
59:The true deity


"The murder of Ruvelna Highmore, " their words echoed in my ear. His name sounded familiar, almost similar to the goddess's name, Revelna Highmore. 

Xerek lay lifelessly on the ground. His palace and broken body were unmoving with his eyes open and frozen to the view of the sky. 

A dark resentful soul emerged from the land. Shrieking loudly as they suspended in the air. The first order took a defensive position. Millions of souls materialized in the field. 

Their grievance dominates the field. The more they cried, the more souls awakened and joined them. 


The ground in the distance exploded and a purple flame came alive from the ground. Xerek's body is suspended in the air being lifted by the millions of souls gathered in the field. 

The first order came for me. They surrounded me drawing out their weapons ready to fight the spirits in case they attack.