
A journey to the grave.

In a mansion of flawless and undefined beauty,a curse layed upon a big-time investor was been passed on from generations to generations.Everyone thought that this curse was only for the descendants of this big-time investor but it was orderwise.This big-time investor was so prosperous and fortunate in all his investments to the extent that most of the companies surrounding the city and outside the city wanted him to become the major share-holder in their own company,he was among the most richest and important men of that city,he was a man of pride with a parsimonious behavior,he would always say "I will never give to the poor because they are not worth my money".

A day came when he was told by his house guards that three beggers where outside knocking on his gate, immediately he screemed "how can these low life animals species touch my expensive gates, my gates are worth more than those three beggers", just ignore them, said the big-time investor and the guards obeyed him.

He never knew that these beggers where deadly spirits of three brothers that came begging for food, but he beat them up and threw them away like they were useless.They died as a result of hunger and promised themselves to hunt down this big-time investor.

After a very long time of knocking, the poor beggers disappeared and immediately appeared in front of the big-time investor,In shock he picked up his car keys and ran as fast as he could,but before he would even get to the main entrance door they had already appeared there,he was so scared that he began to beg with his knees on the floor,the three beggers stretched out their hands in anger towards him and laid a curse, saying"both you and your family and your friends,even your generations to come will suffer, they'll be tortured by spirits of millions of beggers and never again shall you or anyone else who lives on this mansion live in peace"," you all will die as a result of hunger,tortures,fear and depressions this will make all the richest men of the world learn a lesson, and never will they ever treat beggers as if they were animals".

After these ghosts had finished laying down their curses on him,he didn't know what to do at that point in time,he just quickly ran to his room pick up his M-16 assult reifle,he fixed in an M -16 magazine designed specially for him to use, the magazine contained bullets that were made out of diamonds. After he had reload the M-16 assult reifle he pulled the trigger at himself.

After this incident had occur rumors began to spread far and wide about the big-time investor who had committed suicide,the sad news finally got to his family (wife and kids),they were out on a vacation to New York City.

After some weeks, the day came for him to be buried,he was buried with honor, other great men gathered round to carry his casket as a sign of respect,high personality and intgerity.

In a mansion of flawless and undefined beauty,a curse laid on a big-time investor and it's been passed on from generations to generations and even to outsiders that just moved into the mansion causing havok, interior and exterior damages on victims and that city

Energycruzcreators' thoughts