
Chapter 4: Their first step

Before reading, yes once again, we need to retcon something. It's Susie's Sleep skill in chapter 3.5. I'm swear I already change it but then when reread it, I realize it's not change yet. And it's too late so I will retcon it now. The change is only the second part thought.


[Sleep. Cost: 2 LusP. Make target fall asleep. You can pay 2 more LusP to make this become AoE]

Now change into:

[Sleep. Cost: 2 LusP. Make target fall asleep. You can pay 2 more LusP to target another enemy].

Basically, with this, if Susie want to target 5 enemies, she need to pay 10 LusP not 2 LusP.

Enjoy the chapter.


{Previously on Moemon Novel Idea: Jame met two adventurer in the Melly forest: Susie the s*ccubus and Nikako the Nine-tail fox}

[Mission: Help Nikako and Susie capture thief fox gang.

Succeed condition: Don't let any fox in the thief fox gang die and you or the 2 girls successfully capture all of them (??/??)

Reward: You and Mizuko will gain 2 level up. Gain trust from adventure guild.

Penalty: Distrust from adventure guild]

🚦: "Yes, I will gladly help you two"

Susie silently whisper to Nikako

💜 (whisper): "Ms. Nikako, but I thought this is my test"

🦊 (whisper): "Susie, he already state that he has a clue on where the fox is right? And you have no clue where the fox anyway. You should at least ask him where the fox is, right?"

💜: 'I guess the text is more complex than I though'

**About 2 hour ago, inside the Marchester's adventure guild**

🐶💙: "Congratulation, Miss Susie. You are now an adventurer. Do you want to take assessment test now or not?"

💜: 'Mom never said anything about assessment test. I wonder what it is'

💜: "Can you let me know about the assessment test?"

🐶💙: "Okay. Let's see."

The GIRL takes out her memo card. sHe has light blue twin tail hair and small light blue tail. sHe wears pink seifuku top with dark blue skirt together with dark tight. sHe also has a cute dog doll on top of her head.

🐶💙: "The assessment test has been established 15 year ago to determine the most suited role/position. It will help new adventurer find party to join or create new party so that the party have diversity."

After a bit of thinking. Susie answer 💜: "I will take the assessment test"

💜: 'Mother never told me about it so I'm excited to see what it is'

🐶💙: "Then Miss Susie. Please wait a little"

The GIRL start pressing something in the status screen.

🐶💙: 'Ms. Nikako seems available. Then...'

Hearing the GIRL's thought, Susie immediately surprise, then she start doubting herself.

💜: 'I'm just hearing thing. There is no way the cute girl in front of me is a he. Right?'

🐶💙: "Uhm, Miss Susie, is something wrong?" The GIRL seeing Susie giving her a weird look asked.

💜: "Ah, no, nothing"

🐶💙: "Then you can go to the guild entrance. Ms. Nikako is waiting there and she'll give you the test."

After hearing the guild receptionist description of Nikako, Susie found a nine-tail fox girl standing near the guild entrance.

🦊: "You must be Susie"

💜: "Yes. You must be Ms. Nikako"

🦊: "Oh no, you don't need to be so polite like that. I'm only 2 level higher than you after all. You can even check to make sure."

Deja vu. Wait this occur first so reversed deja vu??

[Nikako. Level: 6? Rank: Normal?]

💜: 'I guess the test has already begun'

💜: "Ms. Nikako, are you sure you are a low level adventurer and not a high level adventurer? Mom said that high level adventurer can hide their status info and nine-tail fox can even mask them"

🦊: "I don't know what you are saying. Let's go to the gate. We will do your test there."

Nikako turns her back to Susie. Susie couldn't see it, but on Nikako's face is a satisfying smile.

**About 1 hour ago, outside the South gate of the Marchester city, Melly forest**

💜: 'Ah this is the first time I'm in human city and I end up buying a lot on the way'

Susie looks at her ID card. The 3000 credit, money that Moeri (Susie's Mother) give her has been reduced to 1838. She has bought 1 Waterproof tent (cost 210 credit), 10 Monster Repel Incense (cost 50 credit each, 500 credit in total), 1 magic lighter (cost 50 credit), 1 cooking utilities combo which include 1 cutting board, 1 cooking knife with [Dismantle] skill, 1 pan, 1 pot, 1 portable stove, 1 spoon set (6 spoons), 1 spatula, 1 bowl set (6 bowls) (cost 452 credit total).

🦊: "Are you prepare yet? When the test begin, you can't return to town. If you do, I'll end the test immediately. This is to test your planning."

After checking her ID card to make sure, Susie answer 💜: "I'm ready"

Hearing Susie answer, Nikako takes out her white fox gohei. Seeing the nine-tails fox equips herself with weapon, Susie also takes out her Dreamcatcher.

🦊: "Relax, we won't fight each other"

Even though she said that, Nikako still swing her wand. A magic circle developed. Susie takes her stance, but nothing come, and the magic circle just fade away.

💜: 'Did she fail to cast something?'

🦊: "And the test begin!!!"

A status scene appear in front of Susie.

[Quest by Nikako: Capture the thief fox gang

Description: Thief fox gang has been summon to the Melly Forest by Nikako. Find and capture them before other adventurer mistake them for normal thief fox and kill them.

Reward: receive from commissioner Nikako]

💜: "But,... But I don't have detection skill"

🦊: "Just follow your feeling, Susie"

And with that Susie's test begin. Even though she has no detection skill, the girl still try her best to follow the thief fox trace. Sadly she only find the normal one. And this has been lasting for 1 hour.

**We now return to the present**

💜: "Jame. You said you want to help us but do you have any detection skill"

🚦: "I don't think I am."

💜: "We doomed"

🚦: "I can lead you back to the last place that I met the thief fox"

💜: "Lead the way"

Using Mental Mapping, Jame leads Susie and Nikako back to the place where the level 8 Red Boar is sleeping.

💜: "I thought you said you lead us back to the last place you met the thief fox."

🚦: "Ah well the thing is"

Jame recounts how he got attack by the thief fox, how he chased the fox to here, how he attacked the pink slime and his fight with the boar.

💜: "Why are you attack pink slime in the first place?"

🚦: "Well, uh, I,..."

Seem like the cat has outed his own bag. Jame's scratching the back of his head.

🚦: "I'm forgot *hee hee*"

🚦: 'I don't know that they did that. This is a whole new world to me. I came from different world after all'

Uhh. Did he forget that there is someone that can hear his mind? Again??

💜: 'Another world? Does this mean that he is ... ... also come from the demon world. I hear that half demon sometimes look a lot like normal so he could be half demon like me. Okay, let help him.'

*🤦‍♂️pop🤦‍♂️* Yeah close. Very close Susie.

💜: "Well. Let bygones be bygones. Now let's defeat the boar before it wakes up"

Susie open her palm, grab the staff that appear out of nowhere.

🚦: 'Cool. How did she do that?'

💜: "Uhm, Jame. You don't have weapon?"

🚦: "I'm not buying one yet"

💜: "Then wait a minute"

Susie takes out a kitchen knife from her ID card and hands it to Jame.

💜: "I think this count as weapon. Try Equip it"

[Kitchen Knife. Weapon type: Knife. Effect: None. Skill: Dismantle]

Jame hold the knife in his hand. A status screen appear asking if he want to equip it. Jame answer 'yes' mentally and a new screen appear.

[Due to equipment, Skill: Tackle has changed to Skill: Stab]

[Stab. Cost: 5 stam. Use weapon to stab the enemy]

💜: "Are you ready? Let's go"

[Jame Traffy and Susie's attack fell due to Wild boar's Intimidate]

🚦: 'How can it active its ability when sleeping?'

Cause it can.

[Red Boar, level 8, Rank: Normal, HP: 89% (Asleep)]

[Jame Traffy used Stab (Stam: 8009/8114). Wild Boar's HP: 75%]

💜: "Dream Eater". Susie tap her staff to the ground while saying.

[Susie used Dream Eater (MP: 463/470). It's a critical hit. Wild Boar's HP: 21%]

[Wild Boar is fast asleep]

🚦: 'Do I also need to chant?'

Jame move away from the boar, raise his hand and attempt to use Mud-Slap. But there is nothing happen.

🚦: 'I guess I need to chant. Even though Mizuko used it chantless'

🚦: "Mud-Slap"

A dark brown magic circle appear. It shots out a small mud blob to the boar.

[Jame Traffy used Mud-Slap (MP: 111/116). Wild Boar's HP: 11%. Wild Boar's Accuracy fell]

[Wild Boar woke up and used Headbutt. Wild Boar missed]

Red Boar went straight through Jame without hitting anything. The boar must be angry right now for missing the target this close. Well not like it will live to tell a tale or two.

💜: "Magic Arrow"

[Susie used Magic Arrow (Dark). Wild Boar fainted]

[Susie gained 52 Exp. Point. To level 5: 97%]

[Jame Traffy gained 104 Exp. Point. Jame Traffy's level raise to 5, to level 6: 93%]

[Mizuko gained 52 Exp. Point. Mizuko's level raise to 4, to level 5: 89%]

[Name: Jame Traffy

Level: 4 -----------> 5

HP: 24 -----------> 28

MP: 116 -------->126

Atk: 15 ----------> 18

Def: 15 ----------> 18

Sp. Atk: 15 ------> 18

Sp. Def: 13 ------> 16

Spd: 16 ---------> 19]

[Name: Mizuko

Level: 3 --------> 4

HP: 16 ---------> 19

Stam. : 117 ---> 125

Atk: 11 --------> 12

Def: 8 ---------> 10

Sp. Atk: 8 -----> 10

Sp. Def: 8 -----> 10

Spd: 7 ---------> 8]

🚦: 'The system did mention that Moemon will still get Exp. Point without battle. But I never knew they can gain it when they are already fainted. This is clearly broken'

No, this is not broken. This is ... uhm ... work as intended.

🚦: 'And when level up, your health got recover, so I can now summon Mizuko again'

Yes. Totally work as intended.

🚦: "Summon Mizuko"

The Arc - I mean the familiar white summoning circle appear, turn into blue and the a cute mud fish reappear.

🐟: "Master-nii-chan, are you okay? What about the boar?"

🚦: "I'm okay. I and a friend have defeated the boar."

💜: "Uhm Jame she is?"

🚦: "She is Mizuko, my familiar. Mizuko, this is Susie. She helps me defeat the boar"

🐟: "Hello. I'm Mizuko. Master-nii-chan's familiar"

💜: "Hi. I'm Susie"

💜 (whisper): "What does she mean by Master-nii-chan"

🚦 (whisper): "Don't mind about it"

Nothing too important, don't mind about it.

💜: "Well, let's first Dismantle the boar then find the fox"

🚦: "Oh okay"

Jame looks at the boar corpse. 🚦: 'I guess because of the knife's skill, the boar corpse still here. But how can I Dismantle it? Just stab the knife in and said Dismantle?'

[Answer: Correct. There are no need to manually do it if you don't know how]

🚦: 'How can you do it manually?'

[Answer: To manually Dismantle, you need butcher and cooking relate skill/job.]

🚦: 'Fine'

💜: 'Who is Jame talking to? This is the second time and every time he do it. The status window just appear. Should I ask him?'

While Susie wonder what she should do. Jame has stabbed the knife to the boar.

🚦: "Dismantle"

[Jame Traffy has gained 5 kg of meat]

[Susie has gained 1 kg of meat and 1 boar core]

💜: "Uhm Jame, do you want to trade your 2 kg of meat for my boar core?"

🚦: "Okay. I don't know how to cook anyway."

💜: "Okay then I will cook for you. Let's eat lunch together"

🚦: "Okay then I will take a look around"

But Susie has no cooking skill. Why are you guy let her cook? Who let her cook? Nikako quit hiding and stop her.

Jame hand back the knife to Susie and walk around searching.

After around 15 - 30 or so minute, Jame and Susie found the Yellow Fox that has stolen their apple. It is now sleeping inside a tree hollow.

🚦: "Got you"

"Kon? Kon!!" (Hm? I got found!!)

🚦: "Okay, time go back to see if this is the target or not"

Yeah, time to go see what is Susie cooking.

What is Nikako doing anyway?

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