his brain from overthinking and thought of a fitting reply.

Meanwhile, the bulky man's red eyes scanned Shi Xiaofei's pale face. Instantly, hot torrents of fire burst out from his helmet's ears and immediately disappeared like smoke. He spoke with his deep voice laced with murderous intent, "I won't spare that vixen if I see her again, my lord! How dare she, and her entourage of prostitutes, attack my Sovereign! "

"Enough, Stormwind! We'll deal with her later, for now, my injuries are important, " Shi Xiaofei coldly shook his head and gazed at Stormwind, who he supposed was the name of the man in front of him.

From what he said, looks like someone was responsible for his injuries…

Anyway, from what he deduced from seeing Stormwind, the world he was in right now wasn't normal.

Have you ever heard of a man that can discharge fire from his ears?

"Of course, my lord, I just can't bear to see you like this. Your abilities are weakened for now, thus you can't open dimensional rifts…if you want, I can open a rift to the Dead Nether because after all, this place lacks spiritual qi in the air, thus you can't heal yourself, my lord. "

The information was too big to digest, so Shi Xiaofei waved his hands and walked through the door, "There's no need for that. As for now, I'll just go and get some fresh breath of air… "

"W-wait, my lord, I'll come with you! "

Shi Xiaofei estimated the Dead Nether to be his 'kingdom', so he was extra cautious about going there. After all, what if someone notices irregularities in his behavior?

Walking side-by-side in the wooden corridor with the towering Stormwind made Shi Xiaofei feel quite odd. Nevertheless, he kept staring at the walls and avoided Stormwind's eyes to avoid suspicion. The walls were special as they didn't obstruct light from the moon and let it enter, as such, Shi Xiaofei felt like it was dawn.

"Stormwind, where are we? "

"Reporting to sovereign, that wench's rift threw us beneath the Immortal Realm and into one of the Outer Realms. We're currently residing at the house of a mortal city lord. He let us in after I talked a little bit with him. "

"Of course, my lord, I didn't act like an idiot this time and masked your identity to that of a traveling cultivator seeking shelter to heal from injuries, " the demonic voice told him through a nonchalant voice.

"I see. Then let us leave this house, I want to see this city's sceneries. "

Stormwind submissively nodded his head. A few moments later, the two approached the end of the corridor and entered a hall marked with red banners and flags. Statues of what he supposed were ancient men were standing at each side of the hall.

The sounds of footsteps came from the other side of the hall as Shi Xiaofei sighed, "Are you sure these mortals won't bother us? "

"A cleave to their neck is all I need to silence them; say the word, my lord! " Stormwind bashed his leg on the ground and asked after grabbing the hilt of his sword. Needless to say, Shi Xiaofei was alarmed.

"Wait, wait, there's no need to go that far! We'll just see what they have to say. " Shi Xiaofei nervously stopped Stormwind, but didn't let it show on his face.

"Your wish is my command. Ashnu-valah, my lord. " Stormwind kneeled and stood up. Due to Shi Xiaofei's words, his hands automatically went back at his sides.

Shi Xiaofei didn't understand what 'ashnu-valah' was, but didn't really care. He was more worried with how over-the-top his underling's anger was!

"Sir c-cultivators, are you displeased with anything? Your injuries aren't healed yet, don't leave!"

An elderly man using a cane hurriedly came in front of him and slightly bowed. His family behind him curiously took glances at him, but didn't forget to show their respects.

Stormwind's massive figure towering above everyone attracted the most astonished gazes. Seeing them, Stormwind sneered and scared them into breaking their gazes.

Sensing Shi Xiaofei's silence, Stormwind answered as he felt that talking to them would be beneath his lord, "We do not need your permission to leave, mortal. My lord just wants a fresh breath of air. "

The way he talked turned the old man's face red, but he didn't dare to say anything except: "Of course, s-sir cultivators, you don't need permission from me to do anything in here! The exit is at the end of the hall… "

The city lord smiled, but his family hidden behind him, who earlier had astonished and worshipping expressions, had grim and disappointed expressions.

"He…doesn't look that nice, mom…"

"Sh…don't…I told you not to talk about matters like these... "

A mother and her child whispered to each other, unaware that Shi Xiaofei and Stormwind's surprisingly sensitive ears caught onto their conversation.

A torrent of blue flames gushed out of his helmet as Stormwind yelled, "Insolence! You dare say libel against my lord?! Your life is unneeded in this world! "

The city lord's face flushed with fear and shame as he kneeled, "Lord cultivator, please spare my family! M-my wife is ignorant! "

Shi Xiaofei shook his head, "Step back, Stormwind. You're the wrong one in this situation; you shouldn't have mocked them. "

Even though he was astonished with his lord's words, Stormwind quickly backed out. Innerly, he marveled at his lord's intelligence, because acting like that just took advantage of his arrogance and turned his lord into a figure more respectable in their eyes!

What intelligence! No wonder he was the one and only Demon Sovereign!

Acting like a dog whipped by its master, Stormwind faked derision in his voice and backed down, "Yes, my lord, I apologize. "

The city lord smiled knowingly after seeing the red armored man apologize to his master instead of them. He had heard of the arrogance cultivators had, but didn't know it was overblown to this extent.

Shi Xiaofei was afraid that his behavior might've already deviated from his original personality, but as for now he didn't want unnecessary bloodshed.

"City lord, I'm afraid my servant has stepped out of his bounds. It is his fault — it's normal for kids to behave that way; how much do they understand, after all? " Shi Xiaofei benevolently shook his head.

The expressions on the city lord's family turned better as they sneaked glances at him. Meanwhile, Shi Xiaofei understood that as a 'cultivator', he was way above these 'mortals' in the food chain. He'd read his fair share of Chinese literature, thus he understood what kind of situation he was in.

"Now if you'll excuse us, city lord, we'll go sightseeing around the city, " Shi Xiaofei cracked a small smile and left for the exit.

"Wait, lord cultivator, take my daughter with you! She'll take you around the city since you haven't been here before. Furthermore, you're injured, she'll be able to care of you on the road. " The city lord slyly grabbed a girl's shoulder and pushed her towards Shi Xiaofei.

Shi Xiaofei had his back turned, so they couldn't see his disdainful sneer. Stormwind's eyes shone as he lightly whispered, "Foolish mortals, how dare he try to sell his daughter to my lord! One word from you, my lord, and their nineteen generations will disappear from the cycle of reincarnation! "

Shi Xiaofei whispered in the same low-tone voice, "Whatever. Let her tag along. We don't have any money now, do we? "

Hearing that his lord will depend on some unknown wench for money, Stormwind's eyes turned bloody red, "No my lord! I shall loot this entire city, but I won't let you depend on some mortal wench! "

Shi Xiaofei turned around and was shocked; the lass the man threw at him was actually beautiful. Unfortunately, not even models from earth had such beauty.

The girl's frail figure suggested that she'd break like a mirror if wind hit her. The moonlight pierced through the halls and illuminated her silky brown hair. She had very delicate and soft features, which combined with her angelic white robe made her look like a fairy from heaven.

The lass's frightened blue eyes stared at him. She didn't understand why her father suddenly gave her such a huge responsibility!

"A-ah, hello, sir cultivator…uhm, " she stuttered as she looked back at her father for help, but was silenced by his disappointed eyes. She was silent for a while, before she remembered something and hurriedly kneeled. From above, Shi Xiaofei could the snow-white skin on her neck.

Shi Xiaofei nodded, "Let's leave, " he didn't even spare another glance at the girl and left through the hall exit.

Seeing the cultivator ignore him, the lass was at first flustered, but didn't bother and instead chased after the two. Seeing her, her father smiled.

"This should be a good way to make her forget 'him'… "

As soon as he opened the exit, winds carrying cold frost hit his face. Shi Xiaofei sensed a strange energy course through his body at that moment, and strengthen him. He guessed that it was the Spiritual Qi he heard of in many novels.

Shi Xiaofei looked behind and found himself in front of a mansion decorated with flags and banners. The pathway in front of him lead to a bustling road filled with shops, pavilions ands buildings.

One look at the men and women dressed in age-old clothing confirmed his doubt. He was sure now, that he was in an alternate world based entirely on China.

The city guards in front of the mansion hurriedly opened the gates and let them leave. They were already notified beforehand that was cultivator was here.

The pretty lass walked submissively two steps behind Shi Xiaofei. Whilst Stormwind walked side by side with her and monitored her.

"If you don't want to follow us, then don't. I've been noticing since a while that you're unwilling, hm… " Shi Xiaofei said as he crossed the road and entered what he felt like was a small market.

"N-no, lord cultivator, I've always wanted to see what a cultivator is like! I'm excited, b-but a bit nervous. "

Shi Xiaofei turned around and caught her by her shoulders. The girl, being surprised, stopped still in her path and looked at his face with fear.

"Miss, could you wait a few seconds for us? We'll be back soon, don't go anywhere, " Shi Xiaofei whispered in ear and gestured towards Stormwind, who nodded and followed him inside a small alleyway.

"Is she following us? " Shi Xiaofei asked as he entered deep into the alley, and scanned the area using his eyes.

"I'm afraid not, my lord. Why are we here? "

"You see, Stormwind, ever since I woke up, my mind has been a bit foggy. I need you to make me recall my identity. " Shi Xiaofei immediately braced himself for an attack or accusation after saying that. He felt that asking a question like that was as suspicious as it could get.

Stormwind stayed silent for a few moments, before a raspy voice came out from his helmet, "My lord…it's all my fault. You…even if it's a small injury, I can't bear to see anyone hurt you. That day, it was all my fault; I was overconfident and didn't allow any of your lieutenants to assist us, " his voice was now very odd, considering that moments ago it resembled a deep voice that came from a cave.

"You, my lord, are the Demon Sovereign; ruler of the Dead Nether and the Nineteen Voids, unparalleled under the heavens!"

The shower of praise confirmed Shi Xiaofei's doubt as he gulped and realized his true position. He had…read novels before, where people reincarnate into mediocre trash and turn into soaring dragons in fantasy worlds…

But isn't his current situation a bit weird…isn't being a Demon Sovereign at the start a bit too overpowered?