
Norma 2222

In the year 2222, the world has evolved into a technologically advanced society where humans live in bio-domes, protected from the harsh realities of the outside world. With the help of cutting-edge technology and medical breakthroughs, people can now live well beyond their natural lifespans. However, amidst this futuristic paradise, one family stands out from the rest: the Normas. John and Simply Norma, along with their three sons - Hydro, Oxy, and Nitro - are a quirky and unconventional bunch who have chosen to live life on their own terms. While the rest of society embraces the latest technological advancements, the Normas prefer a simpler, more natural way of life. They cherish the value of traditional skills and knowledge, which have been passed down through generations. Each member of the Norma family possesses unique talents and personality traits. John is a skilled craftsman, able to build and fix anything with his own two hands. Simply, the heart of the family, is known for her delicious home-cooked meals and her infamous "mom jokes." Hydro, the eldest son, is a chemistry genius with an exceptional green thumb, while Oxy, the middle child, combines his mathematical prowess with a passion for fashion design. Nitro, the youngest at just two years old, is a linguistic prodigy who has already mastered multiple languages. As the Normas navigate their daily lives within the bio-dome, their unusual ways and extraordinary abilities begin to attract attention. In a society that prioritizes conformity and relies heavily on technology, the Normas' adherence to tradition and natural living makes them stand out like sore thumbs. Despite the challenges they face, the family remains united by their unbreakable bond and their determination to stay true to themselves.

Pollymind · Khoa huyễn
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23 Chs

This is Lumen

Nova stepped into the artisanal district, her heart fluttering with anticipation as she made her way to Oxy's quirky fashion shop. She always looked forward to these visits, a chance to escape the high-tech world of the bio-dome and immerse herself in the warm, eccentric embrace of the Norma clan.

As she approached the shop, a commotion caught her attention. There, wrestling with an enormous log, was a strikingly handsome man with tousled blond hair and piercing blue eyes. His muscular frame flexed and strained against the wood, a sheen of sweat glistening on his sun-kissed skin.

"Come on, you stubborn piece of timber," the man grunted, his voice a deep, husky rumble. "Work with me here!"

Nova couldn't help but stare, transfixed by the raw strength and rugged charm of this mysterious lumberjack. As if sensing her presence, he turned, their eyes meeting in a moment of electric connection.

As Nova stood there, captivated by the handsome lumberjack, Lumen's eyes locked onto her, a strange intensity flickering in their blue depths. He seemed to be struggling with something, his jaw clenching and unclenching as if fighting an internal battle.

Suddenly, the words burst forth, as if a dam had broken loose. "HOLYYY SMOKE, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen!" Lumen exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of awe and panic. "Your hair, your eyes, your skin - it's like you're a walking, talking goddess!"

Nova blinked, taken aback by the sheer force of Lumen's unfiltered honesty. She'd been complimented before, but never with such raw, unadulterated intensity. It was both flattering and unnerving, a strange combination that sent a shiver down her spine.

Lumen, realizing the weight of his words, clapped a hand over his mouth, his eyes widening in horror. "Oh, no, I'm so sorry," he mumbled through his fingers, his face turning a deep shade of red. "I didn't mean to come on so strong. It's just, when I'm around a beautiful woman like you, I literally can't help but blurt out exactly what I'm thinking. It's like a weird, embarrassing quirk I can't control."

Nova, unsure how to respond, simply stared at Lumen, her mind reeling. Was this some kind of joke? A bizarre pickup line? Or was he genuinely unable to filter his thoughts around women?

As if reading her mind, Oxy appeared at that moment, a knowing smirk on his face. "Ah, I see you've discovered Lumen's little quirk" he chuckled, patting his cousin on the back. "The poor guy literally can't tell a lie to a woman. It's like his brain short-circuits and his mouth just runs away with him."

Lumen, still blushing furiously, nodded in embarrassment. "It's true," he admitted, his voice soft and sheepish. "I've tried to control it but it's like a reflex. Whenever I'm around a woman, the truth just comes pouring out, no matter how hard I try to stop it."

Despite the strangeness of the situation, Nova found herself intrigued by Lumen's unusual condition. There was something oddly endearing about his unfiltered honesty, even if it was a bit overwhelming at times.

"Well, that's certainly a unique quirk," she said, offering Lumen a reassuring smile. "But I appreciate your honesty even if it's not entirely voluntary."

Lumen, looking relieved, returned her smile with a grateful one of his own. "Thank you for understanding," he said, his blue eyes shining with warmth. "I know it can be a lot to take in, but I promise, beneath all the word vomit, I'm a genuinely okay guy like a 5...out of ten."

As Nova, Oxy, and Lumen stood there, laughing and chatting about the absurdity of the situation, Nova couldn't help but feel a warmth blooming in her chest. Lumen's quirk may have been unconventional, but there was something refreshingly authentic about him, a quality that drew her in despite herself.

As Nova, Oxy, and Lumen stood there, enjoying the unexpected camaraderie, a familiar figure emerged from the lush greenery of the Norma compound. It was Hydro, his blond hair tousled and his green eyes cool and distant as always.

Nova's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, her infatuation with the stoic gardener rushing back in full force. Lumen, momentarily forgotten, faded into the background as Nova's attention fixated solely on Hydro.

"H-Hydro!" she stammered, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink. "I didn't expect to see you here.... um well of course you would be here, it's your brother's shop hehehe."

Hydro, seemingly oblivious to Nova's flustered state, simply nodded in acknowledgment. "Nova," he said, his voice even and measured. "I see you've met my cousin, Lumen."

There was a hint of something in his tone, a subtle undercurrent of something that made Nova's heart wonder. Did Hydro think more or less of her for associating with the unfiltered cousin?

Lumen, sensing the shift in Nova's attention, felt a twinge of jealousy. He could see the way she looked at Hydro, the longing and admiration in her eyes. It was a look he desperately wished she would direct at him.

"Yeah, Nova and I were just getting acquainted," Lumen said, forcing a smile. "She's quite the charmer, isn't she?"

Hydro, his expression unreadable, simply shrugged. "I suppose," he said, his tone neutral. "Anyway, I just came to tell Oxy that Thoro needs his help in the herb garden."

Oxy clapped his hands together. "Well, duty calls!" he said, his voice overly cheerful. "Lumen, why don't you show Nova around the compound while I go assist Thoro?"

Lumen, grateful for the opportunity to spend more time with Nova, nodded eagerly. "It would be my pleasure really," he said, his blue eyes shining with hope.

Nova, torn between her desire to be near Hydro and her curiosity about the Norma way of life, hesitated. "I don't know," she said, biting her lip. "I wouldn't want to impose..."

"Nonsense!" Lumen exclaimed, his enthusiasm overriding his brain-to-mouth filter once again. "A stunning woman like you could never be an imposition. I would be honored to show you the wonders of our little world here."

Hydro, watching the exchange with a detached air, simply shrugged. "Do as you wish," he said, turning to walk away. "Just don't interfere with anyone's work."

As Hydro disappeared back into the greenery, Nova felt a mix of disappointment and relief. Part of her longed to follow him, to bask in his presence and try to crack the enigma of his cool exterior. But another part, the part that was intrigued by Lumen's unfiltered honesty and the Norma way of life, urged her to stay and explore.

"Lead the way," she said, turning to Lumen with a smile. "I'm eager to learn more about your world here."

Lumen, his heart soaring at Nova's acceptance, grinned broadly. "You won't regret it," he said. "The Norma life may be simple, but it's full of hidden wonders."

As Lumen led Nova through the Norma compound, his unfiltered comments continued to flow, sometimes endearing, sometimes cringeworthy. They approached the textile workshop, where Lumen's sister, LinLin, was working on a new weaving project.

"Hey, LinLin!" Lumen called out. "Check out Nova's dress! The fabric looks so soft and smooth, just like her skin!"

LinLin raised an eyebrow at her brother's outburst. "Lumen, that's a weird thing to say. Apologize to Nova."

Lumen, realizing his mistake, turned to Nova, his face red. "I'm so sorry, Nova. I didn't mean it like that. Your dress just looks really nice."

Nova patted Lumen's arm. "It's okay, Lumen. I shouldn't mind anymore, should I?"

As they continued their tour, Lumen's unfiltered comments kept coming. When they passed by the communal kitchen, he blurted out, "Nova, I bet you'd look amazing in an apron, cooking up a storm in here! Not that I'm saying you belong in the kitchen. I mean, you can do whatever you want. But I just think you'd make a really cute chef, and... oh, man, I'm just digging myself deeper, aren't I?"

Nova shook her head, amused. "Lumen, you're hopeless. But I appreciate the sentiment, even if it came out awkwardly."

Lumen grinned sheepishly. "Story of my life. But I mean it, Nova. You're amazing, and I just wish I could express it without sounding like a total creep."

As they made their way back to the main compound, Lumen suddenly remembered something. "Oh, Nova, there's one more thing I want to show you! It's my favorite spot in the whole compound, and I think you'll love it too!"

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