
Nuclear Winter

(New Synopsis!) The vast world of Fallout, with its deep lore and exciting post-apocalyptic setting has captured the imagination of millions. None more so then Alex Sinclair, a retired special forces vet looking for an escape. One such escape became all to real as he awoke after installing a mysterious mod on his pc, awakening in a nightmare for most, but a dream come true for him. Now follow Alex as he explores, subjugates, and builds his own Haven in the post-apocalypse, surrounded by friends and foes alike. Will someone from our world finally be able to bring rule to the wastes, or will he die trying as one power hungry organization after another peaks its ugly head from the shadows to strike him down? The world of fallout is far more complicated then anyone, including Alex could have ever known. In a world of choice, where consequences are final, where you can’t reload, will Alex make the right choices to keep himself and his new family safe? Let’s find out, shall we? READ THE AUXILIARY CHAPTER TO BETTER UNDERSTAND THE LORE AND MOD CHANGES TO THE WORLD AS WELL AS THE STATS! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// A few points to make. 1.) this story is an AU set in NewVegas, changed by hundreds of mods that changed locations, characters, weapons, quests and chems, but also added more then a few of each as well. (I say mods, but most don’t actually exist, it’s just an excuse for me to change some lore and add some cool stuff. Sorry, not sorry!) 2.) there will be a lot of brutality and ultra violence in the story, the MC is a nice guy who loves to be free but hates slavery, r***, corruption and bandits. Often showing no mercy to said groups that practice it. Even his hands believe in gender equality so don’t get mad when he makes a girls head go pop with a shotgun. 3.) Our MC will take over the body of a highly trained former NCR veteran ranger who left after he was ‘betrayed’ by the girl he loved, don’t drop because of that or you’ll miss the epic moment she sees the new him! 4.) As an AU I’ve fudged some of the timeline canonically, the MC and ‘courier’ will start in this world at the same time, but other events will be moved around… you’ll see it pretty soon in the story. 5.) MC was a caged beast who couldn’t show his true self in our world, but now? All those chains and shackles are gone and he gets to let the beast roam. He’s a battle maniac who loves a challenge, he feels truly alive when he fights to the death and often does not shy away from violence, unless it can hurt someone who is innocent or that he cares for. 6.) The stats will be in the auxiliary chapter, I hate when people take up half a chapter just to show a small increase in stats. We get it you want to pad out the word count and increase your amount of chapters, Seriously you take out all the “STATUS” updates and a 200 chapter novel becomes a 120 chapter novel. Not here, no sir you want to see his stats/perks they will be constantly updated in auxiliary chapter, so go look there. (I’ll update it every 20 chapters, sooner if there’s a major change with the MC) 7.) No Harem! ( stop asking for it! MC will be on the move and exploring the wide open Fallout world, not just New Vegas. Pointless to have a large harem if you rarely spend time with the girls.) 8.) Cover is not my property, if you want it removed contact me and I’ll happily oblige. (You also need to prove it’s yours, so I don’t get swindled.)

Shadow_of_death · Trò chơi điện tử
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31 Chs

Ch6. Hell Hath No Fury


"Good shot Ava, you're a lot better at this then I thought! That makes 32 geckos at ten caps a pop!" Sunny looked over at the girl in front of her, only yesterday she was unconscious in doc Mitchell's clinic. Now she's out here driving the local gecko population to extinction after Sunny offered to pay her ten caps per gecko and a new rifle.

"We should head back to the Saloon, now that the suns out most gecko's will stay in the hills and away from the road and town. So let's get you paid and watered, you still look pale and doc told me not to let you push it."

Ava looked over at the beautiful tall girl with black hair in a ponytail, After she argued for a few hours with the old doc he agreed to let her go around town to see how well her faculties were working.

Her first stop was the saloon, she needed info, first on Alex or info that could lead her to info on Alex.

Secondly info on the checkered suit fucker that shot her pretty face and gave her this new badass scar!

Thirdly she needed directions, caps and gear! Obviously to help her achieve goal one and two respectively!

That's when she met the cheery Sunny the moment she entered the saloon, normally she would have ignored the girl but there was a puppy… Cheyenne was a beautiful husky with bright blue eyes, Ava is a dog person, doggos and Alex are her two greatest weaknesses!

After talking and asking to pet the goodest of girls, Ava was invited out by Sunny to help hunt geckos. Sunny offered half the caps each were worth, and a varmint rifle in excellent condition for the help.

Of course the only caveat was that Sunny had to speak to the old worry wort Mitchell, who was adamantly against it until Ava took the rifle Sunny offered and lined up 4 bottles at fifty feet and shot them with only four shots. He shut up and okayed it after that, but still asked Sunny to call it a day if she looked pale at all.

"Hm? Oh alright! I could really use a Nuka anyways. Who knew hunting geckos could work up a sweat huh?"

Sticking her tongue out Ava gave Sunny a silly face before smiling and walking off.

"Wrong way Ava, good springs is that way."

Ava stopped and blushed.

"I knew that! Just a little confuddled from getting domed is all!"

Sunny couldn't help but sigh, ever since this girl woke up it's like having a rocket strapped to you while riding a dragon high on psycho.

Seriously this girl wasn't human, freakish with a rifle and Sunny was sure her brain was damaged before the bullet, but Ava was amusing and friendlier then most so it was more endearing then annoying.

"Ava… we still need to load the last six geckos onto the cart to bring back."

Ava stopped and turned, only to stop and turn again.

"Ah nearly forgot! Wow your like really good at this!"

Sunny felt the corner of her mouth twitch, this girl was damn 'unique'.

After completing the days hunt both girls made it safely back to the saloon, Sunny went round the back and dropped the geckos off at the butchers behind the prospectors saloon before returning with the days haul.

"Here you go! Three hundred and twenty caps for you and the same for me!"

Handing Ava half the caps, Sunny turned and walked into the saloon.

"Hey Trudy! We're back from the hunt! Both springs are clear and so is the road into town."

Walking up to the bar and sitting, an older lady looked at the two girls that came in, Seeing sunny and the new girl, Ava. She at first was weary of Ava, no one gets a bullet in their head for no reason without doing something they shouldn't have, or knowing something they shouldn't know, and Trudy didn't want to risk the town.

But after knowing the girls story, Trudy realized she was just being paranoid in her old age. However to shoot such a young and pretty girl before throwing her in a shallow grave for a small poker chip? That was a new low in her books, and considering the wasteland? That is a huge fucking surprise.

"So you came into some caps and now you've come to ol'Trudys to spend them? That brings me such joy! So what will it be?"

Sunny looked up at the menu drawn in chalk and took a minute to choose while Ava made her choice right away.

"I'll have one ice cold Nuka cola to go please!"

Trudy just nodded before turning to the back bar and opened a mini fridge on the floor. Taking out the ice cold soda and placing it on the bar top, she put out her hand.

"That'll be four caps, three for the soda and one for the cap that seals it!"

Reaching in to the ruck sack that she picked up from the doc before she left, Ava pulled out five caps and handed them to Trudy.

"There's an extra because you're service is excellent!"

Trudy smile at the young girl.

"Thanks Ava, serving you is a pleasure."

Suddenly both heard sunny clear her throat.

"Why you getting it to go?"

Ava looked at sunny and smiled as she twisted of the bottle cap and placed it in her pocket.

"I want to go to Chet's store to buy some armor and more ammo, also some supplies for the road when I decide to move on. First I'll stick around and hunt some more geckos though."

Ava mumbled her answer and took a sip of her cola. She wasn't planning on leaving yet, first she wanted to save enough caps and make a decent plan before setting out.

From what she's learned heading to New Vegas via Quarry Junction was a no go unless you wanted a quick release from the demons that ail you via deathclaw therapy.

That means she had to go the long way around, which means more supplies and stops, but also a chance to get more information regarding Alex.

Also she had to stop into the Mojave Express in Primm to see Mr.Nash, he needs to know the package was stolen and hopefully give her information on the buyer, find the buyer you can find who has the balls to steal from them. Then you can shoot that fucker in the face, twice in case you got shitty aim.

Getting up off the stool and chugging all her ice cold cola, Ava held her head and let out a grunt.

"Nyah! Brain freeze!!"

Giving a pitiful pout the girl held her head and turned to walk away.

After she left the saloon, Trudy let out a laugh.

"That girl reminds me of Sammy."

Suddenly realizing she broached a sore subject for Sunny, Trudy apologized and offered lunch on the house.

After walking out into the Mojave heat, Ava came face to face with Easy Pete, who by her point of view must have horribly bruised side knees from those massive swinging balls he's carrying around. Seriously! The man has like forty pounds of dynamite strapped to his body!

"Oh hey youngin, heard you had a productive morning. Gave some geckos a good run for their money."

Pete proceeded to let out a groan as he sat his aching bones on the porch swing outside the saloon.

"Yeah it was easy peasy lemon squeezy! Almost like the little fellers have a death wish, they just run at you with open arms. Like a toddler, admittedly a toddler that wants to eat your face, but a toddler nonetheless."

Pete let out a chuckle at the girl's extravagant explanation as she waved her arms around, it's nice to be so youthful. Especially if you nearly kicked the bucket like the pretty girl in front of him.

"Well as long as your having…hmm? What's that??"

Looking down the road into town, Pete could see a silhouette coming up the road. The person seemed to be struggling.

Ava turned and also saw what distracted the nice old man, only to see a man she's never met coming closer.

The man was wearing dark grey overalls and a burgundy shirt, holding an empty 9mm in one hand as his other held a bleeding wound on his left side above his hip.

Quickly Ava bust open the saloon door and called out to Sunny, after the girl came running Ava pointed the the man who had stumbled and fell.

Both girls gave each other a look, then a nod before running out and over to the fallen man.

He looked to be in his early thirties and seemed pale, but he was alive.

"P-P-powder gangers, headed this way, K-killed all my caravan. Help."

After saying his piece the man fell unconscious, Sunny looked up at Ava with worry etched onto her beautiful face.

"We need to get him to doc, he's wounded and bleeding."

Ava nodded and tried to lift the man with Sunny, he was heavier then he looked, thankfully Ken Silus came over to offer a hand. Ken took care of the towns livestock and was a simple man.

"Need help?"

Bending down, ken picked the unconscious man up into a princess carry and began to run towards the docs clinic.

Slamming through the door, Ava,sunny and Ken rushed in nearly scaring the living shit out of Mitchell.

"What in Houses cap laden tits are you three doing!"

All three came to a stop at that, seriously? That's one for the books. Mitchell realized his outburst and cleared his throat.

"Ehem, apologies! What is the issue?"

Ava simply pointed to the wounded man while keeping her eyes on the doc.

"He's hurt pretty bad." Was her simple reply.

"Oh? Oh! Okay put him down on the bed over there! Ken start taking the man's boots off! You two! Go tell Trudy, judging by that bullet wound we may have guests soon."

Both girls nodded before breaking out into a jog back towards the saloon.

After hurrying into the saloon and up to the bar where Trudy and Pete we're having a conversation, Sunny grabbed a glass of water next to a plate off food that had barely been touched and downed half before offering the rest to Ava who happily accepted the water in question.

"What in tarnation got you too so worked up? This about what Pete here has been blabbering on about?"

Trudy was none too amused at the careless actions of these two, Pete told her about the wounded man and now trouble is on its way to her town.

"Powder gangers attacked the man, he got away and the docs patching him up, but most like those convicts are on the way Trudy!" Sunny half shouted before correcting her tone and talking normally.

"Yeah and now we're gonna give that man over to them and ask them to get the hell out of our town!"

Pete, sunny and Ava all gave Trudy a weird look, suddenly Ava spoke up with more venom then intended in her tone.

"Are you fucking stupid? 'Oh let's give an injured man over to a bunch of explosive happy raiders in hopes they don't target our town!' Is that correct of me to assume? Let me tell you what's going to happen, they'll show up right? Demand the man and you'll give him up. They'll take him away and play with him and then kill him, all will go back to normal for Trudy and her little town…for about a week, when they come back because now they know. If they show up in force you'll roll over, and caravans have been few and far in between so now? Your easy pickings. Food, caps and chems at first… but then? A prison full of male convicts? Poor Sunny's tight little holes are in for a workout I must say, but hey! At least the towns 'safe' right? It'll get worse and worse until before you know it you'll want this town to burn, with all those greedy, power hungry scum fucks with you."

After saying her piece Ava turned and left the saloon, she wasn't gonna wait for the lady to make a decision that would sentence everyone to a fate worse then death. Especially Sunny, the pretty girl made a good impression on her.

"Hey wait up!" Soon Sunny came running out of the saloon behind her with old man Pete. "That was a little harsh you know! Trudy might be a little block headed sometimes but damn, that was to dark! But you are right, so what's the plan?"

Ava tilt her head a little before a smile started to form.

"Well first things first I need say, five sticks of dynamite from Pete."

Looking back at the old man he simply nodded and began to pull the loose sticks off his bandolier.

"Second I need one of the larger geckos we killed today, I'll leave that to you Sunny. Lastly I need to go to Chet's for the pretty bow tie that will bring it all together!"

Both Pete and Sunny nodded as Ava dashed over to the general store before disappearing inside.

"What do you think she's got planned Pete?"

Sunny asked the old man with a quizzical look in her eye.

"Don't know, but what ever it is…"

Pete held out the five sticks of dynamite in his hands.

"It's gonna be one helluva show."

Ava stepped inside the general store and walked past all the shelves with random crap displayed on them. Walking up to the counter she saw a man sitting down on a chair reading a book about speech.

Ava rang the bell at the counter causing the man to stir from his book.

"Oh a customer, hello and welcome to Chet's goods and services! I'm Chet! How May I be of service?"

Ava cocked an eyebrow at the oily little merchant.

Pointing to a box of incendiary 5.56 rounds behind him.

"How much for the incendiary ammo?"

Looking at the box and then back at the beautiful girl with silver hair, Chet smiled.

"A box of fifty rounds for fifty caps."

Ava nodded at Chet before taking the single bottle cap from earlier out of her pocket.

"I'll take one bullet."

Chet let out a scowl, did this girl think he was a dunce?

"It's fifty caps for the whole box, I'm not selling individual bullets lady."

Then again, looking down the girls body being hugged by the extremely tight blue vault suit she was wearing, her large perky round breasts that were as big as his head and defied gravity, those alluring curves that would make any man lustful with her flat toned belly and thick thighs.

"Ahem, maybe we could come to a deal, you render me a 'service' and I'll part with all fifty rounds of incendiary ammo for fifteen caps?"

Seeing the greasy man looking at her body with lust, Ava's pale green eyes suddenly gained a sharp look to them as her left hand shot out and grabbed Chet by the throat.

Pulling the man close she licked the bottle caps flat surface and slapped it onto his forehead causing it to stick.

"Listen here you greasy fuck, I'd rather lick a dead behemoth's decomposing arsehole then even entertain the idea of spending a second of giving you a 'service'. So be a good little bitch and sell me ONE bullet or I'll stick that bottle cap up your asshole…."

Ava smiled as Chet pissed himself.

"…While the caps still stuck to your fucking forehead."

Letting Chet go, he stumbled back and fell before quickly getting back up. Taking the cap covered in saliva off his forehead he quickly added it to the register.

Turning he grabbed the box of ammo and fumbled with it, however his shaking hands made him drop half the rounds before he was able to drop one on the counter for the scary lady.

"See was that so hard?"

Smiling Ava grabbed the round before turning around and walking out.

After such Chet began to sob as he fell onto his chair, he felt like he had just escaped from the clutches of a deathclaw matriarch.

Unbeknownst to Ava, she would now always get a huge discount at Chet's to keep her happy, Chet didn't have a death wish and really didn't want to piss her off again.

Walking back out to the saloon, Ava waited for Sunny, who moments later came from around the saloon with a brown burlap sack with red stains on it.

"Cost more then we made off it but here you go."

Sunny handed Ava the sack with the large dead gecko inside, taking the sack Ava pulled out the two foot tall dead gecko.

"Oh, also here's the dynamite! Pete said to give it to you, but to also be very careful when handling it."

Sunny gently handed over the sticks of dynamite to Ava.

"Thanks Sunny, say can I burrow your combat knife?"

Sunny simply nodded and pulled the knife from its sheath on her lower back before she handed the knife over to Ava.

After receiving the blade, Ava quickly moved down the main road till she was a little pass the towns welcome sign. Laying the gecko on its side facing the town so it's back was too the road out of town, Ava took the knife and quickly cut the gecko open and pulled out some of its innards.

After gently moving around the dynamite so that it was half hidden inside the geckos body, Ava quickly walked back to Sunny's side.

"Well that's done, now to take the high ground so I can get a clear shot."

Sunny turned and began to walk away.

"There's a ladder at the back of the saloon, we can get on the roof using that. Good enough?"

Ava nodded her head and followed behind Sunny towards the back of the saloon, sure enough there was a ladder. Sure enough Ava enjoyed the view of Sunny's leather clad ass as she climbed said ladder.

She enjoyed Sunny's company, maybe she would ask the girl to accompany her on her search for him?

After Sunny turned and helped Ava finish climbing the ladder, both girls walked over and ducked behind the saloons large sign.

As soon as they did Ava pulled her rifle off her back sling and pulled out the magazine, pulling out one bullet she quickly loaded the incendiary round in its place before putting the magazine back in and chambering the round.

Sunny suddenly came to a realization of what Ava had planned and grew nervous yet also excited.

"Seeing that red tipped bullet I can guess what you got planned…you think it's gonna work?"

Ava let out a chuckle.

"Just cause they call themselves powder gangers doesn't mean they ain't raiders, and hun, most raiders are stupid. That mystery man left them an easily followable blood trail that will lead them to that dead gecko. Once they hide away what ever loot they pick from his dead friends of course. By the time they realize it's a trap? Well, I'm sure the last thing to go through their minds will probably be their ass."

Ava let out a loud laugh at her own joke making Sunny chuckle too, however looking at the silver haired girl, Sunny felt something else too, her cheeks went red as she shook the thought from her brain.

"Guess now we wait, those bastards will eventually come for blood, and we'll drown them in it when they do."

Sunny nodded at Ava as she watched Ava peek her head over the saloons sign.

45 minutes they waited till finally, ten blurry shapes could be seen moving up the main road. As they got closer the striped blue prison uniforms and guard vests could be seen. After a few minutes the ten men stopped and looked at the gecko for only a second before they all approached it.

"Told you, stupid raiders be stupid."

Raising her varmint rifle Ava took aim at the belly of the gecko as the men got within just a couple feet of it.

Taking a deep breath, Ava exhaled as she gently squeezed the trigger just as what looked like the leader of the group went to poke it with his revolver.


Feeling the slight kick of her rifle, Ava watched as the round hit the gecko perfectly, causing it to explode in a massive ball of fire, bone and flesh. The shock wave and bone shrapnel making quick work of eight of the closest men who were all killed instantly, the leader being the worst as he was blown apart in no less then one hundred bits, becoming bone shrapnel himself.

The second furthest gangster was thrown nearly twenty feet with deadly wounds and began to scream in agony as he bleed out while the furthest was thrown a mere ten feet with a ghastly leg wound and not so small concussion.

Quickly reloading her rifle Ava took aim at the furthest man as he slowly started to rise back up before falling back on his knees, screaming in pain at the horribly leg wound he sustained.

Squeezing the trigger once more a small puff of pink mist appeared and disappeared on the opposite side of the man's head accompanied by a gunshot that echoed in the desert as he slumped forward, his face hitting the pavement, no longer moving as blood pooled around his head.

Reloading again, Ava flicked the rifles safety before vaulting over the edge of the saloons sign, landing on the awning below before jumping down onto the desert ground.

Humming to herself, Ava merrily skipped over to the still alive but dying powder ganger who was groaning as his blood soaked the ground around him.

Walking up Ava flicked her rifles safety back off, pointing the barrel at the man's face, or at least half of it, he had a horrible gash and what looked like a shoulder blade stuck in the side of his bloody and swelling face.

"Having a bad day, huh?"

Pulling the trigger and watching the man's head jerk back hitting the ground as blood splattered out like a spiderweb around the man's head, his dead eyes wide open looking at the sky in indignation and pain.

Looking around at her handy work a smile plastered on her face, Ava knelt down and began to loot the man's corpse.

"Like Alex said 'waste not,want not'."

Moving from corpse to corpse picking up any working or undamaged gear, bloody or otherwise, Ava eventually stopped and stood up to go back to town only to realize Sunny was standing a mere five feet in front of her, staring at her with a blush.

"Something on my face?"

Ava raised her hand and caressed her own cheek.

Sunny rapidly shook her head before turning around and running away towards the docs clinic.


A chapter from the view of Ava!

Man our crazy VanGraff girl is terrifying, I love it!

Next chapter will be back in the shoes of Alex! Trying for two chapters a week.

Wednesday or Thursday for one and Saturday or Sunday for the second.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Shadow_of_deathcreators' thoughts