
Norowareta Shukufuku: A Cursed Blessing

Judgement day is upon the human race, it is the end of the world as monsters called Man-eaters massacre all major cities including Tokyo where our protagonist is. He meet's his demise not long after the attack on Japan but not before meeting a certain entity called,'The system,' which Grant's him a blessing or so he thought. He suddenly wakes up again after his death. Is it reincarnation? No its still earth but now it's a dystopian world with no human's but all Manner's and sizes of monsters lurking, it's like centuries have passed. Confused with so many questions like the origin of Man-eaters or how he is still alive? Now a lonely Akio must journey to find out what happened to the world while he was gone and to find the surviving humanity of the great calamity or if they are actually survived while fighting all kinds of enemies from this new world. Note:this work is purely fiction and bare's no relation to anything of the real world. Credit: Art by Pablo Barbosa

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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Death and Reawakening

Note from author:Prologue, Judgement day was upon humanity, it was the end of the world as thousands of monsters suddenly appeared and Attacked humanity from all corners of the world,End of prologue.

Hour before the great calamity....

It was a peaceful day for the protagonist, 'Akio Yamamoto,' a college student and went on his day like any other.

He lived with his father and mother,'Daiki and Hana Yamamoto,' respectively in Tokyo.

"Have a good day at school,"His father told him.

"Ok dad," He replied.

"Make sure to come early today Aki," His mother said.

"Yea, Yea Mom I know. It's family game night,"He replied.

He left his house and off to school like usual not knowing that was the last time he would ever see them nor there bright smile again.

Just on his way to Tokyo University, the once blue sky was now covered by dark cloud's. There was a furious roar of wind.

"What the fuck is happening?" He asked, "is it gonna rain?"

He looked to the sky just to see thousands of monsters descend to the city. He could not believe his eyes, it was like something from a manga but yet his eye's did not deceive him. They were as real as he himself.

They started attacking the city people, tearing children, Women and Men limb from limb, Non was an exception. It was a horrific scene indeed and Akio was shocked to his bone's.

"No,no,nooo! I don't wanna die like this!" He yelled. Then suddenly something popped up infront of him, it was a small two horned creature with wing's and white fur.

"Candidate 777, the one privileged to save humankind from it's cruel judgement. If you choose to accept, you shall be gifted with a blessing," the creature explained to Akio.

"What are you?" Akio asked while trembling.

"I go by many names mortal. Some call me,'The Guardian,' and some call me,'The Devil,' but you can call me,'The System," it explained with a grin of it's face.

"Now choose fast because that big guy look's really hungry," The system said.

Akio looked behind to see a huge werewolf monster coming his way carrying a bloody sword.

"Ok I accept now please save me," he pleaded desperately.

The system smiled upon him and said,"But you are already saved." It disappeared thereafter.

"You fucking bastard come back!,"he yelled and then he noticed it was dead silent. He turned his head slowly to see a glimmering light from the werewolf sword, he tried to dodge the attack but it was too late, his head was cut clean off. In his last second's, he only thought of his parents. "Mom,Dad. I'm sorry,"he thought.

He was in a dark void were he could not move until he saw a light and he reached out to it then suddenly woke up. He screamed with joy and happiness without paying attention to his surrounding.

"Yessss!" He screamed, "I'm still alive." Then reality set in,"but how?" He asked, "pretty sure I died." He noticed a black katana blade at his side but didn't pay any mind to it.

"Is it reincarnation?" He thought but that's when he took a closer look to his surrounding.

It was a dystopian world full of all manner if monsters, the vegetation covered all building and part of Tokyo was submerged in water. It was like centuries passed by. He had so many questions like; what year is it, where did the monsters come from, how is he still alive and what happened to humanity.

End of chapter 1.

it's your author here with my very first chapter so if i hope you like it and support me through this journey Guy's. Give me your opinion on the story too

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