

Alan Cooper, a young man from a middle-class family, held simple dreams of getting a well-paying job to support his loved ones. Tragically, he passed away shortly after securing a job. However, his story didn't end there. Alan found himself transported into a novel, assuming the role of an unfamiliar character. Lost in this new world, he relied on his knowledge of the novel's plot to navigate challenging situations and ensure his survival. As he become more familiar in this world , Alan transformed from a passive observer into an active participant. With the novel's narrative as his guide, he set out on a journey filled withadventures.

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3 Chs


The interview had just concluded, and Mr. Cooper's words lingered in the room. "Congratulations, Mr. Cooper, you're hired for the job. I hope you'll do your best for the company," he said.

"Thank you very much, sir, for offering me this opportunity. I won't let you down; I'll give my best for the company. When can I start working?" I asked eagerly.

"You're welcome, Mr. Cooper. I have high expectations for you. You can start next Sunday. You can go now," he replied.

As I stepped out of the building, a mix of relief and excitement washed over me. I had finally secured a job with a substantial salary in a prestigious company. All the hard work and preparation had paid off, and the weight of financial worries for my family lifted.

Happily, I crossed the road, reaching for my phone to call my family and share the good news.

"Dad?" I called, but it wasn't my father who answered. Instead, it was my mother.

"Oh, it's you, Mom. How are you?" I asked.

"She asked, "You're good, right? Eating well and all?".

"Yes, Mom, I'm doing fine. How's everyone back at home?"

My mother sighed. "Do you even call us to check how we're doing?"

My heart sank with guilt. "I'm sorry, Mom. I promise to call more often. I just wanted to let you know that I got the job."

"Yes, I'm on my way home. Mom, I wa—" Suddenly, a voice from the street interrupted me, shouting a warning.

"Hey, watch out!"

In that instant, an excruciating pain engulfed me, a sensation I couldn't even describe. It vanished just as quickly as it had come.

Confusion and fear gripped me. I checked myself for injuries, but there were none. I was drenched in sweat, and my clothes had changed, leaving me bewildered.

I realized I was no longer on the familiar street. Instead, I stood in a strange, high-tech room that resembled something out of a sci-fi movie—a room for training or experimentation.

"I don't know what kind of crazy place I'm in, but I need to find a way out safely," I thought, exiting the room and stepping into hallway. Rows of doors lined the corridor, similar to the one I had just left. My only goal was to find an exit.

As I continued down the hallway, my mind raced with questions. What had happened? How had I ended up here? A sense of unease and the unknown surrounded me.


I found myself in this cozy yet kind of strange metallic training room. The place had these clinical lights that made everything look sharp and gave it an almost hospital-like vibe. 

The room wasn't huge, and it didn't have a ton of gadgets crammed in. That meant there was enough space to stretch my legs. But the walls were just plain and boring, no signs or posters to give me a clue about where I was.

My heart was pounding, and my brain was racing as I explored the room. With the basic training equipment and the plain surroundings, it felt like I was caught up in some science experiment that didn't quite make sense.

"Why on Earth am I here?" I wondered aloud, speaking in a hushed tone. My head was swirling with questions, and I couldn't help but feel a bit lonely in this small, mysterious space.

My thoughts raced, and I started to get anxious. How had I ended up in this cramped scientific training room? What was the deal with this weird setup? And why did I suddenly feel that unexplainable pain?

With each passing moment, the sense of confinement and the feeling of being in the dark weighed on me. It was like trying to solve a puzzle I couldn't wait to crack. All I could do was keep moving forward.


- I wandered through the dimly lit building hallway, my steps echoing in the silence. The walls seemed to stretch on endlessly, punctuated only by closed doors leading to different training areas. Anxiety gnawed at me as I tried to make sense of this place.

- *Where am I?* I wondered, feeling a growing sense of unease. And my body feels different as it became faster *This is all so strange.*

- As I rounded a corner, a voice suddenly broke the stillness. "Hey, there! What brings you here at this hour?" It was the voice of a man in his mid-thirties, his tone a mix of curiosity and authority.

- I hesitated for a moment, my heart pounding, then replied honestly, "I'm not quite sure where I am, to be honest."

- The man raised an eyebrow, his expression one of mild surprise. *Is he some sort of worker here?* I couldn't help but wonder.

- "Ah, lost, are we?" he inquired. It would be good if i just simply lost and can go home if I know where I am. 

- I nodded, feeling a bit flustered. "Yeah, it seems that way. I was... somewhere else, and I don't know how but I just ended up here."

- Thw man curiosity piqued. "Somewhere else, you say? Well, you've stumbled into training facility.  Tomorrow, we have the opening ceremony for the academy's new year. Are you a latecomer, or did you simply get turned around?"

- I furrowed my brow, looking at his perplexed expression. *Academy? Opening ceremony?* This man words didn't make sense . *What's going on ?*I have to ask him what he meant by that. 

- "By the way, do you have your student ID? It should have your dormitory information, and I can help you find your room."

- *Student ID what's he talking about ?* I thought, even more bewildered now.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him in slip of tongue *Shit*

- His patience waned slightly, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Don't joke around, kid. Your student ID, the card that's given to you by the academy. It has your dorm information. Now, give it to me."

- My initial confusion gave way to fear as I realized the seriousness in his tone. I frantically searched my pockets for the ID card which I don't know if I have one and found it. "Here's my ID, sir," I handed it over to the man.

- He inspected the card, and then his expression softened. "Ah, I see. Your dormitory room is in a different building. You've had quite the journey to get here. Let's get you to your dorm and sort things out." 

- *Thank goodness he's isn't angry ,* I thought, visibly relieved. I don't know if it quite or less journey I did to came here but first let's thank him "Thank you for helping me. By the way, sorry to ask but who are you sir." I want to know who is this person 

- He smiled in return. "Oh forgot to introduce myself I'm Davies Smith a instructor here".

  *hmm Davies smith seems familiar*I recalled something but well whatever so he is a instructor here, well he did mentioned a academy. 

- As we walked down the hallway, my thoughts swirled with confusion question . *The academy? Opening ceremony? Am I a student here?* And this man seems familiar?*It was all so bewildering, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I had been dropped into a somewhere familiar world. ,

As I follow Mr. Smith to my dormitory,  It was a realization that I couldn't shake off, like a distant memory slowly surfacing. A chilling thought crossed my mind: had something truly happened to me in that sudden and painful incident on the street, or had something else occurred?

It might be a good opportunity to ask more questions and gather information about where I am, how I got here, and what's expected of me as a supposed student at this academy. I need to stay calm and observant as I continue to unravel the mystery surrounding my unexpected situation.