
NTR Prevention : God's Apostle in an NTR Game world

[' Paradise of Lust ' ] [ A world where everyone is bound by the system ] [ A world where money can buy anything you want] [ You are guilty for a crime , just pay enough money and you will be free of all charges ] [ If you want to fuck someone's wife , just pay enough money and she would be laying on your bed ] [ Cheating .... what's that ..? , As long as it is under the system it will be just considered as a service ] [ A world that is full of beauties whose lust is insatiable ] [ Welcome to ' Paradise of Lust ' world's first Virtual reality RPG with virtual intercourse ] [ So what are you waiting , buy now only for 4999$ ] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Note :- For those who are worried about this book being a NTR , you shouldn't worry about such things as neither I and nor MC likes it . For those who want a cold and ruthless MC well sorry to disappoint you . MC is someone who is kind and caring to the people he loves and usually doesn't get angry at small thing but there is one thing that absolutely makes his blood boil that is someone trying to steal his loved ones .

Perv3rted_Demon · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Visiting the Mysterious Garden

Inside the room while Ray was doing his work

a young girl who looked around 12 years old was standing beside him at a considerable distance.

She was wearing a maid out , even though it looked like a normal maid outfit but her short skirt and white knee length socks with black heels made her look really sexy .

She had long purple silky smooth hairs reaching her hip . Her hair were not exactly purple but had a rather brownish hue to it . Her eyes were a darker shade of purple .

Her milky white face with willow eyebrows , cheery red lips and a flawless smile made her look beautiful and extremely adorable.

If not for her young age she would have been an irresistible temptation that hardly any man could resist but too bad her assets were undeveloped .

Her chest was as flat as a board but this wasn't something you should speak about , unless you had a Death wish .

While Ray was solving the problems , she quietly stood besides him staring at him continuously with a mysterious smile on her face .

If Ray saw her smile like this he could confirm that he got one more stalker up his back .

As soon Ray finished his work he got off the chair and turning around he launched himself at the maid standing beside him .

The maid bowed down a bit and opened her arms making sure that the Ray would get hurt . .

" SISTER RINA..... "

Saying that he jumped into her arms .

" Sister Rina I finished my homework so can I go outside to play now "

Holding Ray's shoulder with one hand she moved her other hand through his hairs and ruffled them .

Than she smiled at him and said .

" Sure "

" Since young master has completed his studies we can go out and play "

Hearing that she would accompany him Ray was a bit sad .

" But I wanted go out alone "

Rina let out a mischievous smirk that went unnoticed by Ray .

Suddenly turning her face into a sad one she said.

" O.... did young master already got bored of me "

" Is Rina going to get abandon now "

Ray got confused , he couldn't understand how did she reached this conclusion and the thought of making her sad for some reason really bothered him too much .

Too bad that his child mind couldn't decern acting from real .

Pulling her skirt with his small hand he said .

" No sister Rina .... "

" I would never abandon you "

Looking at Ray's serious expression she realised that she probably should avoid teasing him from next time.

Ruffling his hairs she said .

" Ok..Ok.... I know my dear master would never abandon me "

" But than why do you not want me to accompany you "

Ray knew he couldn't just tell her the real reason so he tried to come up with something that sounded convincing enough .

" Ugh... I.... I wanted to make friends but when you are around children usually try to avoid coming near me "

Hearing this Valerina was confused , she always thought that she looked pretty good but it was her first time someone told her that she looked scary.

" Is young master saying that I look scary "

Valerina asked Ray with mischievous smile , she wanted to tease him more but to her surprise Ray didn't even hesitate while replying .

" Yes ..... "

Ray spoke whatever was on his mind without even thinking twice but he soon realised that he shouldn't have said this . This was not only rude but he might even end up making her mad , so he tried to reframe his words.

" This is what those children say not me "

Valarina let out a creepy and scary smile . Than she looked at Ray and said.

"Hehe.... is that so I would like to meet these children you talk about "

' Creepy '

' Sister Rina is so scary , it's good that I don't really have any friends or else sister Rina surely would have devoured them '

This wasn't his first time seeing her being creepy and Ray was quite used to it by now .

Even though she gave these creepy smiles sometimes but other that that she looked completely normal like a perfect maid . Ray was one of the very few people who knew about this creepy side of hers.

" Sure , I will introduce them to sister Rina later but can I go out to play now "

Ray thought that his excuses worked but sadly they didn't.

" Sorry Young master , mistress has told me to watch over you "

" But if you want to I can hide myself at some distance "

He looked at her with a serious face and said .

" Sister Rina are you really not going to leave me alone "

He repeated his words empathically thinking that this might help but sadly it didn't .

" Sorry Young Master but mistress told me to watch over you all the time "

Hearing this Ray was a bit confused , he blinked his eyes twice and asked .

" All the time ..? "

" Yes all the time "

" Even when I am using restroom "

Seeing his cute face Valerina really wanted to tease him and that's what she did .

" Yes even when you are using restroom "

" Aaaa..... this is unfair , what about my privacy "

" Alright .... maybe I will let you use washroom alone "

* * *

After that Valerina quickly took out a pair of clothes suitable for playing and helped Ray wear them .

" Sister Rina why do I have to change my clothes "

Ray really didn't understand that why did he have to change clothes , his previous clothes looked perfectly fine so there was no need for him to change clothes.

While trying his bow tie Rina looked at him and said.

" Well that's because you are prince of this kingdom and if you don't wear proper clothes people might mock you "

' what's the point ... they are going to mock me anyhow '

Suddenly remembering some memories a hint of sadness appeared on his face and vanished soon after.

Even though it was just for a brief second Ray couldn't hide it from Valerina .

After completing the bow tie she ruffled his hairs and said.

" Don't worry no one will mock my master "

" After all my master is so handsome and intelligent "

" And if someone tries to this maid of yours is always there to deal with them , Right..? "

Hearing this Ray smile and nodded .

" Hum... "

" Sister Rina let's go to the garden , I want to see the chrysanthemum flowers "

Hearing this Valerina got confused .

There was only one garden she knew that had chrysanthemum flowers in it .

" Young master didn't you say that you wanted to make friends "

" But you know that only members of royal family are allowed to go there , so might not able to find anyone of you age in there "

Ray was so focused on his plan that he forgot about the reason he made up previously .

Instead of elaborate the previous plan he decided to just drop since it had already failed and decided to go with a new plan .

" O ... I changed my mind "

Valerina was really confused.

' huh.... didn't you just say that you wanted to make friends '

' Children can be really annoying sometimes '

She let out a sigh and said.

" huh.. Sure , if that's what young master wants "

Saying that she picked him up from the stool into her arms .

" Wait.... wait sister Rina , why are you carrying me ..? "

Being lifted by her like that Ray got really really embarrassed .

" I can walk by myself so please let me down "

Valarina than looked at him and said.

" Is young master sure , you know that the palace is really big and you have to walk till the gate to get inside the cart "

Ray looked into her eyes and said.

" Sister Rina I can walk by myself I am not a child anymore "

She than placed him down and holding his one hand said.

" Sure if that's what young master wants "

After that both of them left the room and started walking out of the palace.

Even though Ray only had to walk till the palace gate but it wasn't long before he realised that he was being stubborn .

They hadn't even existed the hallway and his legs were already a bit sore .

' This won't do , if my legs started aching now I won't be able to carry out my plan '

He started regretting his actions .

After what he did it was even more embarassing to ask her to carry him but he knew he had to do it but instead of say it all he did was tensed his hand and looked into her eyes .

Just these gestures were enough for Valerina to realise what he wanted .

" Here "

Saying that she bent and lifted him up in her arms .

" That's why you should stop being stubborn and listen to me sometimes "

Even though he was really embarrassed but he still decided to apologise .

" Sorry sister Rina "

' But that isn't happening '

Too bad Valerina didn't hear it or else she would have gave Ray some good spankings .

* * *

The palace itself was huge that it could easily fit few football fields in it . After few minutes they reached the palace gate where a carriage was waiting for them .

Coachman was already waiting there ahead of time and as soon as they arrived he opened the door to let them in .

After both of them sat inside the coachman started driving the carriage .