
Not Your Average Life

The_sparkle_Girls · Thanh xuân
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14 Chs

chapter 7

I am at Gina's house now laying in her bed. She said she is going to take a shower. I fake like I am asleep so I  can hear her conversation on the phone. She peeps through the door to see if I'm asleep. She has my phone and how the hell did she go to private mode.

   I know because she was on the phone with my boss. And his number is on private mode. She tells him about what happened and the boss replies saying "What's his name we can rough him up a bit ." My baby says " Ha, yeah right y'all will kill him and that is my job not yours." And the boss says" Dang Cate picked a feisty one." 

  And he laughs. And this whole situation makes me uneasy. And I open my eyes and Gin tries to play it off like she was talking to her mom and gets off the phone so quick. I try to talk, it hurts like around a 4 on a scale. But I don't let her see it.

   I start talking like I don't know how to stop"Babe I know you are just trying to help but you can't just go to private mode. And talk to my boss like that you are very lucky that you didn't get killed.And I can't lose you too. I already lost my parents."She stops me to talk.

   Gin says" Bae I know that you are mad but I couldn't let them think you just tried to run away. And don't think I didn't know about it. I found out a few weeks ago. And you only lost one parent." I shot her a look that could kill.

  She walks off. I try too and I succeed slowly but very very painful so I go to my wheelchair.  I go to the kitchen and grab some wine and a wine glass . And roll so fast to the patio but I see Gena and Ava  kissing who are supposed to be their boy best friends . I drop the wine and wine glass and I roll away, it's not like I can drive right now but I sit in my car and lock the doors. 

   And guess what on top of what I just saw, someone scraped some paint off the car. I tell my car to call Gin.She answers and I tell her what I saw and she said I will be put in 10 minutes. I say ok and hang up.In the next 9 minutes I see Gena and Ava leaving with suitcases then their new boyfriends. 

  My baby stood up for me.She comes and sits in the passenger seat and comforts me for about  half an hour. Then she tells me she has to go to work. I tell her that I will get a ride to go somewhere. She looks at me suspiciously. I tell her just to get something to eat.

 She leaves  while I am heading inside to Gin's room to find my phone. I just found it so I go to messages so I can text Jayden. To see if he wants to go out to eat. He replies in 2 heartbeats. He says" Bro, you know I have nothing to do, my girl is on her field trip."So I texted him and asked him where would you like to meet up, he said anywhere.

  I told him "Dude if you don't hurry up and choose where we eat or else I'm not coming." He texts back and says he wants McLogans. (restaurants and bar) I got a driver to take me, thankfully the ride was only 15 minutes. 

  He tells me that he is inside so I thank the driver and go in. He must have spotted me because he walked up beside me and hugged me then when he pulled me away from me. And pulled me 

into a short little peck on the lips. He sees the look on my face and says that he is really happy to see me and know that I am ok. Then we finally get seated at a table.

   I don't know what to say anymore so I just tell him that I am going to the bar. He replies" Ok I will come join you in a minute but first tell me what is going on with you." I sigh loudly and then I tell everything that happened today. And all he says is dang. He tells me to go to the bar and he has to use it and make a phone call. 

   I roll away quickly and I tell the bartender to give me something very strong but it also tastes good. I drank about 9 shots before I lost count. Jay sat beside me and started telling me that I need to stop or he is going to call Gin. When he says that I roll outside and leave and go to a bar 2 places down. I go to the restroom so he can't come in here. He comes to the back and calls Gin. 

   He knows I am in here because he tells her what happened and that I locked myself in the restroom. She starts to shout so loud in here and asks him where we are. She gets in the car and starts zooming off. I hurry up and tell her she needs to slow down because her boyfriend shouldn't worry. And I ask her if she is my sister since she is coming to see me. 

   She replies and tells me that I am her girlfriend. I almost thought that I was dreaming. I go to the bar and tell this bar the same thing as the other one. He gives me a dark blue drink. When I get halfway done he asks me if I have a boyfriend. 

  I chug my drink down. And it's like Gin read my mind and then I tell the dude " You see her, that is my little baby." Gin looks very worried and comes to me and so does Jay. As soon as Jay reaches him he slaps him but I stop him when he tries to get a few hits and the bartender hits me in the back and that is when they notice that I am the one they are hitting. I collapse to the ground. Gina comes running to me. I pass out.  

   (Later when we get home) When I wake up Gin is asleep cuddling me and Jay is sitting on the seat right beside me. I replaced  a pillow where I was laying. And try to walk and I succeed so I grab the cane that I keep under her bed. I am so happy that I can walk again so soon it has only been a week and a half. I have a very bad headache from all that drinking I did.

    I go to the kitchen and start cooking for all three of us. I make waffles for Jay and pancakes for me and Gin and bacon and cheesy eggs for all of us. I go to the cellar and grab some red wine. I get three glasses and set the table then I put the food on plates and put it on the middle of the table. Because I know they like to fix their own plates.

   I go to her room to wake them up but they already are. Gin runs up to me and hugs me and I almost fall. I thank them both for taking care of me. I tell them to come downstairs to eat. They rush down the stairs and I end up falling.

    I hear Gin yell sorry. I roll my eyes softly. They just don't know what all I got planned for tonight. The drinking was just a distraction even though it doesn't feel like one. 

   I put the drees and the suit I am wearing tonight out. I put on the dress and went down stairs. My baby looks at me with lust in her eyes. And tells me that she is surprised that I am wearing a dress. I roll my eyes and she shoots out of her seat and chokes me and puts me against the wall and tells me " Don't forget who you are dating." 


  I choke her and put her on the wall and I tell her " Bae don't forget I am the dominant one ." I softly put my lips on hers and she makes it a rough kiss. Jay reminds us that we're about to eat. She pulls away and pulls at my bottom lip. Knowing I am a tease about that.

   I see her look at me out of the side of my eye. I whimper. And it works. She slightly laughs and I am smiling from ear to ear.


    I go to the table and sit and we eat in silence. I tell them to go to their room  while I wash the dishes. Jay and gin say at the same time that '" You know we have maids right." I tell them like I do everytime they say that "I can do things for myself like since I was young." Gina asks me if I can go talk in her room and I tell Jay that I will be back.

   When we get there she tells me to sit on the bed. This one time I listened. She says "I know because your mom died when you we're 5  because your dad tried to hurt you and she got in the way. But your dad is still alive."  I tell her "Jay was right I should have stayed downstairs." I try to stand but she pushes me back down and tells me to tell her why I don't get in contact with my dad.

   I tell her to sit in front of me and she does. Before I start she kisses me on my cheek. I built enough courage to tell her. I start " So after he killed her I was in my closet crawling to my safe place that my mom made in case something like this happened. He looked everywhere but he couldn't find me and when I assumed that he was asleep I went to my bed and called the police. 

   When he woke up he was already gone and so was I. As soon as I called I left because he never stays in jail too long. I stayed across town so he  wouldn't find me but his girlfriend did. She took me to her house and beat me then made me into her maid for one year then she returned me to my dad and made it seem like she just found me. At first he didn't even remember me then when he did he could care less. 

   And then fast forward a few weeks they got married and she would lie on me so I could get beat then a few more weeks she didn't even have to say anything he would just do it. He would come home drunk every night and do it. In the morning he would pretend nothing happened and ignore me. I couldn't eat when they ate or do anything with them because I was such a disappointment to him.  Then she pulled him into drugs and everything got 10 times worse. 

   When that happened  the reason I stayed with you for two weeks is because I finally got him to go to get help. And when he first found out what I was trying to do he tried to kill me and he almost succeeded. But I was able to get away. Now he is clean and divorced but I can't be around him because I think he will change back and I can't see his face.   So that is why I consider him dead." We we're both crying by the time I finished. She replies" Oh, baby . No wonder you have so many protective walls up. And marks all on your body."