
Turns out she's a rich woman!

"hi, u..."

"Rock, did you meet Leif Hogwarts from the Jeff Mackey law firm today?"

"Um, yes, how did you know?"

"Leif called me, he praised you, I was puzzled. I called Anna, but she didn't say much, just that you went to Jeff Mackey law firm to handle a case today, she said you worked overtime tonight, so I'm calling you now..."

"Sorry, u, for embarrassing you..."

"stop, Rock, you didn't do anything wrong, and I don't think being a cop is embarrassing, you're always my pride, and Anna said you did well. I hope you'll get over the last incident soon, I'm tired of you saying sorry to me..."

Rock looked a bit embarrassed, facing Marian Rock, he always felt inexplicably guilty, but he also wanted to deal with Marian, eager for the motherly love he had never experienced.

"ok, my bad, I'll reply as soon as possible, give me a little more time!"

Then Rock recounted what happened when he went to Jeff Mackey law firm in the morning, automatically ignoring the confidentiality provisions in the police regulations.

The reason why Anna Davis didn't say much about the case to Marian was because of the confidentiality provisions in the police regulations.

Rock Lee's education from childhood to adulthood has always been family first, especially since he was an orphan from childhood, he finally had a family, naturally, family comes first.

That's why he wanted to take the initiative to resolve the hidden danger of the Minordi organization and couldn't let his family be in danger.

What confidentiality provisions, worthless in front of family.

After listening to Rock's account, Marian was shocked: "Jesus, this is too scary, do you know who installed the camera?"

Rock stood on the balcony, frowned at the black SUV parked on the street below, and shook his head: "I don't know, I'm just a small patrol officer, this case has been handed over to the detective bureau, handled by the famous detective Tom Williams..."

He had seen this car parked downstairs at the Palmer Building in the morning, and he didn't understand why this car was here at the time.


Does Tom Williams really suspect that the camera in Daisy Greenberg's office was installed by him?

Is the Los Angeles detective really that incompetent?

Just as Rock hesitated whether to go downstairs and clarify with the other party, the black SUV downstairs drove away.

Hmm, is it a coincidence?

At this point, Marian said again, "No wonder Leif called me to thank me, it turns out this matter involves Daisy Greenberg!"

Rock casually asked, "u, who is Daisy Greenberg?"

Marian replied, "Daisy Greenberg is the only daughter of Steve Greenberg, the other founder of Jeff Mackey law firm. Steve and Leif started the law firm together, using the names of their fathers, and Steve reportedly took the lion's share of the firm. But unfortunately, Steve and his wife died in a plane crash eight years ago while vacationing in the Caribbean. Daisy inherited her parents' estate, worth at least several hundred million dollars..."

So she's a rich woman, no wonder she's so cold!

Rock blurted out, "I guess I know who installed the camera..."

Marian guessed what Rock wanted to say, reprimanding him: "If you don't know Leif Hogwarts, don't talk nonsense, he's not that kind of person, his character is well known in the circle. Leif is Daisy Greenberg's godfather. It's said that after the Greenberg couple died, Daisy suffered from depression, and it was only with Leif's help that she got over it. She followed her parents into Yale and became a public interest lawyer..."

She smiled and asked, "Daisy Greenberg is very beautiful, oh, you met her today, what do you think?"

"Just so so!"

Rock thought of Daisy Greenberg's cold look, couldn't help but sneer, but then thought of her parents' death, still quite pitiful.

Marian knew Rock's flirty nature and warned, "Don't have any ideas about her, the Greenberg family in Los Angeles is a large Jewish family, originally from Germany, but from Frankfurt's financial street, the real family relationship is not in the legal circle. If you hurt her, the consequences will be serious..."


Rock was speechless, and in his heart he agreed with what Marian had just said. The camera should have nothing to do with Leif Hogwarts.

Marian laughed heartily on the phone, then reminded him to come home during the holiday, and hung up.

After ending the call with Marian, Rock once again felt a tingling sensation in his heart, this feeling was really good. .Ь.

He looked downstairs, although the LAPD's car was gone, he didn't plan to go out again tonight, and it wouldn't be too late to go shopping the day after tomorrow on holiday.

The next morning, Rock arrived early at the police station, found Captain Jones, and complained about Maya Grant, the black female firefighter, accusing him of racial discrimination.

Captain Jones listened to Rock's account with a serious face, and said solemnly, "I will investigate this matter and also talk to the parties involved. The term 'racial discrimination' should not be thrown around lightly..."

Rock saluted, "thank you, sir!"

Captain Jones nodded, "Alright, go start your work!"

When Rock heard this, he turned and walked towards the door. Just as he was about to open the door, Captain Jones behind him asked, "Rock, have you ever dated a black woman?"

Rock's expression stiffened, and he confessed, "no, sir!"

Captain Jones said, "I suggest you try dating a black girlfriend, so you'll avoid similar accusations..."

Rock hesitated, "I will seriously consider your suggestion..."

After leaving Captain Jones's office, Rock sighed helplessly, muttering in his heart, damn political correctness!

Not long after, David came over. Seeing that Rock had arrived early, he knew that he had already talked to Captain Jones.

But with people coming and going at the police station, he didn't ask much.

Soon, Rock drove the old man's car, a Victoria Crown, out of the Wilshire Police Station.

"7ada15, start patrolling..."


As Rock hung up the handset, David asked, "What did Captain Jones say?"

Rock replied, "He said he would contact the 9th Fire Department to find out about it..."

He shrugged and added, "He also suggested that I find a black girlfriend!"

David couldn't help but laugh, applauding,

 "That's definitely a good idea!"

Rock retorted, "Have you ever dated a black person?"

David recalled, shook his head, and replied, "no, but you can try..."

Rock directly raised his middle finger, disdainfully glanced at David, and muttered, "The whole world has gone crazy!"

He suddenly remembered the case from last night and asked, "Any results? Will the LAPD prosecute Nancy grandma?"

David's expression became serious, and he said solemnly, "I was just about to tell you, Henry Morgan's case has been issued a gag order. Until it is formally announced at the top level, don't casually mention this matter again, understand?"


Rock shrugged, the top level of the Los Angeles Police Department should be having a headache right now, the legendary detective Henry Morgan, with his death, has dealt a blow to the LAPD.

The LAPD probably won't prosecute Nancy grandma, otherwise, they would lose even more face.

"Sizzle, de2, someone at Universal Studios reported seeing illegal immigrants, location at the front door of the Harry Potter Magic House..."

Rock glanced at the address displayed on the car's computer and found it very close, so he picked up the handset.

"7ada15, py!"