
Chapter 9: Ruined vacation

Evans and Abby check in to Que Hotel. Their bags are being carried by a call boy. They enter the hotel room. Abby can't stop herself from smiling when she sees the scenery from the balcony.

"Wow, so beautiful. Thanks baby." Evans backhugs Abby. He kisses Abby shoulder.

Evans's phone alarm ticking non stop at 7.30 am. He reaches his phone and stops the alarm. He wakes up and showers.

Abby being awakes from the voice of Evans talking with someone. She opens her eyes and sees Evans being ready with office attire and tie. Evans puts down the hotel phone.

"Are you going somewhere? Is it to early to go to Citadel?" Abby keeps on holding the blanket and leans on the headbed. She still feels sore from last night love making.

"Sorry babe. I got seminar to attend. "

"What, i thought this is our vacation. I dont know you have a seminar"

"I did. Opps ,i going to be late. I will came back at 5 and we can have dinner together. I already order breakfast. They will come about 15 minutes. Have fun." Evans pecks on Abby lip and get out from the door. Abby dumbfounded with what just happens.

Abby feels so frustrated with Evans. At least he should told her about the seminar. Abby visits all the attractions of Quebec city all by herself. She feels like she is having a solo travel. Right at 5 evening, she arrives the hotel. She was damn tired and sleeps while waiting to have dinner with Evans until she hears someone enter her room. Abby looks to the time in her phone. 8pm.

"You are late. I thought you finish at 5." Abby hugging herself and glare at Evans who changing his clothes and ready to have shower.

"Yeah, i'm having dinner with other Optos. They all came from around the world. Its a good opportunity to exchange ideas and latest news." Evans enters the bathroom and starts to shower.

Abby's tummy growling. She feels so hungry but her sadness overtake the urge to eat. She continues sleeping and sobbing quietly. 'You should at least message me that you can't make it to our dinner'.

Abby wakes up when someone rings the door. She looks to her side. No Evans. She opens the door and the breakfast is served. After she finished her breakfast, Abby went out to walk around the city. She took the photos and bought some souvenirs to her officemates. She came back to hotel exactly at 6. Still no Evans. She message Evans to ask him about dinner. But Evans did not reply, even after an hour. She opened her bag case and wore a black short dress with back showing. She put some make up and went to nearby bar.

She felt fed up with Evans attitude. He never care towards her when it came to his job. She admitted that she fell in love to Evans because if his career focus attitude but sometimes she felt that Evans never thought of having a future with her. They have been dating for almost 6 years. Evans never tried to actually talked about their relationship plan.

"Hi, are you alone? May i join you?" Some guy suddenly stretched out his hand to shake. Abby looks to the guy face and handshakes with him. Her new companion was really smooth talker. He kept on cracked jokes and make Abby burst with laughter. Suddenly, her phone ring. She picked up while wiped her tears from laughing too much.

"Where are you? Its already 10. Are you lost somewhere?"

"I'm at nearby bar just across the hotel. What this bar name.. ummm wait.." Abby asking her companion the bar's name. Evans can hear that guy voice. He feels agitated when he hears that guy being chummy with Abby.

"Its Merlin bar. Hello.. hello." The phone hung up. Evans walks fast searching the bar and found one just in 15 minutes. When he enters the bar, he sees Abby talks with some guy at the bar counter. Suddenly the guy takes and kisses Abby hand. Evans storms towards them and punches the guy.

Abby screaming and helps the guy to stand up.

"Oh my god. What is wrong with you!? Are you okay, Gary?" Abby checking on Gary face to see if there is any blood or injury. Abby stands up and confront Evans.

"Apologize to Gary right now, Evans." All eyes of other people in the bar are looking at the scene.

"Come out with me now." Evans put some money on the bar counter and pulls Abby hand. Abby tries to release herself from Evans's tight gripping but fail. They both enter the room and Evans release her hand. Abby rubbing her hand.

"Are you just cheating on me Abby?". Evans scolds Abby. He looks Abby from head to toes. With reveal dress and strong smell of perfume. Abby was shocked with the accusation. She breath in slowly, not to let anger controls herself.

"What are you talking about? We just met and drinks together. You should go and apologize to him now Evans."

"He kisses your hand. And look at you. You even barely wear any cloth."

"He kisses my hand because we are saying goodbye and that is courtesy. And this dress, is suppose to be our dinner dress that you didn't even care to reply my message to cancel it just this evening, again."