
Not so little witch

This is a story of a little witch named Elaine as she grows takes up both good and evil magic and goes to a witch school. As she turns 18 her life beings to change when she meets a handsome warlock. Elaine's not so little anymore. MATURE PARTS INCLUDED!!!!!! 17+

Chicaluka · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Chapter 7

Maleficent POV

I just left my boyfriend's home; leaving him with his friend for their bonding time, I can tell its a man to man thing so its best I left. I am a witch of dark magic and fortuneteller, I have my crystal ball and I can read tarot cards for any question people ask. I don't use my magic for super evil doings, I'm the more sexy bad ass/naughty witch; easily shown in how I dress. I tend to wear somewhat revealing cloths, my normal wear is black skin tight dresses, long to the floor and their all have V necks that go down just above the abdomen; some of the dresses have one or two side cuts on them. For the collar connecting is a median sized red jewel, from the jewel spreading out down to the edge of my shoulders and some of my back are black raven feathers. The witch hat is black with some black raven feathers that match for my current dress. My features, a simple oval shaped face a good looking button nose, light rosy cheeks, full lips and sea blue eyes.

I'm going to attend to the Modern and Witchery Arts for more practice even though the school is for both good and evil magic, I should have an understanding of both. I live near the school so another reason is to not wake up early because I am definitely not a morning person. I can't wait to start classes and I hope to meet new people, I'll be lonely without my one and only around, he's going to a different school; he has more of the ability to control fire with his powers than any other element. I called my familiar over, I always leave her outside near me in cause I need her to do an errand for me, her name is Snow; she is a northern white-faced Ptilopsis owl. I was on vacation with my family in the deep mountains when I was twelve years old and I had come across her in the woods on my afternoon walk, she had followed me home staying outside the place we were staying throughout our time there. We had left to go home and she went along with us and became my familiar ever since.

I was soaring through the sky when I remembered I have a cousin that lives around her, I haven't seen her in years; I'll ask my mother for her address later. I got home within minutes and I go to my balcony and settling down in front of the double doors to my room, I always come through here; saves me a lot of time to get to my room. I feed my familiar her favorite mice and went downstairs where I found my mom kiting a scarf, I think?

"Hey mom," I walked towards sitting next to her in the living room.

"Hi sweetie, I didn't hear you come in." She took a glance at me ware that I took to balcony entrance again.

"Yes sneaky me came through the window." I admitted to her suspicions.

"Maleficent we have a door for that, don't use a window to get in the house." She scold me.

"Mom you know I never listen," I looked around the room trying to distract myself before I tell her my question.

"Of course you don't, just like your aunt." She stated before looking back to her kiting.

"Hey mom speaking of my aunt where does your sister live? Doesn't she live close by?" My mother stopped kiting, she placed it on the small tea table beside her.

"Are talking about your aunt Lexie and her daughter Larissa?" She questioned. She knows I only have one aunt.

"Yes mom, I want to go visit them tomorrow." We talked about my aunt and I got the information on her home location. I went back up to my bed chamber knowing exactly where my cousin lives now, tomorrow I'm going for a surprise visit hopefully they are home when I get there.

Nicholas POV

After Maleficent left I turned to Blaze.

"So how are you and your girl," I raised an eyebrow.

"Just great, never been happier. We have been getting more intimate and we were actually close on stripping... till we were interrupted." He expressed with n annoyed face as he commented that last part.

"Alright, you know I didn't want to know that." I didn't know much of what was going on with them but I was unwilling to know those details.

"I know you are here because Elaine is in your house now; why can't you just meet her there for the first time." He quickly changed the subject.

"No can do Blaze, I don't want her to know I'm Larissa's brother, she would just think of me as her friends little brother, I don't want that. Its better if we meet at the same school, and instead of actually giving her my whole name, I'll go by Nick." I was confident about this and one lie won't hurt.

"You do you Nick. Maleficent is going to the same school as you both, shouldn't I tell her something, what if they meet in a class?" After he said that, it would cause a problem if they meet; it could reveal something if I'm not careful.

"Fine I'll let you tell her, but she can't tell this to anyone alright," I'm sure I would feel more at ease if I had some help keeping my secret rather than being it exposed.

"You have my word." We spend a few hours talking, then decided to work out in his personal exercise room under his house, I've been working out for about a year and I'm gaining some muscles and already have a six-pack. After another hour, I was sweating like crazy and decided it was time to head home.

"I'll see you Blaze...probably tomorrow." I had said by the front door of the main entrance.

"That's fine, I'll see you when I see you." With that I left and when I got home I didn't hear anything, my family must be asleep now. I sneaked to my room carefully not to wake anybody, I entered my room and went to my bed and landed with a flop, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I could feel Kara climbing the bed sheets and curling up in a ball next to me, we both fell sound asleep.

Maleficent POV

I got up bright and early, for once, I was really exited to see my aunt and Larissa. Snow was already up; I fed her and I chose not to eat breakfast knowing that I would eat over at my cousins house. I changed into my outfit for the day and flew out the balcony double doors.

I followed my moms instructions and arrived at the house. I knocked on the door, I had to wait for about a minute till the door opened. A middle aged women answered the door I knew it had to my aunt, I went up to her and hugged her before she said anything.

"Hi aunt Lexie," I hugged her tight since its been a few years the last time saw her. I released from the hug and looked at her, she had a shocked face.

"Maleficent?..." As she pulled away first, I feel like she didn't recognize me.

"Yes aunt Lexie its me." I stated.

"Wow its been so long, and you look so grown up. Come in. I'm surprised you are here early, your cousin should be up now if you want to go see her, she should be in the kitchen." I walked in the house and looked around, I remember the inside of the house but the furniture has changed a little bit since the las time I was here.

"Are you going to the shop now aunt Lexie?" I said to her, I was hoping she would stay a little longer.

"Oh yes, I was on my way over there when you were at the front door, I start early and get home a little late, you can stay as long as you want and keep your cousin company. So how are you?" She asked.

"I'm doing fine aunt Lexie." We spoke for what was only a minute before she left for her shop, she told me I can help myself to eat breakfast, just like I knew she would. I walked in the kitchen and I saw a girl around my age or maybe a year older. She turned around and smiled at me.

Larissa POV

I looked at my cousin, I knew she would come today so I had already prepared breakfast for the both of us. We stayed in the kitchen enjoying our breakfast and having girl conversations, I haven't seen her in a few years; we talked about school and I found out that she is already with someone and that she is going to the same school at my friend Elaine. We spent half the day bonding and agreed to see each other more often and when she left before sundown, I didn't notice before but I really missed her. The last time I saw her was when I was 7 we are both the same age just a few month difference. Nicholas was 5 years old the last time he saw her, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't know who she was now, she changed quite a bit. Maleficent wouldn't recognize Nicholas either, he changed so much after all those years.

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