
Not-So an Extra

Suddenly being thrown into the novel's world and possessing a pretty much fucked up character made him have no choice but to continue his life as a new identity. And just like any sane person who transmigrated into a book, of course, he would destroy every red flag that stood in his way. Yet, unbeknownst to him, every single thing he did was just wrecking the storyline more and even more; to the point that the plot had become utterly screwed, thanks to him. ===== A/N: This novel is heavily inspired by many famous video games.

Admirably_ · Kỳ huyễn
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192 Chs

Ch. 11: Memories [3]

[ The screen in front of him flashed, showing a boy with white hair inside his chamber.

An old lady–who he assumed to be his Nanny along with some maids dressing Adrian. The boy's sunken and swollen eyes stared into nothing and the Nanny could only lament upon seeing him.

"It's done," she announced.

Adrian lifted his head and forced a smile, "Thank you."

The old lady knelt, she held Adrian's hand, and caressed his head, "Your Highness, I know it's hard, but, please be strong."

Adrian reluctantly nodded, "Thank you."

"Let's go, Fredinand is waiting," she reminded him. With that, they got out of the room and an old man estimated around his late sixties could be seen.

The so-called Fredinand had gray hair combined with grayish eyes. His body was well-built and more fitted to be a fighter rather than a butler–in his opinion.

"Your Highness, please, this way," Fredinand led in the front and the boy followed suit.

Soon they arrived at the hall and right after all of the Imperial Family gathered, they teleported. They returned to the Sun Castle at the Capital City to hold Aerilyn's funeral. The funeral was no different from royals in the modern ages, except for those moirologists.

Moirologists were professional mourners who were paid to cry during the funeral because men were deemed unfit to show raw emotions like grief. They were supposed to be strong as potential family leaders, and no matter how sad Adrian was, he should not show it.

–Sob –Sob –Sob

They continued to wail as Aerilyn's coffin lowered to the ground.

Sensing someone placed a hand on top of his shoulder, Adrian glanced sideways.

"Be strong," A man with white hair and red eyes came into view; he was the Emperor, Arthur Leillucis–his father.

He nodded weakly and returned his gaze to his mother's coffin.

After Aerilyn was laid to rest, one by one people began to leave, but not Adrian, he just stood there as if rooted to the ground and blankly staring into his mother's grave.

"Your Highness, His Majesty is waiting," Fredinand reminded him.

Adrian let out a deep sigh, he wanted to be here a little longer but he couldn't, "I understand."

"Your Highness, please, this way." Fredinand led in the front and the boy followed suit.

Adrian halted his step and cast a last glance at his mother's tomb for the last time before walking away.

Arriving at his Palace, Adrian immediately locked himself in his chamber. Sitting on his be, he hugged both of his knees and his mind drifted. The light in his cerulean eyes dimmed, imitating a bright sky that was covered by countless dark clouds. The food prepared by the maids remained untouched as he refused to eat and drink.

"I heard you trying to starve yourself."

The boy's blue eyes rolled toward the voice and the sound of a gliding stone entered his ears.

A wall slid open and a black-haired boy with golden eyes could be seen, it was Nathaniel and behind him, there was a secret passage. Adrian turned away as he lost interest and resumed his previous activity–staring into nothing. 

Nathaniel approached and sat next to Adrian, "I'm sorry I didn't attend your mother's funeral, you know my mother."

"...it's alright," Adrian answered without bothering to look at him. His tone was cold and his warm personality nowhere to be found; changed into a gloomy one.

"Ian, look at me," Nathaniel asked.

Reluctantly, Adrian peered at him.

Meeting his eyes, Nathaniel began, "I know it's hard, but remember… you're not alone. I'm here."

Adrian let out a thin smile, "...thank you."

Nathaniel patted Adrian's head, "Here, I brought you cookies! Your favorite one." He took out a pouch from his Magical Sphere and gave it to Adrian, but he shook his head.

"I'm not hungry," Adrian responded dismissively.

"Tsk." Nathaniel clicked his tongue in annoyance. He opened the lid to grab a cookie, then shoved it into Adrian's mouth.

"Unf!" Of course, his action made Adrian startled.

However, Nathaniel shamelessly ordered him, "Eat it!"

And in the end, Adrian finished the cookie in silence. 

As the silence stretched on, Nathaniel broke it, "By the way, when I sneaked out on the plaza today, someone gave me a book."

"...I see."

Nathaniel showed his brother a book. The book had a purple cover and was decorated with gold details, "The man said that this book was the hidden history of this world. It sounded so interesting so I received it."


"Well, I read some of the pages but it looked like the man was lying."


Nathaniel engaged his little brother in conversation, and even though Adrian answered them pathetically and mostly remained silent, the black-haired boy didn't give up and continued to spew some more. 

"The book was full of crap! It's written that man can turn into a Dragon and we can even resurrect the dead! What a–"

"Can I read it?" Adrian interjected.

"Huh?" Nathaniel was dazed, it was so un-Adrian to cut someone else's speech. Nevertheless, he gave him the book without much thought.

"Thanks." Receiving the book, Adrian began to read it.

However, an uneasiness crept into Nathaniel's heart bit by bit. As a thought kicked in, he asked, "Ian, you're not–" his voice trailed off.

Adrian's gaze darted at him and patiently waited for his brother's next word, but there was only silence.

Nathaniel shook his head and smiled, "No, never mind." At least, if reading the book could stop Adrian from drowning in sadness, then it was fine.

Nathaniel visited Adrian day by day. He always brought cookies and a new book every time he came. Time flew and two weeks passed since Aerilyn's funeral.


The sound of flipping paper resounded throughout the chamber, Adrian's sapphire eyes moved as they scrutinized every single line written in the book. Soon, knocks were heard followed by a voice.

"Your Highness, this is Fredinand."

Without removing his eyes from the book, Adrian answered, "Come in."

Fredinand entered the room with a silver platter in his hand; a single envelope with a paper-knife rested on top of it. He approached and stood next to Adrian. "Your Highness."

Lifting his head, Adrian accepted the envelope and he tore open the envelope. However, as the words on the page unfolded before him, a mixture of surprise and disbelief washed over Adrian's face. 

His forehead creased. "...coronation?" His voice tinged with both confusion and frustration. 

Fredinand nodded and relayed, "Yes, Your Highness. It appears that Her Highness the Consort will ascend the throne." 

Adrian's mind raced, grappling with the conflicting emotions swirling within him, "But it hasn't even been a month since my mother's funeral. How can the Emperor plan a coronation so soon?" 

The timing seemed insensitive, disregarding the mourning period and adding to Adrian's already heavy burden of grief. In a moment of frustration, he crumpled the letter in his hand and declared, "Reply that I won't attend it." 

He refused to partake in a celebration that seemed to dismiss the pain and loss he still felt. 

Ferdinand nodded in understanding, "As you wish, Your Highness."

"Is there anything else?" Adrian asked.

However, Ferdinand's next words caught him off guard, "There is one more matter, Your Highness. The execution of Duke Lancaster." 

Adrian turned to face Ferdinand in surprise, "What is the meaning of this?"

Ferdinand took a deep breath, preparing himself to deliver the difficult news, "As the accident occurred at Duke Lancaster's Castle, he has been blamed for Her Majesty's death due to his negligence in inspecting the safety of the fortress. Consequently, he has been charged with three offenses: Manslaughter, Gross Negligence, and Endangering the Monarchy."

Adrian's brows furrowed as he absorbed the weight of these charges. He was well aware of the legal implications, understanding the gravity of each offense. 

Manslaughter referred to the unlawful killing of another person without premeditation or intent, while Gross Negligence denoted a reckless disregard for the safety and well-being of others, surpassing mere negligence. 

In this case, the Duke's actions indirectly caused the death of Aerilyn, amplifying the graveness of the charges due to her status as an Empress despite being his daughter.

As the embodiment of stability and continuity within the Empire, any actions that caused her death were seen as a direct threat to the monarchy itself. 

Adrian's expression hardened, anger flickering in his eyes, "It's... Duke Delacroix, isn't it?"

Ferdinand nodded gravely, confirming Adrian's suspicions, "Yes, Your Highness. Duke Delacroix orchestrated a petition in the name of seeking justice for the late Empress. Although the Emperor initially dismissed it, Duke Delacroix managed to manipulate public sentiment, leading to protests outside the Sun Castle." 

Adrian couldn't help but wryly scoffed, "As expected of Duke Delacroix. He twists the truth to serve his own agenda, all while being the true mastermind behind the tragedy." 

"Unfortunately, Your Highness, we lack concrete evidence to expose his true intentions," Fredinand revealed the bitter truth.

After a brief silence, Adrian turned to face Fredinand and ordered, "Arrange an audience with my father. I need to speak with him directly." 

"As you wish." Ferdinand bowed and with that, he left the room. ]

Nevertheless, be it in modern days or medieval, politics was dirty and disgusting at the same time. Because your enemy would make the most of every opportunity available and justify any means to crush the opponents to expand their power.

And the so-called Duke Delacroix was kinda amazing and scary at the same time, he succeeded in using one stone to kill two birds. His daughter's ascent to the throne and his nemesis would be executed. Looked like he had to watch out for that man, he was dangerous.

[ Adrian's white hair shimmered under the light as it danced along the wind. His eyes were fixed on the book with a purple cover on top of the desk. He walked closer and picked it up.

"Everything will return to normal if I can find 'it', right?"

He marched to his closet and wore a black robe. He scanned his bedroom and stuffed any valuable items into his magical sphere. Not only that, but he also put the book given by Nathaniel, weapons, and many more.  

Adrian marched to the wall–the secret passageway and opened it. ]

"Is he planning to run away?"

However, suddenly, his view suddenly turned blurry and his head spun. He had no idea what was happening and everything went blackout.




A pair of cerulean jewels revealed as its eyelids lifted. A blinding light forced him to cover his eyes with his backhand. As if recalling something, he raised his hand, and a tiny hand came into view–it was Adrians, or…

It was his now?