
introducing Alexa Angelo!

"we just landed"

"ok princess, study hard and stay in touch"

"will do", she cat-walked down the airport with her mom's latest shoe design, the heels are enough to make her go down as a murder suspect. While on the other hand, was her personal maid struggling to carry six huge luggages enough to fit her.

"Would you walk faster", the former said sounding disgusted. Ryan; their mom's secretary was already there to drive them to their home. The drive didn't last thirty minutes before Cara started whining about her Instagram. She's an influencer but lately there's someone who she has been compared to. "I'm Cara Dasilva Aguero, no one dares to compare me. Do you have any idea who I am?!", she screams at no one in particular. Making a fuss all-round, the driver sped faster than the drive limit because he has had enough of her rambling. He drove into three storey building house that each floor can house three other apartments. Alexa was dumbfounded; yes she knows the Aguero's are rich, the house she's coming from is way bigger than this but come on!. Entering the house she realized she made a mistake, it's not three house, it's not a freaking three house. She's already seeing five apartment in just this floor. Do you know what they freaking call an apartment? And I'm not talking about a self-contained home, I'm talking family house, with three bedroom, a parlor, bathroom, kitchen and all the freaking rest. She stood unsure whether she's got the right place. 'Sure the Aguero's are rich, got big cars, loaded cash, owns hotels and estates but this, just for their bratty daughter– I think somethings wrong here. I would get it if she's the only daughter. But they are twelve in number. Yes she might be the only girl, but how can you have twelve kids and still have enough money to buy this kind of house for just one person. Are you fucking with me right now?', Alexa thought to herself.

"Would you just stand there like a statue or bring in my stuff?, I need a bath", Cara said walking up the stairs. The driver helped her bring everything in. Going through a passage way she realized there was even a damn elevator, I actually don't blame them for the elevator, have you seen the stairs? I can burn thousands of calories just climbing up one flight.


The day went by freakishly fast. It was now 9p.m Cara was out with the new neighbor. I swear to all the gods on this earth, they can easily kidnap that girl. While Alexa on the other hand was lying on the couch in front of the big full tv screen that can enter the wall. And this house is fully electronized, one single remote can control everything and you can also control it from your Samsung phone~ only Samsung. Alexa once said, if she went to college she would study software engineering and work for Samsung, travel all the way to Korea. She personally loves the country, especially BTS. Who wouldn't love BTS?. Alexa was watching Love island, she's obsessed with reality shows wishing she could have a life like that. The only luxury she gets to watch them is when Cara's not home. Back in LA, Cara wasn't let out, and anytime her parents are out of town, she snicks out stupidly thinking her parents wouldn't know about it.

Twelve midnight, Alexa's asleep on the couch and Cara's not home yet, Alexa wakes up to use the restroom realizing Cara's not home yet. If she was, she would have woken her up. Getting worried she picked up her phone to dial her number. Just rings no response. At the sixth attempt to dial her, she called back

"What is it?"

"You were not home so I was just worried"

"Why would you be worried? They didn't kidnap me I'm safe, don't worry, I'll be home probably by six, don't mention any of this to mom ok? " and with that the line went off.

"Drunkard", was the last thing she said before going to bed.

Waking up the next morning to Cara banging on Alexa's room door wasn't something she could get used to. "Wake up you sleepy head. We need to hit the mart". She dragged her body to the shower then to the walk-in closet, most of the clothes there formerly belonged to Cara. She grabbed a jean shorts and grey top, while Cara was dressed in a Louis Vuitton all round, from the hat on her head to the shades on her face to the pull-up and the boots on her feets. They leave with the car. Alexa drives.

The grocery shopping was harder than Alexa expected, most things where either written in Italian or spanish~mostly Italian. So Cara was the one picking out everything they needed. And ofcourse flirting with one of the workers who was kind enough to help them carry their carts. They bought a lot of items. Before Cara's paternal grandmother died, she taught Cara to cook lots of dishes, that she wouldn't be completely useless as a female. So Cara took it up and attended a lot of cooking classes, if Fashion designing didn't work out for her then she'll be a chef.

Back from the mart, Alexa prepared lunch while Cara danced TikTok with their new neighbour and talked about movies and music. Immediately after dinner, Cara was out and said she wouldn't be home till nine so leaving Alexa home alone again.

She resumed her Love Island with Popcorn and a beer can, getting bored she decided to leave the house and explore the estate and probably meet someone to talk with. Knowing there's no way in the world Cara would be home by nine, she decided she'll stay out all night too. Plugged in her earpiece to play mikrokosome by BTS, not looking forward bumped into someone and before she could say jack she was flat on the ground.

Alexa POV

I plugged in my earpiece wanting to listen to Mikrokosome by BTS before I bumped into something hard and fell.

"I'm sorry, are you alright?", was the voice that followed, I stayed focus and rubbing my already injured elbow before a hand grabbed mine, looking up I met a crystal clear black eyes staring at me looking worried, clearing my throats I stood up

"Yes, thank you I'm alright. It was my fault I wasn't looking forward"

"I love this song"

"Mhmm?", then remembered the whole reason I fell. "You know BTS?"

"Yes they are my favorite boys group"

"Wow, I honestly haven't met a BTS fan talkless of a male fan"

He wore a confused look, "you haven't met an ARMY before?"

"Yeah I know weird right. I don't really leave the house always stuck indoors"

"Man that's sick. But it's an honour to be the first ARMY you meet" he said stretching out his hands and I shook it, they were warm – to warm for such a freezing night but at the same time comfortable and assuring, before I could enjoy them some more, he pulled them back and an unwanted frown forced its way through my lips but I adjusted it immediately. "So do you stay around? I don't think we've met, I would remember meeting a pretty like you", my cheeks heated a little bit, I've not really been called pretty before

"Uhmm, I just moved in a few days ago"

"Oh no way. I'm Drake"

"I'm Alexa"

"It was nice meeting you Lexi, I wish to speak with you more but–" he looked at his phone screen "I'm needed somewhere else. I would like to get your number, you look like one who I could laugh with all day". I blushed again as he handed me his phone and when I had typed my number he waved goodbye and jogged away.