
Chapter 607 Tracking Mission_1

This question startled An Jianhua; after all, Zhou Ning's words were not polite, and there was no smile on his face. Seeing Fang Dongsheng glance over, An Jianhua braced himself to translate.

The elderly lady, however, had no special reaction and said with a smile:

"As I said before, when the sacred blade was bloodstained, it left a blood type imprint. Each of our families hung it in our homes. It's something I see every day. So when your photo had this blood imprint, I naturally recognized it. On the contrary, if I were to see the actual sacred blade, I might not be as certain."

Zhou Ning laughed. He was very satisfied with this answer. His recent insolence was deliberate, intended to gauge the old lady's reaction. Her calm composure, unique insight, and discerning eye had already indicated the status of her clan. It seemed the investigation into the slanted teachings needed a new direction.

Liu Yufei and Zhou Ning exchanged glances. She smiled and said: