
Not so Lazy Nara

What is more tragic? A blonde facing hatred for an incident he was not responsible for, or a member of the Nara clan who has to work hard for his village and for his life at any cost?

DaoistcaqwL5 · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Blame Kumogakure

(Sakumo Pov)


As I departed the village with the others, I let out a sigh and took one last look at the swiftly disappearing landscape.

Despite the monotone quality of his voice and the usual lack of emotion in his speech, his tense posture made it clear that he was far more on edge than normal.

'This mission must be at least an S rank,' I speculated, recognizing the specific individuals he had called upon.

Two sensors, whose abilities complemented each other perfectly in reconnaissance, were included in the team.

All the combatants were specialists in Lightning techniques; three of them had mastered the manipulation of metallic sands and other metallic objects. When Akio's hypothesis about the Magnet Kekkei Genkai being a secret technique similar to his clan's shadow manipulation was confirmed, he selected these experts to validate his theory—a significant breakthrough he achieved just a few months ago.

And then there was me, regarded as the strongest member in the Anbu, second only to Danzo-sama.

Since we were heading southwest, there were two possibilities.

One possibility is to join the battlefront in the Land of Rivers and assist in ending the conflict between our forces and those of Sunagakure. However, revealing our ability to utilize the so-called 'Kekkei Genkai' of the Kaze clan in front of Sunagakure shinobi might not be wise. It could lead to unforeseen complications and lose the strategic edge when using them on other villages.

Another consideration is that, since we are not heading towards Amegakure, it means our mission likely does not involve framing Sunagakure. This leaves the second possibility: framing Kumogakure and the Kaze clan. By attacking the village and shifting the blame onto them, we could potentially create discord.

However, this scenario seems unlikely. The Kaze clan has been the ruling clan of Sunagakure since the appointment of the First Kazekage, hence the leader's title of Kazekage. Accusing them of an attack would be strange, as there is no apparent motive for them to undermine their own standing within Sunagakure.

Suddenly, Akio came to a halt in the middle of the forest, which forced the rest of us to stop too.

"Check the area, make sure no one is close to us," Akio commanded, and the pair of sensors nodded in acknowledgement before dispersing to carry out the order.

I watched intently, knowing my question would soon be addressed. I waited patiently as the sensors completed their scan of the surroundings.

"Everything is clear," they reported simultaneously, their voices steady and confident.

"Good," Akio responded. "Now, here are the details of the mission." He distributed a small, peculiar container to each of us, the significance of which was not immediately apparent.

"Our first task is to infiltrate the Sungakure in the Land of Wind. The second part of our mission involves assisting me in unsealing the one-tail Jinchuriki by distracting it's guards," Akio explained, leaving us momentarily stunned.

Although most of us, aside from the sensors, were primarily trained for combat, it became clear that Akio was positioned to unseal the one-tail Jinchuriki himself.

This revelation was surprising. I hadn't realized he possessed such advanced skills in fuinjutsu. However, questioning his capability was out of the question.

The order had come directly from our Hokage, implying full confidence in Akio's abilities. To doubt Akio would be to doubt the leadership and the orders we were given.

Moreover, I had known Akio since our academy days. He had always been meticulous and cautious, never taking on tasks he couldn't handle. This gave me confidence that he wouldn't agree to something beyond his expertise.

With these thoughts in mind, I looked forward to completing the mission, trusting in the plan and our collective abilities.

"Ummm… what is this?" one of them asked politely, opening the smaller container which held a strange black pigment.

He was aware that Akio had a special relationship with the higher-ups, so he was cautious not to offend him, unaware that my friend has a thick skin.

"Apply it on your skin, especially your face. We can't let them figure out our identity," Akio instructed while applying the pigment to his own face.

'So we are blaming Kumogakure,' I realized, and began applying the pigment without hesitation.

Knowing that the village prioritizes lightning release, where the Sandaime Raikage is considered the best lightning user, it wouldn't be surprising for them to figure out how to manipulate metallic sand and objects. This would allow us to double down on the blame after releasing the tailed beast from its Jinchuriki. By indirectly informing the Kaze clan that their "hidden Kekkei Genkai", which the Third Kazekage eventually "revealed", was discovered by Kumogakure through the distraction, we would increase hostility and the chances of them shifting their attention from us, possibly igniting a war between them.

However, I know this mission is far from simple. One mistake could drag out the war between our and their village, so we need to be exceptionally discreet.

Finding the Jinchuriki will be like searching for a needle in a haystack, as the tailed beast's chakra cannot be sensed unless it is leaking outside the seal.

The mission could take weeks to locate the target, and we must avoid detection while finding the ideal moment for Akio to break the seal and for us to create a distraction.

In short, we can't afford any mistakes, as the victory of Konoha against Sunagakure depends on us.

'Sorry Aki, it may take a long time for me to return,' I thought, knowing I would miss her birthday.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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