
NOUVEAU: The Unwanted Child

Poor beautiful ex-slave Nova, pregnant with Tyrian's child, faced his disdain for her steadfast decision to keep the baby. Despite enduring his cold and abusive behavior, she remained torn by her love for him. Meanwhile, Tyrian, a formidable demon hunter, tormented by his forgotten past and battling his inner demons, oscillated between bouts of cruelty and fleeting moments of empathy towards Nova. As they grappled with their tumultuous circumstances, could they find a way to confront the darkness and navigate their chaotic destinies through the cruel dystopia that surrounded them?

Hagunyu · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

As a demon hunter, Tyrian's physique exuded strength and power. His broad shoulders and chiseled chest spoke of countless battles fought and won. Every sinew of his well-defined muscles hinted at his prowess in combat, while his formidable, imposing stature commanded respect and instilled fear in his adversaries. With each movement, his body radiated an aura of unyielding determination and unwavering resolve, a testament to his relentless pursuit of the complicated goals in the face of darkness. 

Besides his prowess, Tyrian harbored an insatiable desire for pleasure. Nova was aware of Tyrian's preferences even before he chose to be with her; he had a penchant for spending nights at brothels, seeking gratification from numerous women to satisfy his cravings.

Now, with Tyrian seeking solace in her, Nova found herself unable to fulfill his insatiable desires. Her hand clenched tightly around her dress as she remembered her pregnancy. Every warning she had read in the pregnancy journals echoed in her mind, cautioning against engaging in sexual activity, especially during the early stages of pregnancy. This caution was especially pertinent with someone like Tyrian, who favored rough intercourse.

But as Tyrian stood before her, shirtless and imposing, Nova's thoughts raced uncontrollably, like a tempest swirling within her mind. With trembling hands, Nova hesitated, her grip on her dress tightening as she struggled to find the words to refuse his demand. She knew that defying Tyrian could have dire consequences, but she also knew that she couldn't risk the safety of her unborn child for his pleasure.

As Tyrian's gaze bore down on her, Nova summoned all her courage and shook her head defiantly. "I can't," she whispered with a hushed tone but filled with determination. "Not now. Not like this."

"What?" he repeated, his voice laced with authority and impatience, his eyes boring into Nova with a steely gaze.

"I said I can't," she replied, her voice steady despite the tremble in her hands. "Not now, Tyrian. Please understand."

"What do you mean you can't?" Tyrian's voice was sharp, his frustration evident as he struggled to comprehend Nova's refusal.

Nova swallowed hard, her throat dry with fear as she met Tyrian's gaze head-on. She knew that she had to find the right words to make him understand, to make him see the importance of her decision.

"I mean..." she began, her voice faltering slightly before she steadied herself. "I mean that I'm pregnant, Tyrian. It's not safe for me to engage in rough sex, especially in the early stages of pregnancy," Nova explained, her voice trembling.

Tyrian sighed. His expression still hardened. His shoulder was a bit slumped. "Shit... What a burden," He hissed as he strode to the outside of the room.

She was relieved, yet sad. She knew that Tyrian's disappointment was inevitable, but it still stung to hear him refer to her pregnancy as a burden.

As the door closed behind him, Nova let out a shaky breath, her emotions roiling inside her. With a heavy heart, Nova sank onto the bed, shedding tears. She knew that she couldn't rely on Tyrian for support, that she would have to find the strength within herself to face the challenges of pregnancy on her own. And it was a sad reality that she had to grapple.

Out of nowhere, a wave of nausea surged through her stomach, causing it to churn uncomfortably, worse than before. Nova's breath caught in her throat as she fought back the urge to vomit. The sensation was overwhelming, and her head spun with dizziness.

She dashed to the bathroom, stumbling slightly as the nausea intensified. Falling to her knees in front of the toilet, Nova retched violently, emptying the contents of her stomach into the bowl. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she struggled to regain her composure, the ordeal taking a toll on her already fragile state.

After about half an hour, Tyrian's steps faltered as he returned to the room, the sound of retching from the bathroom catching him off guard. Concern flickered in his eyes as he approached the closed door, his mind racing with worry for Nova. Despite his frustration and anger, he couldn't ignore the fact that she was struggling with her pregnancy.

As he stood outside the bathroom door, Tyrian hesitated, his hand hovering over the handle. Part of him wanted to storm in and demand to know what was wrong, to assert his dominance and control over the situation. But another part of him, a part he rarely acknowledged, felt a twinge of genuine concern for Nova's well-being.

With a heavy sigh, Tyrian backed away from the door, his mind clouded with conflicting emotions. "Stubborn bitch," he muttered under his breath, frustated.

As he strode back outside, Tyrian couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him. He was reluctant to help, reluctant to show any sign of weakness or vulnerability. But deep down, he knew that he couldn't abandon Nova completely, not when she was carrying his child.

With a heavy heart, Tyrian made a determined decision to assist Nova, if only for this occasion. Rushing into a nearby pharmacy, he urgently requested medication suitable for pregnant women and sought out warm, easily digestible food. His usual cold demeanor softened momentarily as he focused on ensuring Nova's well-being.

As Tyrian stepped back inside the room, he found Nova lying down on the bed, her face contorted with discomfort, sweat glistening on her forehead. His concern grew as he approached her, noting the obvious signs of distress she was experiencing.

Without a word, Tyrian placed a carry bag next to her, containing porridge and some medicine pills.

"Here," Tyrian said gruffly, his voice softened slightly with concern as he gestured to the bag. "Eat something. It'll help settle your stomach."

Nova glanced up at him, a mixture of surprise and gratitude flickering in her eyes. She hadn't expected Tyrian to show any concern for her well-being, given his usual cold and callous demeanor.

"Thank you," she murmured, her voice hoarse and weak as she reached for the bag. 

Impatient with Nova's slow movement, Tyrian took out the nausea medicine from the bag and handed it over, his expression serious as he explained its purpose.

"This will help reduce the nausea. It's safe for you," he stated firmly, a trace of concern laced his voice as he spoke.

Nova took the medicine from him, gratitude shining in her eyes as she nodded in understanding. She popped the pill into her mouth and swallowed it down with a sip of water.

After patiently waiting for several minutes for the medication to take effect, Tyrian carefully prepared the porridge. With a spoonful of the warm food, he gently guided it to Nova's lips.

"Here, try to eat a little. It'll help settle your stomach," he urged, his voice softer than usual as he watched Nova closely for any signs of improvement.

Nova hesitated for a moment, her stomach still churning with nausea, but she knew that she needed nourishment to regain her strength. With a determined nod, she parted her lips and accepted the spoonful of porridge.

She swallowed the warm, comforting food slowly. Nova was relieved that the soothing sensation easing the tension in her stomach. However, just as she began to relax, a wave of nausea engulfed her once more, causing her to gag and struggle to swallow the food.

Concern flickered in Tyrian's eyes. He quickly set the porridge aside and reached for a glass of water, offering it to her with a gentle touch.

"Easy, take small sips," he advised, his voice soft and reassuring as he encouraged Nova to drink the water. 

Nova gratefully accepted the glass of water, taking small sips as Tyrian had instructed. The cool liquid helped to soothe her throat and alleviate some of the discomfort from the nausea.

After taking a few spoonfuls, Nova covered her mouth with her hand, her expression pained. "I-I think... I've had enough," she managed to say, her voice strained with discomfort.

Tyrian's brow furrowed with concern as he heard Nova's shaky words. He could see the exhaustion etched on her face.

"Alright," he replied gently, his voice softer than usual as he reached out to gently pat her hand. "Rest for now. We'll talk later."

Nova nodded weakly. With a heavy sigh, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to drift into a fitful sleep.

As they settled into bed with the lamp extinguished for hours, Tyrian had already drifted off to sleep, but Nova, who was lying next to him, remained awake. Her discomfort prevented her from finding rest, but her thoughts were consumed by worries about Tyrian. Despite his initial care, she couldn't shake the fear of abandonment. Would he discard her one day? What if he grew tired of her?

To the addition, Nova couldn't shake the feeling of stubbornness for even considering the idea of escape, especially when she needed Tyrian the most in critical moments like these. Her mind spiraled further as she recalled his attempt to seek pleasure earlier. Did he resort to seeking comfort from a prostitute while he was away? The uncertainty remained still in her head.

Nova couldn't bear the thought of Tyrian seeking solace with another woman, especially after she had refused his attempts to be intimate earlier. The idea of him betraying her trust, of seeking comfort in the arms of another while she lay alone and vulnerable in bed was too cruel to grapple.

But even as her fears threatened to consume her, Nova knew that she couldn't let herself dwell on them indefinitely. She had to find a way to trust Tyrian, to believe that he would stand by her side and support her through the challenges of her pregnancy.

After Nova's discomfort eased and her worries momentarily pushed aside, with a surge of determination, attempted rekindle Tyrian's interest in her and reaffirm their connection. With cautious resolve, she crawled towards Tyrian, her movements slow and deliberate, until she was close enough to reach out and gently rub his groin area.

Her touch was soft and tender, an attempt to stir his interest and remind him of their bond.

Her actions successfully roused him from his slumber. Tyrian's sleepy eyes fluttered open, catching sight of Nova near his sensitive area.

"Nova," he called out, his voice hoarse with sleep. "What are you doing?"