
Chapter 3: Reward for hero

There is loud cheering with colourful flags and with loud motor engine. One by one of MX2 jump down from high hill and splash the mud around. "ohh, that was a very beautiful jump from number 22. Its Caine from 2016 champion. He came back after one year rest. Now he's back. And look at that landing. Just like butterfly kiss the ground". The commentator really loves his job from the way he comment each and one of the racer.

Harvey Caine walks tiredly into his trailer. He gives his helmet and take out all the outer clothes that only coloured with mud brown. After few washes, the red and gold colour should be seen. Back of the cloth number 22 with gold colour and small letter can be spelled below the huge number. Caine.H. Goldstein.

He put some shampoo in his palm and slowly scrub his hair. Suddenly, the door behind him open and two hand slowly rubbing his chest seductively. He sees a tanned hand and smile cheekily and turn to kiss the girl. "ohh Sasha" He moans while hug intimately the girl. " who's the hell is Sasha!?" The light tanned girl with height only 160cm, her head only same level with the Harvey's chest was fumed with the name came out from his man.

"Hehehe, nobody. I miss you Lexi." He kiss intimately the girl and lift up the girl. The girl, though angry, submit with such dominating kiss and moans with every seductive movement the man touch her. The bathroom filled with moans and kissing sound for the next half an hour.

"why you didnt tell me you are coming here. This is totally different place Lexi" Harvey passed the hot chocolate to the beautiful girl in front of her. She looked like a child with a big shirt. She wearing Harvey shirt and boxer. Harvey kind of have this fetish. He loves to let Lexi wear his shirt. He smile victoriously when he sees the hickey just above the girl's collarbone.

"it' a reward. You have done a very good job in that mud. Its looks really dirty but seems like all the girls out there screaming like they cant wait to devour you." Alexandria Fawcett sips the hot chocolate. She looks out of he window and see all the Goldstein team kiss the Champion Cup. Though she owned an cafe shop, she really intolerant to drink caffeine.

" you fly here by yourself?"

"nope, i came here swimming."

" you will stay here until next Saturday right? Dont tell me you are going back tomorrow."

" nope, the ticket back is too expensive. So only one way ticket." Alex smile to the man he loves and signals him that she will stay a little bit longer.

"I want to go sightseeing. This is my very first time in Japan. I almost cry because i didnt even know one single word they speak. Its so frustrating to find this place. Sorry, i didnot manage to see the race." Alex digging the hole at the table with her index finger. Her eyes unable to see the man in front of her. She looks up. The man in front of her smile and touch her cheeks. "i really loves you Lexi"

Sorry for bad grammar. This is my 1st short novel. Will to update once a week. If possible. The storyline for first few chapter lil bit slow. Need to let u all know each 4 main character first ok.

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