
Not a Hero, Nor a Villain

In the gritty city of Verdantia, a shadowy figure known only as Crypt prowls the streets, A monster, legend, that's what the people likes to call him. Crypt's actions have garnered both reverence and fear among the city's criminal underworld by killing two of their heads. "Not a Hero, Nor a Villain" is a gripping tale of a flawed and conflicted anti-hero's journey towards self-discovery and redemption in a city where the line between good and evil is blurred.

Raixen · Võ hiệp
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19 Chs

Chapter 7 - Deep Within

"Crypt is not a threat," A man says, "There are so much bigger threat than a single vigilante."

"But when he kills the two head of the underworld, many criminals starts causing troubles in the city." A woman replies.

"Listen Elly, there are many lower class heroes in this city and they can take care of the criminals, so leave the higher class to fight the villains." The man says as he takes a sip to his coffee.

"But Crypt doesn't adhere to our rules. He operates outside the system, taking justice into his own hands," Elly argues. "He's causing chaos and disrupting the delicate balance we've worked so hard to maintain."

The man shakes his head, a stern look on his face. "We can't control everyone. Let Crypt do what he does best. As long as he's targeting the right people, we shouldn't interfere."

"Then how about the artifact that he steals from the museum?" The woman asked.

"Ah, yes, the artifact," The man responds thoughtfully. "That was a misstep on his part. But even then, he has a code. He only steals from those who use artifacts for evil purposes. It's all part of his twisted sense of justice."

Elly raises an eyebrow skeptically. "And who decides what is 'evil' and what is not? How can we trust someone who operates in the shadows to make those judgments?"

The man leans back in his chair. "I understand your concerns, Elly. But the reality is that Crypt has been effective in dealing with threats that regular law enforcement and heroes can't handle. As long as he doesn't become a bigger problem than the criminals he's fighting, we should let him be."

Elly sighs, clearly frustrated. "I just worry that he's going to push things too far one day. What if he becomes the very thing he's trying to fight against?"

The man's expression softens, and he places a reassuring hand on Elly's shoulder. "We'll deal with that if it ever comes to that. For now, let Crypt do his thing. He may be a wild card, but sometimes we need a wild card to beat the odds."


"Please don't hurt me!" The man tied on the chair shouts.

Crypt stands in front of the tied-up man, his masked face unreadable.

"I'm not here to hurt you," Crypt says in a low, gravelly voice. "I'm here to get information. Who is behind the recent increase in criminal activities in this city?"

The man squirms in his chair, fear evident in his eyes. "I-I don't know anything! I swear!"

Crypt steps closer, his presence looming over the man. "You expect me to believe that?"

Just as Crypt reaches out to grab the man, a sudden crash is heard as the door bursts open.

A group of armed individuals storm into the room, their faces hidden behind masks. One of them points a gun at Crypt, while another unties the man from the chair.

"You picked the wrong guy to mess with, Crypt," One of the intruders says with a sneer.

Crypt remains unfazed, his gaze shifting from one intruder to another. "You should have stayed out of this," He warns quietly.

Before anyone can make another move, the room is filled with the sound of gunfire as chaos erupts.

In the chaos of the gunfire, Crypt moves with precision and skill, dodging bullets and swiftly disarming one of the armed intruders. He fights back with calculated strikes, using his training to take down his opponents one by one.

The room becomes a battleground, with bullets flying and furniture splintering. Crypt maneuvers through the chaos, his focus unwavering as he takes down each adversary with lethal efficiency.

As the last intruder falls to the ground, Crypt stands victorious amidst the wreckage, his breathing steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. The man he had been questioning earlier stares at him in fear.

"You... you're not like them," The man stammers, his voice trembling.

Crypt nods, his mask still concealing his expression. "I fight for a different cause."

"Y-You don't hesitate to kill." The man starts to crawl back, his voice trembling.

Crypt takes a step closer to the trembling man, his presence imposing. "I only do what's necessary to protect the people I loved," He says firmly. "Now, tell me everything about the new head of the underworld."

The man swallows hard, fear still evident in his eyes. "I-I don't know much, but they call him 'The Rat King.' He took over the criminal operations a few months ago. He's ruthless, terrifying. No one knows his true identity."

"So you're useful after all..." Crypt turn on his back. "Leave now before I change my mind."

As the man scrambles to his feet and rushes out of the room, Crypt stands alone amidst the aftermath. The room echoes with the sound of destruction, and Crypt takes a moment to collect himself.

After a few moments, Crypt's comm device crackles to life. A voice, distorted with static, speaks from the other end. "Crypt, what's your status?"

Crypt responds in his usual calm tone, "Rat King, that's what they call the new head of the underworld. I'm going home now, I'm tired."


"The Heroes Association are interested in a certain vigilante." Elly explains. "But that vigilante declines their offer."

"Why are you telling this to us?" Rift asked. "And why am I the only Dragon-Class here?"

"Rift, can you shut up for once and let the girl finish her explanation?!" Flare growls.

"The Heroes Association are moving without telling anything to us that's why the head of PDHQ decides to break the alliance. So no more agent for us and no more heroes for them." Elly explains despite the interruption.

"The vigilante operates outside the rules, but their methods are effective," Elly continues. "The Heroes Association believes that they can benefit from this vigilante's unique skills and insights. However, the Heroes Association's unilateral actions have strained the partnership. The head of PDHQ sees this as an opportunity to cut ties and maintain autonomy. While it might create chaos in the short term, it could also lead to new strategic alliances and approaches in the future."

"Great, now we don't have anyone to track villains for us." Rift grunts.

"No, I believe that's the right way." A man said.

"You always believe in anything Atlas." Flare sighed.

Atlas, a Serpent-Class hero known for his strategic thinking and calm demeanor, stepped forward with a confident expression. "I believe that this decision to break ties with the Heroes Association is the right move for PDHQ," He stated. "It's time for us to forge our own path and establish new alliances that better suit our needs. This may create challenges in the short term, but in the long run, it could lead to a more efficient and effective operation for all of us."

"I agree too." Jayson says.

Rift scoffs, crossing his arms. "Well, if the head think it's the right move, who am I to argue?"

"I'm glad to hear that, Rift," Elly says with a smile. "We are all in this together, and our unity and determination will see us through any challenges that come our way."

As the group comes to a consensus about the decision to break ties with the Heroes Association, they begin discussing their next steps to maintain order and protect the city from threats, both known and unknown.


"Hold the flashlight for me!" The man says as he digs a tank like chamber.

"What is that?" Another man asks.

"I don't know, but I think it contains someone!"

The rain is heavy, and the sound of thunder reverberates through the air as the men work together to uncover the mysterious tank buried in the ground. With each shovel full of dirt they remove, the tension in the air grows palpable.

"Here hold my shovel." The man wipes the dirt off the glass of the tank and sees a sleeping young man inside, his hair is yellow and his body is well preserved.

As the man inspects the mysterious tank and the young man inside, a strange symbol etched on the side of the chamber catches his eye. It glows faintly in the dim light of the flashlight.

"What is that symbol?" One of the men asks, his voice filled with curiosity and a hint of fear.

"I'm not sure," The man replies, trying to make sense of the strange markings. "But something about this whole situation feels... unearthly."

Just then, a sudden bolt of lightning strikes dangerously close, illuminating the clearing and casting an eerie glow over the scene. The men exchange nervous glances, realizing they may have stumbled upon something far beyond their understanding.