A tale of a firefighter who was reborn in the United States to become a detective, where a revolver truly symbolizes romance. A slow-burning American police story, it is bound to be a complete narrative.
Working under tense circumstances for a few days, Jimmy finally received a call from the Cleaner, indicating that the matter with the IRS had been taken care of.
By the weekend, Jimmy had arranged to meet with the part-time accountant and one of Justin's people, transferring a large sum of money from the company's ledger—of course, it was all handled as a business transaction, something the accountants had ample experience with, so Jimmy didn't need to deal with it himself.
Jimmy's own tax filing for the year 2000 was also entrusted to the part-time accountant; all Jimmy needed to do was pay an extra fee to get it done. This accountant's part-time work was for Jimmy's company, and taking on an additional personal task naturally warranted an additional payment.