
Novel's Demon

I've died. However, it wasn't the end. Somehow... I woke up once again though not in the world I knew but in a world of a fantasy novel I've read in my first life. Unfortunately, I wasn't reborn as a Main Character, a supporting character or even an Extra... No! I reincarnated as a weak and useless Demon. However, this was not even the worst part... 'Why the fuck am I stuck in the Academy!?'

FriendlyFlame · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
62 Chs



As soon as I spoke a black hologram with golden text appeared before my eyes.

~~~ Status ~~~

Name: Note Enderfrost

Rank: G

Strength: G

Agility: G+

Stamina: G

Intelligence: G

Charm: F-

<-- Mastery -->

Swordsman [ Lv. 1 ]

The degree of understanding the user has of the sword.

<-- Weapon Art -->

Frostbite's Blade [ ✪✪ ] - Novice Proficiency

Frostbite's Blade is a weak-level technique that infuses the wielder's weapon with a subtle chill, causing a fleeting numbing sensation upon contact. 

<-- Skills -->

Demon's Veil { G }

A skill honed by demons to conceal their distinct racial traits, rendering them indiscernible from other beings. 


My eyes quickly went over the information displayed on the screen as I assessed my current abilities and strengths.

However, instead of seeing superior stats and advanced skills that would make me stand out among my peers, I found nothing.

I found less than fucking nothing, these stats were shit!

"What the hell is this Demon?"

Poking at the hologram hovering before me, I mumbled. 

From the memories of the Demon, I knew the rough backstory of this guy. He was basically a talentless individual who possessed minimal combat abilities and lacked any extraordinary skills or talents.

Even in the Demon realm, where strength and power reigned supreme, Note Enderfrost was deemed insignificant.

He was sent here by his superiors with a task to collect as much information as possible, however, even he himself knew he was basically sent to die.

"This is stupid, being weak is alright but being this weak..."

I felt a wave of frustration and disappointment wash over me.

Normally, first-year students at the 'Sword Academy' are around F Rank, however, I was leaps and bounds below that, barely even reaching the bottom of the grading scale.

"How did I even manage to enroll here..."

Shaking my head, I slowly walked toward the living room of 'my' apartment to gather my thoughts.


Taking a seat on the worn leather couch, I sighed.

"What to do..."

I muttered looking around the room and contemplating my options.

Being a Demon was bad, however, I was yet to be discovered. All I need to do is to lay low.

I don't need to attract unnecessary attention, overperform or stand out in any way. I basically need to blend in with a crowd.

"I can't stay weak though..."

However, I also couldn't afford to remain weak.

No matter how low I lay, there is always a chance of me being discovered and exposed as a Demon. I had to at least have enough power to escape or defend myself if the need arises.

In this world, strength is everything.

If I wanted to survive, I had to have the strength to do so. Since I'm stuck in the Academy with the protagonists, I will also be forced to face countless challenges and adversaries.

In my eyes, the main characters are nothing but problem magnets. 

Yes, they might have plot armor but the amount of problems and dangers they attract is ridiculous. From young masters always tripping over themselves to challenge them, to ancient demons awakening from their slumber just because the main character looked at them funny - it's a whirlwind of chaos.

And I was stuck somewhere in the middle of it.

There is also an option to just run away from the Academy but I instantly threw that idea out of my mind.

Although this place might be full of danger and constant challenges, it was also an opportunity for growth. Even with all the knowledge I had from the novel, attending the Sword Academy was a chance for me to gain practical experience and improve my skills in a controlled environment.

I simply couldn't let such a valuable opportunity slip away. 

I had to find a balance between blending in and growing stronger, navigating the treacherous waters of the Academy while keeping my true identity hidden.

"Be strong... Lay low..."

Muttering those words to myself, I made a silent promise.

However, I didn't stay in one place for long. I had around a week before the official start of classes at the Sword Academy, and I needed to use this time wisely.

My current Rank is... nothing great and my Weapon art as well as Skills are simply not up to par.

"It is time to steal~"

Standing up, I stretched my limbs and cracked my knuckles, a mischievous grin forming on my face.

Although I am weak, I still have knowledge of the future and the events that will unfold.

I know where treasures and resources are located, where to find and learn ancient techniques and which individuals will hold valuable information or skills.

All I needed to do now was strike while the iron is hot and seize every opportunity for growth and advancement.

I was going to go and collect some cheat items...