
Novel Super God Gene

Science has advanced extensively in the era of stars. Humanity had finally solved the problem of teleportation, but when humanity had transferred itself to the other extreme, they discovered that this place had no past and no future… The mysterious sanctuary was actually a world filled with many extraordinary Tyrannical beings. Humanity experienced a great leap in evolution, and a new era began that is considered the most glorious and shining under the starry sky. “I slayed a sacred-blood being *the black beetle.” Obtained the soul of a sacred-blood beast...eating its body to obtain 0-10 Sacred Gene Points

INDARA · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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4 Chs

super gene


Chapter 1: The Super Gene

By a rocky creek in a ravine, a young man in black was holding a black beetle with a metallic sheen resembling a cross between a crab and a Hercules beetle.

Holding a dagger in his other hand, the young man quickly cuts the still-struggling claws of the beetle, revealing white and tender flesh.

Almost without hesitation, the young man sucked the meat out of the claws as if he was eating a crab, and swallowed it with larger pieces of tougher meat.

"You killed the black beetle. Didn't earn the monster's soul. Eat black beetle meat to get zero to ten geno points randomly."

"Eat black beetle meat. Gained zero geno points."

A strange voice sounded in Han Sen's mind, as some data appeared.

Han Sen: It didn't evolve.

Status: none.

Shelf life: 200 years.

Evolution required: 100 geno points.

Points earned: 79.

Monster souls gained: None.

"I didn't get any geno points from more than thirty black beetles in a row. I must have eaten a lot of black beetle meat to evolve further. Zero points! When will I finish the first evolution and gain status." Han Sen looked frustrated.

More than a hundred years ago, science and technology reached a very high level, and humans finally mastered the technology of teleportation. Shockingly, when they attempt teleportation, they find that they are neither transported back to the past nor transported into the future. They did not even travel from one planet to another. A completely different world lies at the other end of the space teleportation channel.

A world that humans cannot imagine. In this world, all scientific and technological means have lost their function: the submachine gun in this world was not as useful as a steel knife. Missiles and nuclear weapons will not explode, like a pile of scrap iron. No mechanical or electronic equipment will work either.

All kinds of terrible creatures inhabit this world. Humans, who used to stand at the top of the food chain due to their wisdom and technology have fallen to the bottom.

But when people killed some relatively weak creatures and ate their flesh, they were surprised to find that their bodies changed dramatically and evolved rapidly in ways that science can't explain.

What made people pleasantly surprised was that in this world, with the development of the body, their lifespan also increased, which was amazing news for all of humanity.

In the following century, more and more people entered this world called "God's Sanctuary", gradually became familiar with the rules of this world, hunted its creatures, and saw their own bodies develop. The higher the degree of physical development, the longer it will live. In theory, if you could keep evolving, it might be possible to live forever.

In this world, science and technology have become completely useless. The only things that could help humans were the most primitive fighting skills. Ancient martial arts, almost forgotten in modern society, had an unexpected effect here.

All kinds of ancient martial arts were redeveloped, and after more than 100 years of development, new martial arts schools were formed and became prominent.

In addition to ancient martial arts, God's Sanctuary provided another tool to strengthen humans, the beast spirit.

When killing a creature in God's Sanctuary, a person had a chance to obtain the creature's beast soul. Beast spirits had all kinds of shapes and appearances. Some could be called up to fight for men, and some appeared in the form of armor or weapon.

In addition, some spirits of monsters can help humans transform so that they can take the form of terrifying beasts, magical birds that fly between heaven and earth, or insects that burrow underground.

Neither martial arts nor beast spirits had anything to do with Han Sen.

Even in modern society, advanced science and technology were in the hands of few people.

Han Sen completed Integrated Compulsory Education and entered the God's Sanctuary when he was sixteen years old. What he had learned from school was nothing but a new level of martial arts that everyone knew.

As for beast souls, they were so expensive that Han Sen couldn't afford even the cheapest.

Without martial arts and beast souls, or even advanced man-made alloy weapons, Han Sen was only able to kill some low-level creatures to eat their flesh and evolve, and he was having a hard time in God's Sanctuary.

But the more he ate the meat of low-level creatures, the less evolution effect he got. Three months in God's shelter and still couldn't complete physical development.

Han Sen tried to kill some of the more powerful creatures, but even the weakest primal creature, the copper-toothed beast, almost died. He had to rest for about a month before returning to the God Sanctuary.

Back then Han Sen had eaten all sorts of ordinary creatures around him, and eating his flesh wouldn't help anymore. If he didn't risk chasing after more advanced creatures, he would never evolve.

When he was about to try to kill a copper-toothed monster, Han Sen saw something climbing from the waves of the creek.

He originally thought it was a black beetle, but immediately noticed something different: all black beetles had black shells, but a shiny golden color caught his attention.

Han Sen stared at the creature emerging from the water. It was a really black beetle, but it was different from normal beetles due to its golden body the size of a basketball. It was like a sculpture carved out of gold, and his eyes were completely pure, like precious stones. It didn't look like a living thing unless it was carefully observed.

"Why is this black beetle so strange?" Han Sen stared at the black-golden beetle.

Recently he had killed countless black beetles and he knew all about them. Their vision was poor, but their hearing was extremely sensitive. As long as he remained still, even in close proximity, a black beetle would not even notice his presence.

Han Sen stared at the strange beetle and, unexpectedly, stepped toward him.

Without hesitation, when the golden black beetle crawled beside Han Sen, he grabbed the golden golden beetle's shell with one hand and quickly slashed at its fragile knuckles with a dagger in the other hand. He made six clean cuts vertically and horizontally to remove all six claws of the beetle.

The golden black beetle struggled and flipped over. Seizing this opportunity, Han Sen pierced his dagger into a white mark on his stomach and turned around sharply. The golden black beetle suddenly stopped moving.

"I killed the sacred-blood black beetle creatures. Gained the beast soul of the sacred-blood black beetle. Eat the sacred-blood black beetle's meat to get 0 to 10 geno points randomly."

Chapter 2: Ass Freak

Han Sen was stunned by the sudden voice in his head, he could hardly believe it was true. Sacred Blood Creature and Sacred Beast Soul: Were those real?

God's Sacred Creatures were divided into four parts: ordinary creatures, primitive creatures, mutated creatures and holy-blood creatures. Different geno points can be gained by eating the meat of creatures of different types.

At that time, there were four sacred stages of God that men knew. With each physical development completed, access to the next space is allowed. The more points of the genome used in evolution, the higher the probability of survival in the next space.

Sacred-blood beast souls were undoubtedly the best beast souls. Any Sacred Blood Beast soul could be sold for an exorbitant price.

When Han Sen finally realized what really happened, he almost shivered. Holding the dagger to open the black beetle's shell, he filled his mouth with tender, jelly-like meat.

"The meat of the black beetle is eaten. Gained one sacred gen point."

Feeling the body turning into energy and hearing the voice in his mind he could almost hear Han Sen's tears.

He grabbed a paw and sucked all the meat out of it, feeling waves of energy hitting his body and his blood boiling.

There was not much difference between eating a black-blooded beetle and eating a crab. After sucking the meat clean from all six claws, Han Sen started to slice the meat inside the shell.

"The meat of the black beetle is eaten. Gained one sacred gen point."

"The meat of the black beetle is eaten. Gained one sacred gen point."

A strange voice constantly sounded in Han Sen's mind and made him feel on top of the world.

When Han Sen was cutting, he felt his dagger being cut into something hard that made a sound like metal. Han Sen paused.

Beetles and black crabs are the same: they looked strong, but inside their shells there would only be boneless meat, so how could there be metal?

He removed the dagger, pulled out the cut flesh, and saw a corner of black metal. Han Sen cut through all the flesh around him, and soon the entire black metal was exposed.

At first he thought it was metal, but when he pulled it out he discovered that it was a black crystal the size and shape of a pigeon's egg.

Han Sen took the crystal in his hand and didn't feel anything abnormal. The crystal was like a beautiful round black pebble.

But on a closer look, there seemed to be millions of stars shining in it, creating an incredible beauty.

Han Sen thought, "This is the easiest area in the God's Sanctuary." "Even primitive creatures are hard to find here, let alone sacred-blood creatures. How did this black sacred-blood beetle suddenly appear? I had never heard of a black sacred-blood beetle before. Black beetles are such a low-life yet and this black-blooded beetle The sanctuary is too weak. Is its appearance related to the crystal?"

There was no evidence, so he simply ate whatever was left of the black beetle's meat and stuffed it. He obtained a total of seven geno sacred points.

Seven Geno Sacred Points were outside of his wildest dreams. With his background, he needed to risk everything even to kill a primordial creature, not to mention a sacred-blood creature.

The black sacred-blooded beetle's shell was a precious material as well, so Han Sen picked up all the claws and stuffed them into his pocket, along with the upper and lower shells.

An ordinary black beetle's shell had almost no value, but the shell of a black sacred-blooded beetle would likely make a soup that could give him an extra 1 or 2 sacred geno points.

It was the first time Han Sen had eaten a creature of sacred blood. Technically, he could obtain ten sacred geno points: he already had seven points of meat, and the other three should be in the shell.

If he were to sell the shell, he could probably buy a nice private jet in the Levo Interstellar alliance with the money he got.

On the way back to the Steel Armor Castle, everyone was pointing at him, smelling and laughing, and no one would approach him.

Everyone in the sanctuary was looking at him like a monster.

Normally, when an ordinary person went to the shelter, even if he was poor, if his fighting skills were not so bad, he could always find some companions and kill some primitive creatures together, and he wouldn't be anywhere near like a wretched Senator

However, in the entire Steel Armor castle No one was willing or had the courage to do anything to Han Han.

Over three months ago, Han Sen entered God's Sanctuary for the first time. The moment he stepped outside the Steel Armor Shelter, he saw a gigantic white wolf rhinoceros standing with his back toward him at the corner of the fence.

Without hesitation, Han Sen grabbed his dagger and stabbed the unicorn furiously in the ass.

This stabbing together turned Han Sen and Qin Xuan into the Steel Armor Shelter's biggest laughing stock.

Yes, the white wolf rhinoceros was not a monster, but a human like Han Sen himself. She was only transforming using a beast soul.

Qin Xuan was also the strongest woman in the Steel Armor Shelter. She was most likely to finish her first evolution with sacred geno points and embark on the path of evolution.

A new man stabbing Qin Xuan's backside became the biggest joke in the steel armor shelter. Although no one dared to mention it to Qin Xuan's face, secretly everyone was laughing from their asses.

"Ass Freak" became Han Sen's well-known Steel Armor Shelter nickname.

Then Qin Xuan announced that whoever spent some time with Han Sen would become her enemy. In the steel armor shelter, few people could be Qin Xuan's enemy. Even if they could afford it, no one would risk antagonizing Qin Xuan for no one and no donkey whim.

That was why Han Sen had a hard time, but he didn't really blame Qin Chen. It was his fault in the first place: he was very nervous the first time he came to God's Sanctuary, plus he had never seen creatures in his previous world or his transformers before, all of which led to the unforgivable mistake.

Han Sen was already grateful that Qin Xuan did not kill him in anger.

The only lucky thing was that teleporting to the God's Sanctuary was always random, and there were no familiar faces in the Armor Shelter, so no one knew his real name.

Chapter Three: Holy

Han Sen went back to his room, set a fire, and began boiling the claws and black beetle beetles in a pot.

Without tools and know-how, he could only use the most primitive methods of manipulating shells and extracting genetic material.

The crust of a sacred-blood creature would take over an hour or two to cook, so Han Sen covered the lid and took out the black crystal to take a closer look.

However, there is absolutely no evidence.

Suddenly, Han Sen caught a glimpse of the green arched beast the size of a civet cat in the corner of his room and suddenly had an idea.

Like black beetles, this green-sized beast was an ordinary creature. Han Sen used to prey on them and bring them back to cook and eat to increase his geno points.

But later on, green-sized monsters no longer increased his geno points, so Han Sen didn't eat the last monster and forgot about it. Surprisingly, she was still alive.

He grabbed the dying green scale beast from the cage, hesitated for a moment and was about to feed the black crystal to the beast.

To his astonishment, upon seeing the black crystal, the dying green beast gathered all its strength to lengthen its tongue, rolled the black crystal into its mouth and swallowed the crystal whole.

"There is indeed something magical about the black crystal!" Han Sen was stunned and found that the green monster looked much more lively after swallowing the crystal, it scratched its four claws and moved its head to bite Han Sen's hand, which was on his neck.

Han Sen threw the green monster into the cage and watched it carefully. The beast, which had not been fed for days, fully regained its vitality, brutally crushed and scratched in the cage, just as it had been when it was first captured.

Han Sen sat across the cage and watched the green monster's movements. He had a guess, and if he was right, he had obtained something incredible - something even more exciting than a sacred-blood creature.

But Han Sen was afraid he might be wrong, so he could only stare at the green-sized beast anxiously, hoping to see the change he wanted.

Han Sen stared nervously and didn't realize he was starving until he smelled the aroma of bone broth from the pot.

Looking at that time, note that almost 24 hours have passed. Rising to check the shell of the black beetle in the pot, he saw that the golden color of the shell had boiled and the broth had turned golden. It smelled so good that the hungry young man's mouth watered.

About to collect a bowl of soup, Han Sen suddenly heard iron breaking from the green scale beast's cage. He quickly turned around and saw the green-sized monster biting an iron rod from the cage and extending its head from the inside.

Its light green scales had completely turned into a darker green. Her teeth became sharp and the tips of her four claws were like iron hooks. The monster was about to get out of the cage.

Han Sen was pleasantly surprised and pulled the dagger from his waist. He rushed to the front of the cage and stabbed the dagger into the stomach of the little green monster. With the dagger turned, the green monster stopped struggling.

"A beast killed a green primordial creature. You did not gain a beast's soul. Eat the meat of a green sized primeval beast to randomly gain zero to ten points."

The strange voice sounded in Han Sen's mind and left him dumbfounded.

"Green-scale primal beast… a primal creature… so crystals can really make these creatures evolve…" Han Sen was overwhelmed with joy and didn't know how to react.

After a long while, he suddenly opened the green-sized monster with the dagger and revealed a crystal the size of a pigeon's egg. He did not pay attention to the blood on it, he kissed the crystal twice and then wiped it, and I held it in his hands as if it were a great treasure.

"The crystal is really the reason why the black beetle made a sacred-blood creature… If the green-sized beast continued to evolve, could it also become a sacred-blood creature?" It was absolutely amazing.

He was so excited that his hands were trembling while holding the crystal. He bit his tongue and cried in pain to know it wasn't a dream.

After staying excited for a long time, Han Sen carefully put the crystal away, swallowed the shell broth, and gained another sacred geno point, bringing his geno points to eight.

Without the tools and means, his primitive method couldn't extract all the genotypes from the shell, but it was good enough that he only got one sacred geno point.

Han Sen realized that he had gained the soul of a black beetle blood beast when he killed the golden black beetle, and quickly managed to access his profile.

Han Sen: It didn't evolve.

Condition: None Shelf

life: 200 years.

Evolution requirement: 100 geno points.

Geno points earned: 79 Geno points; 8 sacred geno points.

Beast spirit gained: black-blooded beetle.

Holy Blood Black Beetle Beast Soul Type: Armor.

"What would the sacred-blood black beetle beast soul armor look like?" Before Han Sen could finish thinking, a golden shadow appeared out of thin air, looking exactly like a golden black beetle.

The golden black beetle flew into Han Sen's chest, turning into a golden liquid and starting to cover his entire body. In the blink of an eye, Han Sen's entire body was wrapped, along with his hair.

The streamlined golden armor was full of power and influence, covering his entire body as if it was a suit of medieval armor infused with enhanced aerodynamics - looking like a piece of art.

The full suit of armor felt power and speed, making Han Sen look thin and majestic, as if his entire body was filled with explosive power.

With a shiny metallic luster, the shield was exquisite and had a solid texture. At first glance, it was a bit like the golden cloth that the Golden Saints were wearing.

The difference between the golden cloth and the beast soul armor was that the armor completely covered the head and body, with a few gaps in the joints where different pieces overlapped, just like the black beetle itself, which was the only weakness of the soul armor beast.

Han Sen moved in the shield and there was no feeling of heaviness or clumsiness. Instead, he felt his body becoming lighter and full of energy.

"Actually, this was a Holy Blood Beast spirit armor. It's even more awesome than those primordial beast spirits I've often seen in the Steel Armor Shelter." Han Sen felt ecstatic. He envied people in primordial beast spirits armor and had never thought that he would receive a suit of holy bloody beast spirit one day.

Chapter Four: Ancient

"Yate Group Chairman Zhao Yalong completed the third evolution, entered the Fourth God's Refuge, and became the eighty-third human in history who entered the Fourth God's Refuge. It has reached the age of 500 years and gained Attribute of semi-god…"

"The miracle of Raikot Galaxy, Lange, entered the Second God Sanctuary with 100 genetic transformation points. His life span has reached 300 years and has gained Evolved status…"

"House Speaker, Hemingway, star killed a semicircular creature In the ocean yesterday, he was the first to accomplish this feat…"

"According to reliable experts, in ten years someone will complete the Fourth Evolution for the first time and advance to the Fifth God's Sanctuary…"


Han Sen had just moved from Steel Shield Shelter The news was displayed on a virtual screen.

"Evolver, surpasser and demigod. With the black crystal, I will be able to do all of that, and go further." Han Sen shook his fist, turned away from the ground transportation station, and took the maglev train home.

Before entering the courtyard, Han Sen heard a harsh female voice.

"Luo Sulan, do you want to take Hans' old house? This house was our parents, and I and my older brother owned every part. Now my older brother has passed. We will not bully you, because you are a widow, and will leave you his share. But if you want to take everything We will never agree."

"This is correct!" A middle-aged man's voice chimed in. "The old house has always been our parents' inheritance. We each have the right to it, and you cannot keep it to yourselves. Your family has lived here for more than twenty years, you have already benefited us greatly. It is time to divide the inheritance."

"My brother said it," a gentle male voice continued. "I've lived in the old house for over 20 years. We won't collect the rent, but this old house is our lot and it should be divided."

A young woman's voice can be heard saying, "We have an estimate from a lawyer, and this old house is now valued at over three million. We are three families, so we should get a million each. You can either give each of us a million and own this old house directly, or We sell the house, and then we all split the money. We're fine with whatever options you choose."

The first harsh voice began again "Exactly, now that our older brother is gone, we will not bully his widow and children. You can give us money or sell the house, as you like."

"Brother and sister, there is no need to force me. You know our situation. We don't have a million," said a woman wistfully.

The cruel woman immediately said: "

The grieving woman said, "Where will we live without a home? Han Han has just graduated and Han Yan is about to go to school."

"Brother's wife, this is not reasonable. How are you the only one with problems? Your children Han Sen and Han Yan are only enrolled in integrated compulsory education, while Han Hao goes to a private school. His studies give me gray hair every year."

The androgynous voice said, "Sister, you're right. We all have a hard time and everyone needs money. Why don't we just sell the house? We can all take some, and you can afford Han Yan's education."

"Anyway, either you give us the money or you sell the house. Your choice," said the young woman coldly.

Outside the house, Han Sen got angry as he listened. He pushed the door open and saw his mother shed tears while holding his sister Han Yan. The five-year-old wrapped in her mother's arms, her big eyes filled with fear. Beside them, two men and two women were smiling indifferently.

"How dare you come here and ask about the old house?" Han Sen pointed at the ferocious-looking fat woman and exclaimed angrily. "Aunt, I was an accountant at the company and brought in tens of millions of bad debts. Didn't my father help you after I begged him?"

"Han Sen, what is this nonsense. Who caused the bad debts? Stop lying," cried the skinny man with a effeminate voice, pointing at Han Sen.

"Uncle, I embezzled the company's public funds for investment and lost a few million." Han Sen pointed at the skinny man. "Didn't you come to my house and get on your knees to beg my father for help?"

"And you, my uncle, owe so much a gambling debt that you almost forced yourself to commit suicide. Who helped you? When you were about to be beaten to death, who saved your life?" Han Sen pointed at the middle-aged fat man.

"The Starry Group wanted to acquire a family business. If my father didn't represent all of you and then there was a quarrel with the Starry Group, would he have died in such a shady way?" Han Sen clenched his teeth, looking at the four. "But you, you skipped my father's funeral and sold the company to Starry Group upon his death. Did you give us any money you got from selling the company? Also, who paid for your house when I got married? Were those houses any cheaper than this old one? Did you take care of your parents for a day? When they were alive? How dare you come here to ask for a share of the old house?"

"Stop! Your father just did what he wanted to do. The company belongs to my father, and we all have shares. He can't decide for us. Sure, we can spend the company's money," Uncle Han said to me rudely.

"That's right. Your father was a dictator, and we only take our money back. It doesn't matter what you say. Give the money or sell the house, or else we'll see you in court. You'll lose the case wherever we go," Aunt Han Yumi shouted.

"It's all your father's fault..." They began to accuse Han Sen's late

father.Han Sen was trembling with anger and felt wronged to his father.When his father took over the company, it was just a small business worth one or two million people.He put in a lot of effort for the company to thrive and had to take care of his family and make up for their mistakes.Several Times the company was on the verge of bankruptcy due to liquidity problems.And he died for the company.After his death, his relatives and children were bullied by relatives who used to help.

When Han Sen's father was alive, he always said they were family and there was no need to argue. And what a paradox it is now!

If they really needed the money and were having difficulties, Han Sen would only agree to give it to him. But all the private jets they tried here were worth over a million. They obtained at least ten million from the sale of the company, which all fell into their pockets, and nothing was given to Han Sen's family. It was simply impossible that they didn't have a million.

Chapter Five: Swift Mantis

After making a fuss at Han Sen's house, Han Yue and Han Lee give his family an ultimatum - they had to come with the money or sell the house in one month, otherwise they'd file a lawsuit .

"I'm so useless that I can't even keep the house." Luo Sulan grabbed Han Yan, her face covered with tears.

Luo Sulan was a nice lady. When Han Sen's father was still alive, she was treated like a princess. She didn't even know how to mop the floor, let alone do other household chores. Han Sen knew how difficult it was for his sister to raise him after his father's death.

"Don't worry, Mom. I'm here even though dad isn't. I won't let them take our house. Take a break and I'll consult Uncle Zhang about this." Han Sen called his father's friend, Mr. Zhang. He was a lawyer who was working in the family business as a legal advisor.

"Hello, Uncle Zhang? This is Sen… is your back better? I have a legal matter I want to ask you about… so…" Han Sen looked a little pale as he hung up.

He confirmed that his relative told the truth - they have rights to a part of the house. And if they actually go to court, then the verdict will be close to what they asked for - either pay the money or sell the house.

"Sin, what did Mister Zhang say?" Luo Sulan asked Han Sen, looking at him worriedly.

"Don't worry, Mom. I checked with Uncle Zhang and there's a solution. You just make sure Yan's okay, I'll take care of this. No one's going to take home," Han Sen said with a smile.

"That's good… that's cool…" Luo Sulan sighed.

After resting at home for a night, Han Sen took a train to the teleportation station and entered God's Sanctuary in the morning.

Han Sen was taken to his room in the Steel Armor shelter. When one is transported to the Sanctuary of God, he can appear in a certain room that only he can access. Unless the owner allowed it, the others could not enter the room.

Before completing the first evolution and entering the second God's refuge, this was Han Sen's home in God's refuge.

Now Han Sen had no power or influence. The only solution was to get $2 million a month if he wanted to keep the house.

Although he felt unfair, without strength, there was nothing left to do.

Two million levs was a colossal sum for a young man who had just finished integrated compulsory education.

In the past, Han Sen couldn't earn two million dollars in a year, let alone one month. But now everything was different. In fact, if he hadn't already cooked the sacred-blooded black beetle's shell, the shell alone would be worth a million or two million.

Even without the shell, he still possessed the black crystal that could make creatures evolve. As long as he had it, it wasn't a million things.

Looking at the green-scaled Primordial Beast's body on the ground, Han Sen hesitated for a moment before cutting the body into pieces. Then he dried the meat, made it into beef jerky and carried it with him at his waist.

He must first capture a creature before he can use the crystal to make it evolve and trade the evolving creature's flesh for money. Now that Han Sen possessed a suit of Holy Blood Beast Spirit Armor, he could get up to his game and start hunting primitive creatures instead of normal ones.

Primordial creatures weren't worth much, and a day was wasted waiting for an ordinary creature to evolve into a primal creature. To reach two million people, Han Sen would need to sell at least a mutated creature.

Primitive creatures were usually seen tens of kilometers from the Steel Armor Shelter. Han Sen had never dared to go this far before, but now he had his shield.

This time, his target was no longer a copper-toothed beast, the weakest of all the primitive creatures, but the swift mantis was often spotted in the Zephyr Valley.

Although a primal creature, the swift mantis had a fragile body and could easily be killed by a natural alloy dagger if stabbed into a weak spot. However, the mantis was so fast that ordinary people could not keep up. And its saw-like front pair can easily split human bones. Once you hit the front feet, the person will be paralyzed if not killed. So few humans will go to hunt this creature.

For Han Sen, the fast mantis was the best choice. It was ultimately just a primordial creature, and its armor could not cut through the spirit of the Holy Blood Beast. If he didn't get hurt by the mantis, he could definitely kill it.

The most important thing is that with the claws and wings cut off, the mantis can no longer fight back but can live. This way, Han Sen could easily retrieve it, keep it in his room, and use the black crystal to make it evolve into a mutated creature before he sold his meat.

Of course, if he was able to kill a few fast mares and was lucky, he might even gain a brutal soul.

It was a fast jagged blade mantis beast soul, which was a long dagger, a kind of weapon that Han Sen had mastered.

Although the fast blunt blade was just a primal beast spirit weapon, it was the sharpest of all the primal weapons, and could even be compared to some mutant beast spirit weapons.

Because of the danger of hunting a fast mantis, few of them would go to Zephyr Valley, and even a few got a fast jagged blade. If the rare weapon were sold, it would cost more than $2 million. So, if Han Sen could score a beast soul for a quick mantis, there would be no need to sell the meat of a mutated creature anymore.

The closer Han Sen got to the Zephyr Valley, the fewer people he could see. Around the valley, there was no human activity at all.

Han Sen did not dare to dig deeper, so he found a hidden place and summoned the soul of the black beetle sacred blood beetle to cover himself with the golden shield. Taking a deep breath, he crept toward Zephyr Valley.

Han Sen did not dare to go too fast. The valley is covered with trees and wild grass like a man. When the trees and grass swayed with the wind, it was hard to tell which swift mare might be hiding there. Even momentary neglect can lead to broken bones from a mantis attack.

Chapter 6: The Armor is Everything

Suddenly, Han Sen saw something green, about a foot long, sticking to the grass like a leaf. If he had not looked closely, he would have thought it was part of the grass and had never imagined it was a fast hippopotamus that could smash a human skull in one blow.

Her pair of front feet like the raggedness of a sickle was longer than her body. Dark green in color, the forefoot was covered with a metallic sheen, not like its fragile body. The hardness of the forefoot was definitely comparable to that of the more advanced Alpha alloys.

Han Sen was lucky to find the fast insect before he saw it. Moving towards him, he calculated as close as he could get to before the swift Praying Mantis noticed him.

When he was about six feet away from the fast mantis, Han Sen did not dare to go any further, fearing that he would lose the opportunity to attack by stealth.

Holding the dagger tightly in his hand, Han Sen rushed out of the grass and slashed at the center of the swift mantis in a swift and unforgiving blow.

But Han Sen was still underestimating the mantis' quick speed and response. I noticed his presence the moment he ran away. Suddenly, she soared into the air, slithering with wings extended towards Han Sen in a really fast stride. His legs snapped at his head before he could even respond.

Han Sen inadvertently rolled back in shock, but the mantis still hit his head. With the sound of a metal clash, Han Sen felt only slight discomfort, as if his head had been hit by a stone. And there was not even a scratch on the Holy Blood Beast's soul armor.

Filled with ecstasy, Han Sen took the opportunity to cut the slender waist of the swift mantis in front of him with a fierce stab. The fast mantis was cut in half, his green mantis blood soaked everywhere.

Han Sen didn't care at all and happily listened to the strange voice in his head.

"A fast praying mantis killed a creature. You did not gain a monster's soul. Eat a fast mantis to get zero to ten primordial gen points randomly."

Touching his helmet as the swift mantis cut to feel that it was still smooth, Han Sen thought to himself in excitement, "Ha ha, the shield is everything! Using my shield, I can kill whatever I want to kill and no one can hurt me, even I won't fear mutated creatures." Han Sen suddenly gained courage and

stopped hiding. He walked into Zephyr Valley and alerted several of the swift Persians to attack, but they couldn't harm him at all by cutting off his shield. Han Sen took the opportunity to kill them all, each with a single stabbing.

"Kill the fast primal creature. You don't gain a monster's soul. Eat fast bugs to randomly gain zero to ten points."

'Kill a fast mantis creature...'

The voice constantly sounded in his mind, adding to his excitement. He stabbed his way through the valley and killed more than 20 insects in a row.


Su Xiaoqiao was on his way to Zephyr Valley as well, calmly thinking about his bad luck.

His parents were interstellar conglomerates and were considered both distinguished and aristocrats. However, he was randomly assigned to the Steel Armor Shelter, where he had no friends or even acquaintances.

To obtain an aristocratic title, Su Xiaoqiao could only choose to follow Qin Xuan in order to achieve maximum mutant geno points and become an evolution.

There were two titles in the Levo Interstellar Alliance. One was "distinguished" - once one became a passenger, one could be believed to be outstanding. The other was an "aristocrat". If one could evolve with 100 mutant or more advanced geno points, one could be certified as an aristocrat.

Both titles implied a lot of benefits in the alliance, most importantly because they were a symbol of social status. Today in the alliance, people were more and more excited. Upper class people will not even talk to someone without a title, even when doing business.

Advance titles like Sacred Blood Aristocrat were beyond dreams of Su Xiaoqiao. All he wanted was to obtain the title of Ordinary Aristocrat by maximizing mutant genetic points and completing evolution.

However, getting 100 mutant geno points was still very difficult for him. He brought a lot of money to the Steel Armor Shelter, but the money could only buy the meat of an ordinary and primitive creature, since very few people sell mutated creatures. Only people who were aiming to make the most of their sacred geno points like Qin Xuan would sometimes sell the mutant creature meat they possessed. However, it was not money she wanted, but loyalty and service.

Su Xiaoqiao was now running missions for Qin Xuan, exploring places less known to people and looking for traces of sacred blood and mutant creatures to gather information for her. With the information, she can then assemble a team to search for these creatures, and the team members will get the meat of a mutated creature in return.

Su Xiaoqiao had been exploring for a month and found no traces of mutant creatures, let alone sacred blood. He ran out of supplies, and he had to go back to the Steel Armor shelter. When he passed Zephyr Valley, he thought there might be mutated creatures around, as the area was very sparsely populated.

After he crept into the valley, he felt something strange.

He didn't see any fast mares, not even one. A mile from the valley, all he saw were some chaotic traces on the ground.

"Someone must have wiped out the swift arms. Fist of the man or the Son of Heaven? No. Although there are signs of combat, there must be more damage if it is a group of people…"

Surprised, Su Xiaoqiao in the valley, wondering What's happened.

As he expected, there were many green bloodstains from a swift mantis along the way. Bloodstains followed and turned the corner. What he saw stopped him in his tracks, he panicked.

Next to the stacked bodies of fast mantises was a golden figure. In the sun, the figure looked like a robot in armor cast in gold.

Chapter Seven: Dollar

"Brother, did you kill all these mantis?" Su Xiaoqiao did not see anyone except for the man wearing golden armor.

The dead mantis was still bleeding, so they could not have died for long. Su Xiaoqiao couldn't believe that someone was able to kill so many mantises in such a short time.

Although the swift mantis was just a primal creature, given the sharpness of its feet and its speed, even those who had reached the maximum primal geno points didn't dare to provoke it.

After all, there were a lot of weak spots on the human body, and no one wanted to risk losing their life or being seriously injured by cutting a praying mantis.

There were at least sixteen fast mares on the ground. Even Qin Xuan would need some helping hands to make it happen. Su Xiaoqiao would not believe that someone could do this alone.

"Would you like some? A thousand dollars lefu each." Han Sen was only thinking about what to do with the mantis. He was on a killing spree and forgot the fact that there was no way he could eat so much mantis meat. And even if he could eat them all, only a few of them could earn geno points.

"A thousand each? Are you sure?" Su Xiaoqiao looked at him, surprised. Although many people were able to hunt primitive creatures, they were few, especially those that most people did not eat, such as the fast mantis.

After all, people's energy was limited, and there was a limit to the number of geno points that meat of the same kind of creature could give. Only by eating the flesh of a variety of creatures could one continue to accumulate geno points.

Those who were relatively well off would all be willing to pay for creatures they hadn't eaten yet so that they could make the most of their primeval geno points.

Therefore, primitive creatures that were easy to kill could fetch a few hundred each, while those that were hard to hunt, like the fast mantis, could sell for two or three thousand each and still be few.

Su Xiaoqiao calculated and calculated that he could double or triple the price if he could move these mantis bodies again.

"Yes, a thousand dollars lefu each." Han Sen nodded.

It wasn't that Han Sen didn't know what the value of a mantis was. Without a car or other tools, there was simply no way he could bring all these corpses back on his own.

And if he left now, the bodies might be stolen upon his return.

Furthermore, Han Sen did not want to waste his time and energy on this. He had more important things to do, and could lose some profits - as the wholesaler, he had to leave some profits to the retailer.

"Sure, I'll take them all. How many are there?" Su Xiaoqiao was on the plane. A quick mattress can bring him more than money.

Primitive creatures such as the swift mantis that ordinary people cannot easily reach make wonderful gifts. No one could refuse such a beautiful offer, as long as they did not reach their maximum primeval geno points.

"A total of forty-three. I'll give you a discount and only charge 40 thousand." Han Sen was casually asking and did not expect that this ordinary-looking man would be so wealthy that he could buy them all.

Su Xiaoqiao took out his wallet and pulled out ten banknotes worth ten thousand dollars. "Brother, I'll give you fifty thousand for this mare. The other fifty thousand is a down payment for any good things you may have in the future. I'll always give you a good price and pay higher for the flesh mutant creature."

One hundred thousand was a small amount for Su Xiaoqiao. It would even cost him to buy a fancy dinner. This person was so bad that he killed all of these weeds on his own, so it was very likely that he could hunt down mutant creatures as well. If the meat of a mutated creature could be purchased from him, a few hundred million would be nothing.

Han Sen took the money and said, "I couldn't tell you that you were rich."

Su Xiaoqiao bragged, afraid of losing this great opportunity: "In all honesty, money is all I have. If you have moving meat to sell, let me know. The price is definitely not an issue."

"Great. What's your name and address? I'll come and find you if I have something." Han Sen appreciated Xiaoqiao's generosity, and thought that he might be an ideal buyer for the mutated creature he had planned to produce with the black crystal.

After all, the black crystal had to remain a secret. Selling the creature to one person was much better than selling it in the market in front of everyone.

And he didn't even need to worry about the price because Xiaoqiao was incredibly rich.

"Brother, my name is Su Xiaoqiao, this is my real name. My room number in Steel Armor Shelter is 1046. What about you? What is your name and where do you live?" Su Xiaoqiao said.

"Dollar. That's the only thing I care about. Pack some money, and I'll go to room 1046 as soon as I get something." Han Sen put the money in his pocket, waved goodbye to Xiaoqiao and left Zephyr Valley.

After his father's death, Han Sen did not want to make many exchanges with others. He just wanted to take care of his mother and sister and do his own thing. Other people or things didn't really affect him.

"Brother, I'll wait for you. You should come! Remember that price is definitely not a problem..." Su Xiaoqiao yelled at Han Sen's butt as he waved his hand, "Brother, I'll wait for you. You should come! Remember, price is definitely not a problem..."

After Han Sen left, Su Xiaoqiao couldn't help but yell, "How can I get this back?" "

Su Xiaoqiao thought for a while and decided to carry some in a bag and ask some friends to help him carry the rest.

Fortunately, there were almost no humans in Zuhair Valley. When Su Xiaoqiao returned with friends, all the corpses were still there.

"Xiaoqiao, is it true that the dollar killed all these rapid explosions?" Su Xiaoqiao's friends looked with wide eyes at the pile of mantis bodies.

"Of course. Although I didn't see him hunting, there was no one else in Zephyr Valley at the time and the mare had just died. Who could possibly be?" Su Xiaoqiao said.

"I think it must have been a gang of people who killed these fast mantis, and others must have left him to deal with the corpses. I don't think a single person can kill so many mantises. He should be bragging!"

"He was definitely bragging."

None of Su Xiaoqiao's friends thought that Han Sen killed the speedy

Chapter 8: Primordial Beast Spirit

Han Sen did not return to the steel armor shelter after leaving Zephyr Valley. In a flash, kill every fast praying mantis in a frenzy until no one is left.

"Okay, I'll just go hunt a copper-toothed monster. There are plenty near the Armor Shelter and there is a high chance of catching a copper-toothed monster, so it wouldn't look suspicious if you produce a mutant using the crystal." Han Sen found a habitat for copper-toothed monsters and wanted to catch a lone animal.

Only able to find a small group of copper-toothed monsters, Han Sen advanced and killed all but one of them, making use of his powerful armor.

"Killing the Copper-toothed Beast. The Beast's soul was not gained. Eat the flesh of the Copper-toothed Beast to randomly get zero to ten Primordial Gen Points."

"A copper-toothed primordial creature beast was killed. The soul of a primal beast from a copper-toothed beast gained. Eat the flesh of a copper-toothed beast to randomly get zero to ten Primordial Gen Points."

Han Sen's eyes widened in surprise. The forty-three speedy mare and the thousands of ordinary creatures he killed didn't make a single monster's soul. Now he has only killed two copper-toothed monsters and gained a monster soul!

"To obtain a beast soul requires pure luck." Han Sen was filled with joy. Although it was common, the beast spirit of a copper toothed beast was very cute.

The copper-toothed beast was one of the weakest among all the primordial creatures, but the spirit beast was common. Han Sen summoned a new beast's soul, and a porcupine-like shadow with bronze fangs turned into a bronze crescent in his hand.

The crescent spear had a bronzed luster and a menacing appearance with its sandy crescent-shaped tip.

Primordial beast spirit type of copper-toothed beast: Weapon.

Han Sen played with the spear for a while, looking very fierce. He was taught basic spear skills in school. Han Sen was interested in all kinds of weapons, so he learned very well.

Han Sen slashed his spear before grabbing the copper-toothed living beast and turning back. On his way back, he found a lone spot to remove his shield. Han looking like himself again, he returned to the steel armor shelter, carrying the honeyed and copper-chained beast on his shoulder.

At the gate of the shelter, a group of about 12 people was walking outside, and they were all riding various groups of spirit beasts, headed by a man wearing steel armor and carrying a blood red sword on his back. The man was riding a triceratops-like spirit beast mountain, looking powerful and formidable, attracting envious glances from everywhere.

In Steel Armor Shelter, there are three prominent people who aim to complete evolution by maximizing sacred genetic points. This man, the Son of Heaven, was one of them. Han Sen didn't know his real name and identity, but he was definitely a King in the Steel Armor Shelter.

Han carried the copper-toothed monster aside to let the gang pass. However, the Son of Heaven stopped his mount when passing by.


Son of Heaven looked at Han Sen and attacked him on the shoulder with a leather whip. The copper-toothed beast fell to the ground, and Han Sen's clothes were torn. The wound began to swell on his shoulder and back.

"Who would have the nerve to sell this primal creature?" The Son of Heaven asked in a cold tone, looking at him with resignation.

In the Steel Armor Shelter, everyone knew that the Son of Heaven was attracting Qin Xuan. The strange ass that stabbed Qin Xuan in the depth naturally became his enemy. It was also one of the reasons Han Sen was miserable.

Upon learning that Qin Xuan stabbed, Son of Heaven not only beat Han Sen, but also told everyone that whoever dared to deal with Han would become his enemy for life.

"I caught it myself." Han Sen stared coldly, fist fist but still standing.

Not only did Son of Heaven gain a lot of geno points, but he also collected many monster souls. Since he had the help of his gang, Han Sen wouldn't be able to touch the man even with his best efforts. Even with his sacred armor, he would be beaten to death before even approaching the Son of Heaven.

God's Sanctuary was different from an alliance in that there was no law at all. Strength was everything. Han Sen will die in vain. In addition, the Son of Heaven was said to be of prominent origin in the Alliance. Even if Han Sen was killed in the alliance, Son of Heaven might not be subject to legal penalties.

Han Sen was not afraid of death. But if he died, what about his mother and sister?

"If I find out that someone dares to sell to you, I will make sure that both of you will die of pain." The Son of Heaven looked around and rode away.

Luo Tianyang smiled and turned to Han Sen before following the gang on the black wild beasts: "The donkey is weird, don't bother you, or else I wouldn't mind teaching you another lesson."

Luo Tianyang, an old follower and acquaintance of the Son of Heaven Alliance, was one of those he sent to strike Han Sen.

Han Sen watched the gang go by, burning in his eyes. The copper-toothed monster quietly picked up and walked towards the Armor Shelter, where everyone was watching sarcastically.

"Stronger, I need to get stronger." With fury in his chest, Han Sen knew he was too weak to fight the gang alone.

But the black crystal was his biggest chance.

"Son of Heaven, get rid of him for good," Luo Tianyang said coldly.

Son of Heaven smiled and said, "Qin Xuan is a stubborn girl. She doesn't like people interfering with her work. Since she didn't kill Han Sen, she might be upset if she did."

"What an unwise woman!" Said a follower of the Son of Heaven, the shining sword. "It's an honor for her to go after her, brother, while she's only on the air. If it weren't for you, she would have already killed her."

"Don't come down, Qin Kuan. It's a thing in the God Sanctuary and the Alliance alike. If you become mine, it will be a huge advantage for me." The Son of Heaven bluntly said, "End of discussion. We need to reach Sunset Cliff before the Fist Guy. This sacred-blood creature must be ours!"

Chapter 9: Sacred Blood Creature

Han Sen returned to his room, tied the copper-toothed monster into a cage and placed the black crystal in front of him. The beast devoured the black crystal greedily.

After a whole day, Han Sen noticed some changes in the copper-toothed monster. Its fur was gray-black like a wild boar, and its fangs were bronze. Now her fur is starting to show a bit of a bronze luster, and the fangs are even brighter in colour.

However, this was not a true copper toothed beast, which should look like a bronze statue. Even though this person showed some appearance of a bronzed luster, he was still very different from the mutated luster.

"It seems that the evolution from a primitive creature to a mutated creature is a more complicated process from ordinary to primitive, so it requires more time than one day," Han Sen wondered.

After more than two days, its bronze color had become thicker, but the copper-toothed beast still didn't look like it would evolve anytime soon.

Han Sen had to let the monster evolve at his own pace, and go kill some primal creatures for money. In addition, he could also use some primordial geno points.

Even if one did not choose to use primeval geno points to complete evolution, the more primeval geno points one gained, the stronger the body would become. The same goes for normal genetic points and mutation.

If one could make the most of normal, primeval, and mutation geno points, one's physical conditions would still be far beyond the average level, even without evolution.

With the black cystal, it wouldn't be difficult for Han Sen to make the most of all four types of geno points. Right now, he wanted to max out on the other three before focusing on the sacred geno points.

Han Sen left his room and walked to the shelter, feeling a slight difference: Today the streets seem less crowded than usual.

"What's going on?" Han Sen walked past the plaza and found even fewer stalls than usual. The people there were whispering something to each other.

Han Sen listened for a while and began to find out what had happened.

A few days ago, someone discovered a new bloody creature near the sunset cliff. Somehow, the three gangs of the Steel Armor Shelter found out and gathered at the cliff, but the result was terrible: the sacred-blood creature escaped while killing many men.

Today, Qin Xuan, the son of Heaven and Fist, reached an agreement to hunt the sacred-blood creature together. They also recruited a lot of solo wolves and smaller groups, making up the Steel Armor Shelter's biggest campaign in recent years. The three gangs were determined to kill this creature.

Han Sen suddenly had an idea, so he turned around and fled the city. When there was no one around, he summoned a black beetle beast soul and covered himself with armor. After running for two hours, he came to a stone hill west of Sunset Cliff.

After he finally climbed to the top of the hill, Han Sen took a look in the direction of the sunset cliff. Among the thousands of people fighting and screaming, there was a monster with the head of a cow, the upper part of the human body and the lower part of the horse. He was holding a golden double-edged ax and thrusting his way through the crowd. No one could withstand the violent blow of his axe.

Han Sen happened to see the monster swinging the ax at Son of Heaven. Which was even his blood red sword, Son of Heaven didn't dare block the axe. He climbed onto his mountain and jumped back a few feet.


The monster's double-edged ax hit the Triceratops-like monster mountain and split it in half. He broke the heart of the Son of Heaven. A mutant beast spirit mountain was very rare, just as valuable as a small interstellar spaceship.

"How powerful is this sacred-blood creature?" Han Sen was shocked.

The sacred-blood creature ran and killed thousands of people in a flash, and no one was able to fight back. Even powerful people like Qin Xuan, Son of Heaven, and Fist Guy did not dare to engage in a frontal attack. Hit by all kinds of bullion arrows and monster spirit arrows, even the monster didn't even get a scratch. When the ax swung, no one could get close.

Such a great creature was consistent with Han Sen's impression of a sacred-blood creature. The black beetle he had killed was very weak compared to this monster. It was slightly stronger than an ordinary black beetle and didn't even feel like a holy-blood being.

People had expected to besiege the sacred-blood creature, but now a major barrier had been lost where the Son of Heaven Mountain had been killed. The sacred-blood creature was crazily charging, brandishing the golden-edged axe and leaving screams, blood and limbs behind. It only took moments to rush from the siege to the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, he turned zigzag and stood on his hind legs, rambling like a cow before hitting the mountain.

"F*#k! She wants to escape!" The Son of Heaven angrily summoned the spirit of the green eagle-shaped beast, which turned into a green iron bow in his hand. Then he summoned a fiery beast soul in the form of a giant six-winged wasp like his arrow.

Seeing the arrow, Qin Xuan and the Fist Guy exclaimed, "Six-winged wasp blood beast soul!"

They cooperated with the Son of Heaven in hunting the six-winged sacred hornet. It was the Son of Heaven who unleashed the final blow. They didn't expect him to be so lucky as he had gained his savage soul.

There were less than ten beast spirits known to people in the entire Steel Armor Sanctuary, and many of them left those who had already evolved and went to the Second God's Asylum.

"Son of Heaven, stop! It's a beast spirit that can only be used once. If you fail to kill it..." Luo Tianyang wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

The Son of Heaven had already shot the bloody beast spirit arrow with a full drag. The arrow turned into a red lightning bolt flying towards the sacred-blood creature.


The sacred-blood creature sensed the impending danger and turned around. The hornet's arrow shot into his chest and exploded, opening his body. The beast fell to the ground, losing its vitality as its internal organs and blood sprayed.

The Son of Heaven shouted loudly, standing like a king, leaving everyone in shock, "How dare you kill my mountain? There is no way I can let you live after doing that."

While he was proud to see the crowd admiring, including Qin Xuan, Son of Heaven suddenly saw a green shadow falling from the sky into the dying sacred-blood creature and ending his life.

A golden figure immediately rushed out from the nearby stone hill and approached the sacred-blood creature. He raised his golden double-edged ax to his shoulder, and the mysterious figure ran toward the mountain in a flash.

"dollar!" Su Xiaoqiao had not recognized Han Sen's unique golden armor in no time and called out loudly.

Chapter 10: Bloody Slayer

Han Sen was hiding on a stone hill when the sacred-blood creature charged in his direction. As he was deciding whether to withdraw, the Son of Heaven saw the holy-blood creature fall.

Anger surged and Han Sen rushed down the stone hill while summoning the Bronze Crescent Spear. He fired a spear at the monster and struck it in the wounded chest, killing the dying creature.

"Killing the Holy Blood Slayer. Beast Blood Soul Slayer Gained Blood Slayer. Eat the flesh of the Blood Slayer to randomly obtain zero to ten sacred geno points."

The voice at the back of his head brought him intense joy. He just gained another bloody beast soul! His luck was too good to be true.

However, Han Sen did not have time to celebrate. The killer blood's body was too big for him to take, but what he could take was a giant golden axe.

Creatures in God's Sanctuary could produce certain treasures through special means. People called these treasures "gears". Although gears were like solid items and could not be summoned like beast spirits, they could also trigger beast spirits if they were produced by advanced creatures.

The Blood Slayer was peerless when carrying the golden axe, and the ax could easily break normal beast spirit weapons and beast spirit carriers, so it proved to be an excellent sacred blood device.

Han Sen's goal was to obtain the golden axe, and the bloody killer beast's soul was a completely unexpected loot.

Watching Han Sen run up the mountain with the golden axe, everyone was surprised.

"Motherf *#ker!" The Son of Heaven let out a raging roar when he realized what had happened. With the black wild beast summoning his mountain, he crazily rode in Han Sen's direction. Behind him, his gang raced over the private mountains to chase after Han Sen, as he roared and scolded him.

Han Sen didn't expect the Golden Axe to be so heavy. With eight Sacred Genie Points, he was already much stronger than before, yet he was still barely walking with an axe, let alone running.

"The bloody killer made him look so light! How can I escape with this heavy weapon?" Hansen looked back and could already see Son of Heaven and his gang only half a mile away from him.

Although it was too heavy to carry, Han Sen had never left such an excellent blood gear. Suddenly thinking of the newly acquired beast soul of the blood slayer, he glanced at him and suddenly cheered.

Holy Blood Beast Soul Type:

Without thinking, Han Sen summoned the spirit of a bloody killer beast and a majestic galactic shadow, looking just like a beast, only missing a giant axe.

The beast's soul ran towards Han Sen and was instantly fused with him. His body was transformed into a blood killer and the black beetle's armor changed its shape accordingly, still covering Han Sen's entire body as a bloody killer.

After all, beast soul armor was not as rigid as man-made ones and could change according to the shape of the body.

After changing the shape, Han Sen felt so energetic that the Golden Axe had nothing left of him. He ran with four hoofs, and also became incredibly fast.

Han Sen climbed the mountain at full speed and disappeared, bypassing the gang.

Everyone was speechless, as everything happened so quickly. Many of them smiled as they watched Son of Heaven and others were still pursuing Han Sen.

"S*#t! Who was this guy? He has some nerve jumping into a boiling pot! And what loot! In addition to the golden axe, he obtained the soul of a Holy Blood Beast! Can you imagine how much it must be worth?"

"Do you think that you can only buy the soul of a Holy Blood Beast with money?"

"Hahahaha, Son of Heaven must be very angry. A Holy Blood Beast's soul! It could have been his but it was taken."

"The arrow he used looked like a one-time blood beast soul. What did he get for that investment… lol…"

"I'm only afraid that the Son of Heaven will lose his mind."

"I didn't expect that there would be a soul of a sacred-blood beast! How lucky is that man! He couldn't have killed a beast on his own. And dozens of sacred-blood creatures might not even make a single beast's soul. It just so happened that he got everything with the last blow."

" Who was this guy really? Is there such a person in Steel Armor Shelter?"

"I heard someone call him a doll, but I'm not sure."

"Doll! Interesting name."

Less than an hour later, the Son of Heaven gloomyly returned with his gang, but people already knew that it was impossible to find someone on the winding mountain paths.

Son of Heaven immediately questioned Su Xiaoqiao when he returned. His admiration for "dollar" was wrong.

Su Xiaoqiao had no choice but to tell him everything about how he had met Han Sen, which was not very helpful since all he had was a dollar.

The Son of Heaven didn't fully believe him, but he couldn't do much as Su Xiaoqiao was in the Qin Xuan gang. He bitterly led his gang back to the Steel Armor Shelter and closed the shelter, swearing to find the dollar and slashing it to pieces.

Most people did not learn the name of the dollar, while "doll" became popular. For a while, a doll, the Son of Heaven, a sacred-blood creature, and a bloody beast spirit, became the most popular subjects of the steel armor shelter.