

I felt naked under his eyes. My hair was short, and my neck was cold. I yearned for my long hair to come back to shield me from his eyes. I could feel his anger, confusion, and sheer disappointment as his eyes met mine. Mate, mine. He was mine... But from the looks he gave me, I certainly was not his. * * * * * In Ellia's world, women were second-class citizens. They were unable to shift more so than the males of the population and were weaker, to put it plainly, they were simply mere tools for reproduction. Women were not allowed to work, families with no males must fend somehow. Many like Ellia, choose to disguise as males in order to survive. In his world, Vohn was the king among them all. A close hand of the king, he was directed to rule over the East as Alpha to keep a close eye on the rampaging North Alpha hungry for land. And although he had almost everything, he lacked his other half. He nearly gave up on the idea of ever meeting her. That is, until a new recruit shows up. To say the least, Vohn didn't expect to meet his mate under these circumstances. Neither did Ellia. *FROM WATTPAD, GETTING REWRITTEN*

valley_m · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

The day was bolstering hot, the sun licking heat onto my skin.

I could feel my short hair beginning to stick against my forehead. The market was bustling with working men, dirtied and sweaty. Blending into the crowds was not hard, especially in Bursich. I adjust my shoulders, accentuating the feeling of the cloth wrapped tightly around my chest.

"Aye, how's the talk with Peter about marrying his daughter."

I lug the bags of product into my little makeshift cart, put together from parts I found here and there.

"Gah, the old man is asking for eight gold. His daughter ain't even a looker." A bark of laughter followed.

"Gave up on looking for your mate?" The man adjusted his cap, grinning as he elbowed his friend. His friend looked annoyed, jabbing him right back.

"Nice joke, only the rich have time for mates. I just want a few kids to carry my name, is all. Don't I deserve at least that for all the shit I lived through."

"Don't we all?" His friend laughs dishearteningly.

"One, two, three, four. That's about right." I tapped each bag and hauled the two rough sticks sticking in the front of the cart up, they were tied with some thin plastic material, too much force and it might pop out. I'd need to be careful, otherwise I'd need to fix it up again.

Slowly, I push the cart pass the two men talking and up towards the ramp connecting to the busy street and away from the docks.

Coins clinked and traders bartered while the poor people of Bursich scattered throughout the market. The market street of Bursich was a wide open road following a curved path, it was on top of a steep ledge that overlooked the endless forest of Vandi.

The forest always gave me an uneasy feeling, but it was probably because Granny always told me about the danger lurking inside it. A few years ago being the most dangerous as the Alpha ruling over Vandi rebelled against the King.

Being so close to Vandi gave us a firsthand view of war. The main town in Vandi was only a few hours away from Bursich. Day and night, people of Bursich feared for their safety, it didn't help that we were a neutral border village, with no ties to any pack.

"Finally, Ellion! C'mere." My boss waved me over to his stall, brown and rickety it was small but it had wooden cases of random objects at the front with crude scribbling sprawled behind delegating the price.

I heaved the large cart behind me forward in front of myself, "I brought the last of it, sir." I muttered lowly

"Damn'it boy, speak up." He squinted at me with his eyes, creases of age dust over his face. Drick Quinn has been in the shopkeep business since almost forever ago, he's seen just about everything there was to see in little old Bursich.

"Sorry sir,-" I paused to clear my throat, I gestured to the cart, sacks full of fruits within it. "I brought over the last bit of the shipment."

"Mhmm," He stepped forward, yanking the sack at the top open and peering inside. "A'ight boy, take your corns and drop it off o'er here."

He tossed over a few coins and I nearly fell over trying to catch them. Bowing my head a bit, I paused to inspect the coins. Two bright silvers sparkled against the yellow sun, though they were slightly dented and scratched, they held a shine that meant the security of food for the next few days.

"Thank you, sir." I clutch it close to myself, tumbling them into a coin sack that I clutched for dear life. If I'd lose this, I'd fear for Eljay. Her small body was frail, she was only getting weaker.

I carefully loaded the sacks onto the floor next to Drick's stall. He was taking inventory when I dropped the last sack down. Nodding my head at him, I take my small cart and started walking back down the packed market street towards the public waterhole.

Since granny passed, it's just been Eljay and I. Eljay was a few years younger than me, she was always the more adventurous one. I'd remember the Summers when she would ask me to play at the border of the forest, it was less dangerous before Vandi's Alpha rebelled.

Maybe I should take her there again soon, it's been peaceful since Vandi's Alpha was defeated by the King and his army a few months ago.

The wide dirt road was bustling, and people crammed into nearly every corner. I struggled to maneuver around the masses of people. The dark treeline that peeked from the corner was a haunting shadow above Bursich.

Even though the war is over, another one was in the making.

There have been some rumors about the new Vandi Alpha, assigned by the King himself, starting to get into territory disputes with the Alpha of the Wiler pack, in the Alps. And unluckily, Bursich was nestled right between both of their territories.

Pushing myself forward, I began to see the silhouette of the well. I rested the cart on the ground and the small flimsy bucket I kept in the cart slid forward. I quickly refilled the the bucket and inspected it.

The water was so serene and clear, it was a stark contrast to the life I've known.

"Huh? That's odd." I mumbled to myself.

The clear water had suddenly began to ripple. The ripples began to get stronger and I came to realize what was happening.

Something was coming, something that would change everything.

A sharp howl ripped through the air, the echo causing the people in the market to stop. The once loud and boisterous street became as silent as a still river. The howl came from the treeline, and although there was a large distance from the ledge we were on, only a dead stretch of land between Vandi and Bursich was all we had to separate us.

People peered over the makeshift wood railings that separated the market and the empty stretch of land towards the East territory. I left behind my cart with only a bucket of water in it, and made towards the ledge, just as curious as everyone else around me.

Masses of fur tucked behind the trunks of the tall trees and glowing gold eyes in the shadows was all I could make out.

"People of Bursich, I come to offer the opportunity to join the Vandi pack under the rule of the King." A voice boomed from inside the shade of trees.

A quietness settled until an older voice spoke out.

"Get out of here, leave us alone!"

It was Drick, he pushed through the crowd until he reached the wooden railings, gripping them, he yelled out again.

"We are peaceful, we don't want anything to do with you lot."

Murmurs of agreement followed. The slight crunching of leaves and twigs was all I could hear in the silence.

The silence seemed endless until the same voice broke it.

"Bursich is between two hungry wolves, either join us or get eaten in the crossfire."

The threat makes everyone go quiet.

"Those who join us will be given reliable wages and honor as a soldier of the kingdom of Durbain. They will have shelter and never have to sleep with empty stomachs again." His words caused my heart to soar.

"Why should we listen to the likes of you." Another yelled.

Finally from the dark shadow of the trees steps out a man. Dark haired man with sharp eyes, he held a heavy looking pouch in his hands. He wore a dark green uniform that was fitted to his body.

Holding the pouch up he says, "People that come will receive payment immediately."

Opening it, he took a few coins and brings up his hand in a relaxed manner. And unbelievably, he tosses the coins with remarkable strength and speed pass the several yards of dead land towards us. Many reached over their heads to catch it, the crowd that was once so against him became lapping dogs.

People tumbled over each other, and I nearly fell over from the rough shoves.

His words shook me, he spoke of reliable work, I could get medicine for my sister. The last few days I looked high and low for any jobs, starving in those days as I tried to save any food for Eljay. The timing with Eljay getting worse makes me think that life is being merciful to me for once.

Shoving the pouch back into his pocket he tilts his head with a smile, "Those interested will meet here at this spot, where I stand, at midnight."

The man backs off, retreating into the trees, as one by one the glowing pairs of gold eyes disappear. The sun still high and mighty pierced the necks of those left standing at the market.

* * *

I clicked the door closed behind me. By the time I got home, the sun had begun to set. Our home was a little far off, and it was worn down by the heavy rains.

Little holes within the structure let the spurs of the setting sun in and insects constantly buzzed about.

Trudging closer into the corner of our home, I see Eljay bundled in the tattered and old blanket, the only one we had. A blanket that was almost as old as me, it was made by Granny when I was a kid.

Eljay's face scrunched up, the redness dotting around her cheeks starting to worry me.

"It's so hot." She murmurs.

"Hey Eljay," I called softly, "I'm back, I brought some water."

Her eyes blinked open revealing a piercing blue that was so different to my dark eyes.

"Ellia, everything hurts." She wheezed a cough out.

"Hey, hey, you're gonna be alright." I tilt her up, bringing a small cup of water to her mouth.

She drank it, some drops spilling out of the cup and onto the blanket.

"The Vandi pacl came and made an announcement," I muttered.

"Vandi?" She breathed out.

"Yeah, they were--" I ran my hands through my damp hair. "Recruiting, I guess."


"They said, they said that they would give food and shelter to people that joined their ranks."

Eljay stared at me silently before speaking, "I know what you're thinking. Don't, it's dangerous, Ellia."

"You're sick." I exasperated. "We can afford a doctor if I go."

"I- I'm fine, I'm feeling better already." Her voice cracked as she lifted herself against the wall. She was covered in sweat, and the blotching redness seemed only to keep spreading.

My eyebrows furrowed deeply, "No, this looks serious. You're always in pain."

"No, it's-it's just a fever. It will pass."

"But what if it doesn't?" I grabbed her shoulders, "You are all that I have left, I cannot lose you. I will not lose you."

Her hand brushes on top of mine, "And I can't lose you, getting involved with the Vandi pack is bad news.

Your know they are on the brink of another war with the Wiler Alpha."

"We could live better lives, we wouldn't have to sleep hungry or be scared of not having any money." I pleaded with her.

Eljay was prone to sickness even before now, but this one, this time I knew it was different. Sometimes she would wake up and she wouldn't be able to see. Other times, she thought her limbs had fallen off, I'd always wake up to her crying out at night. It worried me constantly, I can't count the amount of times I woke up in the middle of the night just to make sure she was breathing.

I see her shoulders slumped, "If you want to do it for yourself, do it, But don't do it for me, if anything happens to you because of me--..."

"If anything happens to you because I didn't do everything I know I could have done, it would destroy me the same." I push myself up and head towards the cabinets.

"I need to go tonight, they said to meet at dead stretch."

I counted the small pouch of meat, feeling a draining hunger in my stomach. Pushing it down, I turn my head back to Eljay.

"And there's enough dried meat to last for a few weeks, the water I got today should also last for a while too." I pointed at the bucket of water that I brought back.

"I'll be back for you as soon as I can. You will be healed, and you'll be okay."

She remained quiet staring down at her hands.

My assurance towards her felt more for me.

Hey everyone! New to webnovel, any support is very much appreciated <3!

Not His was on Wattpad, I'm rewriting it on webnovel.

valley_mcreators' thoughts