
why I started writing.

hello everyone today I'm going to tell you why I started writing at first it was a way to hang out with a friend I had made because he liked to write but later on I found it fun riding with friends and making up stories, after a while I had created a group of people that wrote on the site I used to write on one of them even asked if he could be my boyfriend and I accepted things were looking up even if the people in the group were assholes sometimes we were all friends... that was until me and my ex had a fight and he tried to drive me to suicide he stole over $1,000 from me Andy started spreading lies and a twisting the truth to everyone in our group which slowly had them leave me, all of them turned against me one by one because of his lies finally my last friend either had his computer hacked (something which is looking more and more unlikely) or he has abandoned me and only find the way to talk to me when you want to talk about something the others have no interest in... I really want to believe he's hacked. I was in such a bad depression that by the time I met Seiko my will to live was dead and I was so close to killing myself in fact I was planning it for the next day, when I met Seiko I thought I found someone who would be a friend to me and we're not abandon me on the words of others but that person along with someone who took the side of the bully that had been constantly bullying me and when I started treating him exactly how he treated me, I turned into the bad guy because I decided to give the bully the same treatment he was giving me, now when I thought I found a new friend who I could co-author with he doesn't even answer any texts I send him which means another story is probably going to go unfinished.

so what I mean to say is I'm losing my will to write, my entire will to write was because I wanted to make others happy I wanted to hang out with my friends and I wanted to create interesting stories and worlds with the people I care about.