
I can still hear her

Our lovely comfort session was disturbed by the news. The news of grandmother. 

Salama's grandmother was found dead in her home. And just like that, I watched all glimmer drain from her big dark eyes...

Chapter 10. 


10 am. In front of a harbour, a man shipping out some fruit found her body. Battered, bruised, you name it. A woman as old and frail was treated with so much inhumanity. It was obvious. 

My father had to be the culprit. 

Mafias don't hurt their prisoners the way we hurt ours, we beat, poison, burn, fake suicides. I know because I, too, am guilty of this. 


"I need to leave." 

"we`ll leave together; you can't go out there without me." 

"I need to see her, I need to save her." 

"You can't save her this time..." Aliyan said, looking away. He knew, too. We were both guilty, both responsible for her death.