

Oh my God!!

He screamed on top of his voice making all eyes around turning to him,he did all his best to hold his mouth and started yelling for the man to print his results out for him as faster as he can.

His yells attracted many to his place because everyone wanted to know what's happening and to everyone's surprise the results was full of A's not leaving a single subject behind. This made the man who checks the results asked Gabby, did you really offer science?with his happy face he said 'yes'!! with a loud tone.

As soon as he got home he went straight to his Dad's room with his happy face ever and presented the results to him.

"Well done my son"his Dad spoke with a content and confident voice. He continued saying 'this is the road to your University and I will never hesitate to send you there',this made Gabby the happiest boy ever in this world and started to dream big,thinking of building houses after his tertiary education and getting a desired job.

That was Gabby's desire because he always tells his mum he would own a house in any part of this world.

In twoo weeks time the admission forms for every tertiary institute in the state was out for sale.

Gabby being excited started telling his Dad about the admission forms and how he is gonna start packing his bags and assets.

His Dad immediately gave him money to go buy the form he wants and getting very excited he couldn't wait for the next day so he fastly went to the bank to purchase his form .

In two days he had finish filling the form and ready for submission.His Dad paid for all submission expenses and in the early days of the following month he got an admission letter. This letter made Gabby the most happiest being thinking he had already gone to his desired world.

Going to his Dad for admission fees he heard his brother having a conversation with his Dad so he withheld himself to listen to what's going on.To his surprise he heard his brother asking for an amount of money which is equivalent to his admission fees.

Not really understanding the whole conversation he took it as a joke till his brother left.Getting inside and seeing his Dad wasn't something new but the look on his Dad's face seem new and not all that happy,he asked about his fees and this brought about a whole new story from his Dad.

His Dad explained how his brother is planning to do something new with the money to be used to pay Gabby's fees.Gabby seemed to not understand the whole situation so he asked, So Dad what's next?his Dad spoke in a low tone saying"I don't think you can go to school this year".

What!! He exclaimed

So are you telling me you have given the money to my brother?

This is not happening again,not my time, he tried to comfort himself.

Gabby's brother Ben is like a disease in the family,he never does anything with the money he take from his Dad everyday and also does not give anyone in the family a chance to move forward.

He always lies to get what he wants and never want to see his younger siblings prosper .

Gabby got out of the room looking very angry...

Is this going to be a war?