
Not Human 1

A night in the woods, a morning of questions. Asher McKnight's life is changed after he wakes up to the most painful experience in his life. The stories always said a bite did it, but it's different now. The tables are turning and the bodies are piling. Teenagers and townsfolk going missing and Rider's Crest has more creatures than it should boast suddenly showing up everywhere. What's worst, someone is turning people into supernaturals but not the regular way. Asher's new world is catching up to him fast,and he seems to keep hearing that lone wolves never make it to winter. Yet with a stubborn alpha hell-bent on pulling him into the pack, a vampire that won't leave his side and Helsings in the mix. Asher can't believe he'd actually grown up in such a dangerous place. Maybe, just maybe he'd get to see winter.

SaimtNoctis · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

2nd Hunt

It took a good few minutes to finish leaving only the head and the legs with few rib bones and spine on the bloody ground. His tongue licked his snout as he eyed the bloody mess he'd made. The receding voice now suddenly left his nagging mind bare to the assault of his questions. He hung his head down turning and walking away as he whined in confusion.

The scream reached his ears, begging and loud. His ears perked as the listened his eyes narrowing as he turned to the direction. The inner voice lashed out to him pushing forward as he seemed to recede, he felt his legs moving but not his will to move. With a speed he hadn't known he could use he watched himself cover the distance as he kept racing towards the screams. Like a music suddenly cut off the screams subsided which pushed his body to go faster. His eyes noted a tree line as he leaped over a log landing in a puddle that splashed as he rushed forward till he broke the tree line.

He stood in a street the overhead lamplight flickering on and off like a haunted movie scene. They empty street told him one thing he'd already guessed, it was late very late. His eyes moved spotting the problem before whatever was having his body move did, which made him more certain he wasn't in control. His body turned till he faced two people, a girl and a man. There were three actually but one lay on the floor unconscious or dead he wasn't sure . The other two stood well the girl did while she hugged the man as his knees seemed to be giving out beneath him. There was something wrong in the scene before him but he couldn't place a finger .. well a paw (he mused as he eyed his paws for a second) on what was off.

The smell reached his nostrils again, a metallic scent. The next was a different one, it was there but not there. While the men that lay and stood had different good and bad smells the other scent was different. The first man in the floor smelt of man cologne,much of it and beer. The second smelled of perfume, female perfume and male perfume but mostly of alcohol. The last smell though was what had him or his fur bristling he felt himself recede some more as the man dropped while the girl stood tall and slowly turned.

Red. Red locks of hair cascaded down over her shoulders stopping as it neared her upper abdomen. A figure that could have stepped out of a model magazine was clad within a leggings and a pink polo. Atleast he thought the polo had been pink, the dirt on it not letting him confirm. He finally found what had his furs bristling though as he eyes watched the trail of blood that dribbled down the corners of her mouth. His eyes found hers and he stilled, red had never been a good color in his book.

The red irises that stared back made him shudder but not his body. In opposite his furs bristled more as he bared his fangs at her. Her eyes widened in what looked like panic before he pounced. His jaws went for her head biting down only to find air. His eyes looked up to see her standing a safe distance from him. Her red eyes watching him with an emotion he couldn't pick. Then she turned and in a blur she fled into the forest.

He screamed out in protest as his body surged after her. His mind working on itself quickly as he watched his body ride itself like he was a passenger in a car. He found her soon zipping through the trees and over branches like a comic superhero as he gave chase. Watching he realized he was managing to keep up with her even though he hadn't necessarily caught up he still had her in his sights.

His thoughts were ended when she tripped her cry off alarm ringing as she dropped to her knees. She made a quick glance back her eyes widening as she realized his closeness. He didn't bother watching as he shut his eyes while his body moved in his jaws going for her head.

He felt a smack and his body get rolled away before he skidded to a stop his claws getting a grip in the loose soil for a bit. Eyes open his gaze found hers as she stared him down from up a tree fear clearly reflected in her large eyes.

With a snarl and bark his body leaped attempting to climb the tree and he could only watch . She stared him down from above her eyes still wide and questioning before she began a frantic search for an escape route. But he found his way to her before she could move. His body pushed forward pouncing on a tree his claws digging in before he turned and pushed off last minute as gravity came to work. Soaring through the air he found the next branch and leaped off aiming right at her.

She leaped too late a gasp leaving her as his claws raked her back and tugged her top pulling her down with him to the ground. Both rolled as they hit the floor and he came to a stop as did she crouching and watching him. He prowled round her and watched. As he watched he saw the deer, fallen and trying to get up. His body moved quick and fast as did she but he was first . Jaws clamping around leg as she wailed out. Like the deer she kicked out with the other leg and like he had done with the deer he jumped away snarling low and dangerously.

Prowling he moved behind her and pounced his jaw going straight for her head the red hair like a signal to him. Her body hit the ground as his jaws opened to end it her eyes wide and fearful. He pushed forward with anger feeling his will take over and pushing his head away from hers.

He jumped away and stood staring at her as she scooted away wide-eyed and nervous. The red glow in her Irises deemed down till it was gone revealing hazel eyes that stared in panick at him. He shook his head as the inner voice began pushing and urging him on, the urge growing stronger as he stared at her.

'Go'. Was what he tried to say but it came out as a bark. Either way whether she understood or not she very well took the opportunity the dust stirring as she fled with an impossible speed leaving nothing more than a blur as she disappeared. It took more than all his thoughts and will to push the inner voice's will from taking over and giving chase a paw lifted to take a forward step but never completing the move. Finally he lifted his head up snout pointed to the sky as he let out an ear splitting howl a mental sigh echoing in his head.