
Northern Hour

Elio is struggling to get over his past, he’s scarred and will never be the same. Without warning, a deadly virus breaks out on his home planet, and his world comes crashing down. Elio finds himself thrust into a world of chaos, void of any order. Murder, Theft, and Various Heinous crimes take center stage on a Silver Train. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm still new to writing, so there may be grammatical errors at first. The horror/thriller aspect comes out later on in the story. Also the really juicy parts of the novel take a while to get to but i promise it'll be worth the wait!

FiaVillin · Kinh dị ma quái
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17 Chs


Elio stirred in his bunk, the rhythmic sway of the Greyhound pulling him out of his slumber. Groggily, he blinked and rubbed his eyes, slowly becoming aware of his surroundings. It took a moment for his sleepy mind to register where he was.

Realization dawned on him as he gazed at the dimly lit roomette. He was on the Greyhound, hurtling through the night towards Eastside Academy. It was still dark outside, and the quiet of the train's interior filled the air.

Elio yawned and stretched, his muscles protesting the sudden movement. His stomach rumbled loudly, making its presence known. Hunger had roused him from his sleep, a reminder that he hadn't eaten since they boarded the train.

He glanced around the roomette, taking in the familiar but compact space. His belongings were neatly organized, and the soft glow of the room's ambient lighting created a sense of coziness.

As Elio moved to get up, his eyes fell upon Annora, who was sleeping peacefully in her crate. Guilt washed over him as he realized he had forgotten to feed her before their journey. Annora had always been punctual about her meals, and he could imagine her hunger.

Annora stirred at the sound of his movements, her green eyes opening slowly. She let out an annoyed meow, her irritation evident. It was as if she scolded her owner for neglecting her.

Elio sighed and apologized to his feline companion as he reached down and gently picked her up. Annora's fur was warm and soft beneath his touch. He cradled her in his arms, feeling her heartbeat against his chest.

"Sorry, Annora," he murmured, his voice filled with remorse. "I should have fed you before we left."

Annora gazed up at him with a mixture of annoyance and hunger, her tail flicking impatiently. Elio couldn't help but smile at her antics.

Thankfully, Elio had prepared for this journey by making a batch of homemade cat food. He reached over to the small bag he had packed, pulled it out, and opened it. The enticing aroma of the food wafted through the roomette, catching Annora's attention.

As soon as Annora saw the food in her bowl, she meowed happily and began to eat with gusto. Elio watched her, relieved that she wasn't too upset with him. He stroked her fur gently as she ate, a sense of comfort settling over him.

As Annora happily enjoyed her meal on the roomette floor, Elio reached for his backpack and unzipped it. He carefully pulled out the digital map of the train, a useful tool he had received from his First-Class Attendant. The screen illuminated with a soft glow, displaying the various areas of the Greyhound.

Elio's eyes scanned the map, taking in the layout of the train. He was particularly interested in finding the dining car, a place where he could satisfy his rumbling hunger. The map provided clear directions, and he mentally noted the route.

With the map in hand, Elio gave Annora one last affectionate head pat as he said, "I'm going to grab some food, Annora. Be a good girl and enjoy your meal." Annora, now content after her meal, blinked lazily and gave a soft purr in response.

Elio carefully placed the map back into his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. As he exited the roomette, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement about exploring the Greyhound.

Elio navigated through the narrow corridors of the train, moving from car to car as he followed the directions indicated on the digital map. The journey was a fascinating one, with glimpses of passengers in their roomettes and the occasional drone whizzing by, carrying trays of food, drinks, desserts, and dirty dishes.

The moment Elio stepped into the dining car, he was struck by its elegant ambiance. The light brown wallpaper, the dark green carpet with golden accents, and the polished dark brown wood tables all created an inviting atmosphere.

Each table had white covers draped over them, with seating for two people and barriers between every three tables, ensuring a sense of privacy. The chairs were cushioned in dark green with light green accents, providing comfort to the diners.

Elio noticed that every table was equipped with lamps, providing a warm, intimate lighting. Outlets were conveniently placed near each table, a thoughtful touch for the convenience of the guests.

The dining car was well-stocked with polished tableware, from knives and forks to glasses and plates, all gleaming in the soft lighting. Elio found himself impressed by the attention to detail and the level of comfort provided to passengers.

With a sense of anticipation, Elio looked around, eager to see what culinary delights the dining car had to offer. 

Elio stood in awe of the dining car's luxurious décor, taking in the elegant surroundings. As he marveled at the rich brown wallpaper, the dark green carpet with golden accents, and the polished wooden tables, a small robot approached him, its mechanical eyes blinking in a friendly manner.

The robot's chirpy voice broke Elio's reverie as it asked, "How can we assist you today, sir?"

Elio smiled at the robot and replied, "I'm here for dinner, please." He was struck by the robot's cuteness, noticing that it seemed a bit chubbier than the others, which added to its charm.

The small robot nodded enthusiastically and gestured for Elio to follow. It led him to an empty table, and Elio took a seat, appreciating the effortlessness of the service. Glancing around, he noted that the nearby tables were empty as well, but robots were efficiently clearing away dishes from those tables, indicating that other passengers had likely finished their meals.

"Thank you," Elio said to the robot, genuinely impressed with the efficiency and politeness of the Greyhound's service.

The robot responded with a cheerful, "You're welcome, sir. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask."

With a nod of gratitude, Elio turned his attention to the digital menu. The robot had informed him that he could access it via the Greyhound's custom app using his train ticket.

Elio took out his terminal and quickly accessed the app, finding the dining car menu tab. He scrolled through the extensive list of options, pondering what he should order. Elio had no dietary restrictions or allergies, but he did have his personal preferences and cravings to consider.

As Elio scrolled through the digital menu, he couldn't help but notice the small robot hovering nearby, its mechanical eyes fixed on him in what seemed like eager anticipation. It was waiting for him to place his order.

Elio chuckled softly at the robot's innocence. "Alright," he said, making up his mind. He settled on a meat dish and a soda for his drink. Elio decided to skip dessert this time. While he didn't dislike sweet foods, he had a preference for spicy and salty flavors, and the Greyhound's dining car didn't seem to offer any desserts that matched his taste at the moment. The ones he was interested in were typically served during lunch, which had already passed.

With his order decided, Elio tapped it into the digital menu, and as if on cue, the chubby little robot swiftly scurried over to him, its tiny terminal ready. It registered Elio's order efficiently, and Elio couldn't help but admire the efficiency of the Greyhound's robotic staff. The robots had their own terminals to keep track of orders they were handling, and it was a well-orchestrated system.

The small robot chirped happily, "Your order will be out shortly, sir. Please enjoy your meal." With that, it scurried off to the kitchen area to relay the order.

With some time to spare, Elio took out his phone and decided to text his sister, Eleanor, to let her know how he was doing. He quickly typed out a message, updating her on his journey and how he was settling into the train.

Once the message was sent, Elio leaned back in his chair, looking forward to a satisfying meal and the continuation of his journey on the Greyhound.

Before long, the chubby little robot returned with Elio's food. The aroma of the sizzling meat filled the air, indicating that it had just been freshly cooked. Elio's stomach growled in anticipation as the plate was placed in front of him.

Not wasting any time, Elio reached into his backpack and retrieved a pair of disposable gloves. He carefully put them on, ensuring his hands were protected before unwrapping a set of utensils placed neatly next to his plate. It was a habit he had developed over time, especially when dining in public places.

Elio then turned his attention to the small robot, its mechanical eyes glistening with curiosity and anticipation. He offered it a warm smile and expressed his gratitude, "Thank you for your service. By the way, could you please tell me your unit number?"

The little robot, momentarily taken aback by the request, seemed to experience a surge of emotions. It replied, "I'm robot number #45B683 of the aE Series."

Elio nodded, appreciating the response. He then used his terminal to access the Greyhound's custom app, where he searched for the chubby little robot using its unit number. Once he found it, he decided to leave a tip as a token of his appreciation for the excellent service.

The chubby little robot spun around happily as it received the tip notification. "Thank you so much, sir!" it chirped. "You can even request me specifically using the app next time. Enjoy your meal!"

With a cheerful wave, the little robot scurried away to attend to other passengers, leaving Elio to savor his freshly cooked dinner in the stylish dining car of the Greyhound.

As Elio began to eat his meal in the elegant dining car, he noticed a tall man walking down the hallway, trailed closely by a persistent robot attempting to gain his attention. However, the man seemed completely engrossed in his own thoughts, striding forward with purpose. Elio decided to focus on his meal, as it had nothing to do with him.

But then, out of the corner of his eye, Elio saw a large hand suddenly appear on his table. He looked up, surprised to find the same man who had been walking down the hallway now standing before him. This tall stranger had a youthful appearance, complete with shiny blonde hair, and exuded an air of wealth and confidence that couldn't be ignored.

Elio blinked, slightly taken aback by the unexpected intrusion, and then looked down at the man's outstretched hand. After a moment, he raised his gaze to meet the stranger's eyes. Without uttering a word, the man removed his sunglasses and introduced himself as Nico Brooks.

Elio's response was a simple, noncommittal blink. He had no intention of engaging with this stranger and preferred to enjoy his meal in peace. Nico let out a sigh and shrugged his shoulders, commenting, "You're not much of a talker, huh?"

Elio continued to eat in silence, hoping that his lack of response would deter the stranger from further conversation. Nico, however, seemed undeterred. He chuckled and, using his terminal, placed an order for some food and a glass of wine.

Annoyed by the persistent presence of this chatty stranger, Elio quietly hoped to finish his meal quickly and escape the company of Nico Brooks, who appeared to be content talking to himself as Elio silently savored his food.

Elio savored the last bite of his meal, thoroughly enjoying the flavors that had briefly transported him from the complexities of the world. Satisfied, he decided to request the chubby little robot to collect payment for his meal. As he did so, he noticed that Nico, the persistent stranger who had intruded upon his solitude earlier, was still trying to strike up a conversation.

Nico's questions came one after another, inquiring about Elio's name, his destination, and his interests. However, Elio's frown deepened with each inquiry, and he remained steadfastly silent, refusing to engage in any form of conversation.

With the meal finished, Elio removed his soiled disposable gloves and reached into his backpack to retrieve a fresh pair. Nico, observing this peculiar behavior, couldn't resist making a comment. He questioned why Elio bothered with gloves when eating, deeming it rather silly. Nico went on to assert that touching food wouldn't cause any harm.

Elio sighed in exasperation and snapped at Nico, indicating that he was oblivious to social cues and expressing his desire for silence. He made it abundantly clear that he wanted nothing to do with Nico and certainly had no intentions of forming a friendship.

Nico appeared momentarily taken aback by Elio's outburst, blinking a few times in surprise. However, his surprise quickly morphed into a smirk as he commented snarkily that Elio wasn't mute after all.

Elio felt his anger rising, but before he could respond, the chubby little robot arrived to collect payment. Elio promptly paid for his meal using his terminal and received the receipt via terminal transfer. With a final, withering glare directed at Nico, he stood up.

Nico involuntarily shuddered under the intensity of Elio's glare. Elio didn't mince words, expressing his fervent desire to never see Nico's face again. Without further ado, Elio left the dining car, making his way back to the solitude of his roomette, leaving behind a baffled and slightly shaken Nico.

This chapter and the next chapter are going to relatively short~

Sorry for the delay, but so many things happened recently so I'm trying to shuffle everything and get stuff done.

FiaVillincreators' thoughts