
Not so Lazy Nara: There are no evil acts that go unrewarded.

What is more tragic? A blonde facing hatred for an incident he was not responsible for, or a member of the Nara clan who has to work hard for his selfishness at any cost?

DaoistcaqwL5 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

The Strongest Kazekage of Sungakure vs Strongest Swordsman of 'Kumogakure' : Deciding factor is intel.

(Sakumo Pov)


Such bad luck...

First, we encountered three expert puppeteers who proved too quick for anyone but me to handle. And now, we're up against their Kazekage in person.

It was clear that if we hadn't arrived promptly, they would have unleashed the Jinchuriki on Konoha during the Land Rivers operation.

But I can't fault anyone; finding the target within six hours was already quite a feat.

Seeing him up close in person was quite different from hearing his tales on the battlefield.

Learning that Magnet Release is a specialized technique rather than an inherited ability, I admire Sandaime Kazekage for creating such a potent and versatile technique that remained undiscovered until Akio figure it out.

This technique in his hands offers superior defense, remarkable flexibility in attacks, and effectiveness against multiple opponents.

When compared to the iron sand utilized by our team, there's simply no comparison. It almost reminds me of how Akio effortlessly manipulates shadows, as if it was part of him unlike his clan member.

Speaking of Akio...

"I must keep him occupied until Akio completes the unsealing of the tailed beast,' I resolved, raising my sword, prepared for battle.

"Where are you from?" Shinki asked coldly, his gaze fixed on me like a hawk's, effortlessly moving away Ebizo from harm with his iron sand.

Observing his swift defense of Ebizo against my attacks, I intensify my lightning chakra to heighten my reflexes if I hoped to evade his strikes.

As I strategized, I couldn't shake the memory of the day I pushed myself too far practicing Akio's jutsu, ending up in a two-week coma. 'I hope Sandaime-sama understands when I take a week off,' I thought, knowing it was crucial now to gurantee my chances of defeating Shinki—provided I played my cards right and he didn't come down to the ground.

"Hmm, let's see how long you remain silent after being imprisoned," Shinki sneered, encircling me with swirling iron sand.

Confident in Shalan and Chisa's ability to handle their opponents, Shinki focused his attention on me, prioritizing my containment over their defeat—an understandable strategy.

Aware that my team would struggle to replicate my swift manoeuvre I performed on Ebizo ti take down the duo with success, I found ironic relief in not having to concern myself with their safety, as long as they don't do anything foolish, while I executed my plan.

As the iron sand closed in, I deftly evaded a massive iron fist forming behind me and sidestepped iron-hardened projectiles raining down from above. In the midst of evasion, I began to weave hand signs.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu," I muttered quietly, directing the blazing sphere toward Shinki.

"Why waste time?" he scoffed, making no effort to block as the fireball connected with him.

Retreating swiftly, I observed him emerge unscathed from the dissipating smoke, now cloaked in iron sand.

Sensing tremors beneath me, I narrowly dodged a spear thrusting up from the ground, swiftly leaping back as two colossal iron hands collided, narrowly avoiding becoming a pulp of flesh.

Channeling lightning chakra into my blades, I slashed at Shinki, launching a lightning arc through the air before swiftly forming new hand signs.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu!" I unleashed another fire orb toward him.

"This is the extent of your skill?" he mocked, allowing the flames to wash over him without resistance and remained unscathed.

Avoiding another massive iron hand descending from above, I agilely dodged a subsequent iron pillar aimed at me.

"Aren't you thinking highly of yourself, thinking I won't figure out you are buying time for them?" he remarked, his voice dripping with disdain. Iron sand began to swirl around me to prevent my escape as he advanced toward my team.

'He took the bait!' I thought, a smirk crossing my face as I swiftly performed the clone seal.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" I exclaimed, summoning two identical clones beside me. Together, we synchronized our hand signs.

'Fire Release: Firebeam Jutsu!' We unleashed torrents of white-hot flame directed straight at him.

Glancing back briefly, he remained stoic, seemingly unfazed as the flames engulfed him. To him, it was merely a futile attempt to impede his progress.

Yet, as he pressed forward, his demeanor shifted. He appeared bewildered, eyes darting around at the sand swirling erratically.

Meanwhile, the relentless white flames continued to engulf him, causing panic to creep onto his face. His iron sand, once formidable, now failed him, slipping away into nothingness beneath his feet.

Desperately, iron surged from the ground, preventing him from plummeting off the dangerously thin platform suspended high in the sky.

Despite the toll it took on me, blood mist formed in my mouth, I persisted. I ceased channeling lightning chakra, minimizing internal damage while pushing forward.


The ground trembled beneath our feet as a deafening boom echoed through the air. Boulders soared across the sky, crashing down with powerful thuds, sending shockwaves rippling through the landscape.

All eyes turned towards the epicenter, where the Jinchuriki was housed. A colossal figure emerged, roaring mightily.


'Mission accomplished,' I thought with a sense of relief as I canceled my jutsu and dispelled my clones. I signaled my team to retreat, having caught sight of the tailed beast, which resembled a colossal tanuki.


Recovering swiftly, we hurried to retreat. However, the looming menace of the puppeteer duo persisted, suggesting an unavoidable ambush.


Until a deafening explosion interrupted my thoughts, drawing my attention to the chaotic scene the duo were engulfed in.


"If you seem so resilient, they might not realize the toll it's taken on you," Akio's voice cut through the chaos, as he and Hideo joined us. We were all using the body flicker technique to make our escape.


I attempted to retort back before coughing out blood; my lips was stained with blood, my mouth scorched that brimming with pain and I couldn't form a word, all due to side-effect of the jutsu.


"Ito and Ami, help him," Ito and Ami, carry him before he collapses," Akio instructed. We halted briefly as they lifted me onto their backs which I accepted quietly.

While I had a sense of pride, it was never as damaging or excessive as the pride displayed by the Uchiha clan.


"I've buried explosive tags beneath the sand. That should keep them off our trail for a while," Akio explained, the only one who seemed to be unaffected.


The explosions were so deafening, I could only understand his words by reading his lips.


'Are you sure you didn't do it to get back at me for commenting about your ringing ear?' I glared at him, my ears irritated by the relentless noise, questioning the necessity of using so many explosive tags.


"Will the tunnel hold up?" Ito asked, clearly worried as we would lose a good route to escape from here.

Of course, we could rely on Land of Rivers for this matter; however, the price would be hard to swallow

"No, I'll need to use my shadow technique to keep it intact," Akio replied with a emotionless sigh.


Given Akio's capability, it wouldn't be hard for him to maintain the tunnel, but it would undoubtedly exhaust him and drain his chakra, as the tunnel was very long and required periodic breaks for him to recover.


So we would need to camp for two days before we could reach the Land of Fire, according to our estimates.

'At least I'll have time to prepare a gift for Aki when we return,' I thought, though a nagging feeling told me I was forgetting something crucial.

Note: This best I come up with sooo, I hope it was fine.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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