
North Key

Money..dignity..misunderstanding.. imperfection..these factors caused the disintegration of my family so I made a promise to myself to make them "human" and to bring them back together again. This is a fictional, dramatic story...

Nomensa · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

my first love 2

Every night that I remember Osama I feel confused and reassured at the same time .

Sometimes in class I am exhausted and suddenly I think of him, so I laugh , after a few seconds I see him in front of me and then little by little I started to love him, but I did not confess my love and kept lying to myself until the last day of study came،at that time I thought it was too late, he was in the ninth year of secondary education and was going to move to high school, but I am still in my first year.

I spent the whole summer crying until I got sick and I started feeling pain in my chest and heart.

Sadness inspired regret, those feelings never left me but he was destined to fail, at that moment, I had a mixture of feelings between happiness and sadness and pity for him, in any case, this did not prevent me from spending the rest of the holidays, preparing myself for returning to school so that he would see me beautiful.And that day came when I saw him, as usual, I did not confess my love for him and I just watched, although my heart was hurting when I saw him with a girl other than me.

Ah! That idiot why is he so popular ?

I was so angry because he kept going from one girl to another and the only person who was suffering was me.

What a hopeless relationship even though it hasn't started yet.

The basis of love is for the two lovers to be one heart and soul, to help each other and to change themselves for the better, but Osama was not with me. I had nothing but his image in my head and painful memories.

Perhaps Osama does not know me and does not know about my name or about an honest girl who loves him sincerely, but he remains the person who changed me even if it is in an indirect way.

My love for him caused me to get to know many friends, some of whom supported me and some of them competed with me for his love, so I will repay the debt and teach him the meaning of "sincerity," even if it is with a girl other than me.