
Now we are 1 person

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My life before

In truth what I'm supposed to be have already been decided for me and even though I like what it is and the success is going to lead to in the future, I also like other things and just would like to be able to explore then like my friend Justin he changes what he want to become every year since I knew him.

When we first met he wanted to become a dentist, I know weird what 7 year old want to become a dentist, it was later that I realized is because his dad was a dentist. The next year he wanted to become a police men because a policemen came to class to talk about his cool job. And every year is like that now yea wants to become an animator because as he says it he wants to spread the joy of anime to every depress teenager out their.

A very lofty goal Justin has but then again anime is great so if anything can make teenagers happy is probably anime. Although judging is my best friend in the world and I love him sometimes I admire him and at the same time hate and envy him.

I admire his creativity and his ability to not worry about the future and just do whatever interest him in the moment but I envy him because I can't do the same and hate him because when he talks about he doing something new I wish I could do the same.

After hating him for that for at most a minute I would hate myself as well because how could I hate him for having the strength to do something else then what it safe when Ion reality he was their for me since I was seven and now when Im about to enter senior year with a very hard goal from my mom

#Flashback #

" mi reina, I heard that you want to pick music as an elective next year " ???

" mama, I want to join music class because I really like it and is interesting" ???

" Isabella, I'll allow you to join the art class if you promise me you will be the best in every class in school and will volunteer at least 6 hours a week in any kind of shelter you want, it could be a food or a dog shelter I don't care as long is at least 6 hours a week. " mama

" gracias mama, I promise you I will try my best in every class and I will go to a shelter at least 6 hours" Isabella

"Okay, now lets look at the stock market if you make any money remember is yours" mama

" why now I was planing to go out with Justin and his girlfriend later today" Isabella

"Then you will cancel your plans with justin and his girlfriend because you are going to become a businesswoman like me in the future and you need to to get educated about the craft" mama

" mama, I'm not sure if I want to become a businesswoman" Isabella

" then what are you going to do Isabella, what?" Mama

" I like singing mama, and everyone says I'm really good." Isabella

" Isabella, you like money and you want to have a fruitful life right" mama

" I really do like making and managing money mama you know that but I also love singing" Isabella

" I'm not saying you can't sing Isabella, what I'm saying is are you ready to give up a way to at least have a comfortable life and I know you will have a more then comfortable life if you make a career in business because even my boss say you have what it take to make it far In the business world. while theirs no guarantees with singing because even if your voice is good it doesn't mean you will become famous and make money" mama

" I know that" Isabella

" Isabella you can still sing by singing at the church or at shelters not only will that make your college application look great you will also do what you love" mama

" ma, I thought you didn't like singing for me and that it won't get me anywhere" isabella

" and I still think singing won't get you anywhere that's why I'm telling you to get a good job in business but that doesn't mean you have to give up something you love completely, my love remember this sacrificing when thiers no other option is acceptable but if their are never sacrifice or settle." Mama

" your been telling me since I'm a little child" isabella

"I'm raising a strong women not a little girl that will settle for only one thing in life and now of business doesn't work which I highly doubt thiers plan b, singing not the best plan b but still a plan" mama

" I should've known that was coming" isabella

#End flashback#

Senior year passed by quickly with me volunteering the whole year and studying hard to make sure I stay at the top of my classes and the school. I got at least a 98 in every of my classes and I always when to the church to sing every Sunday and I also go to some shelters to sing for 6 hours a week.

When it came time to choose the college to go to my mom and I already talked about it and she said she can afford to pay penn for me because she been saving since I was born.

I applied to Penn when trough the steps and the interview, Which was fine although a little nerve racking. But when we check in the internet to see if I got into Penn it was worth it. Justin got into the school of visual art in New York so we had to separate. I mean Philadelphia is not the far from New York so we can meet sometimes.

Time skip # 4 years#

Over the years in Pennsylvania i had a lot of fun,in not gonna lie I did make some mistake like using a little of weed or having a threesome but is college if your going to make mistakes and dumb decisions then that is the time.

Me and Justin met a lot, we went to see movies or go to concerts or just go to the club or party's we had a lot of fun. After meeting with Justin I would slow down and study hard and eventually I graduated at the top of my class my mom was very proud of me.