
Noragami - Long Awaited Fanfic

I did not find any noragami fanfics, so I decided to make one.

HolyCentaur · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
3 Chs

The Beginning

After watching a few episodes of Noragami, a boy got up and went to the fridge. He opened it to see no milk. "... I need to get some milk." The boy then went another room. A woman was stretching her body and doing yoga. "Mom, I wanted to make myself some coffee. There is no milk. Can you give 5 dollars? I'll go get some." "Huuuu. My purse is near the T.V. Take the money from there. Return early. Your father is coming in an hour and we need to go out for dinner today. " The boy didn't reply and began running. He bought a gallon of milk and began walking home.

Hoooonnnnkk. HHoooooonnnnnkkk!!!!

The boy looked to his right. He saw 2 lights and then darkness.

----God Pov----

I was spending all my time in search of some entertainment. The previous reincarnations of people i sent from here have already become strong to rule or have become just strong enough to hold their own in their world. Should I just hold a tournament? Huuu. This is boring. Let me create another multiverse. I guess another soul gets to reincarnate. Hu Hu Hu.

Tada! I'll spin the lottery. Hmm It landed on this soul. This is another reincarnatee. What is his past? Hmm? Ho, He died while bringing milk for his coffee!! This is interesting.

----3rd Pov----

God snapped his fingers and the soul began to form a soul body (not physical). A boy was now visible. He opened his eyes and was in shock. God just smiled and said, "You know what happened right? 3 Wishes." The boy began internally freaking out. God said, "The race, looks and place of reincarnation can be decided later. Just select your powers/weapons/whatever. The only limitation on the wishes is that the wishes should not be overpowered. It can however give you the potential to be overpowered." The boy began thinking until he came to a conclusion.

"My first wish is to have a domain. It should be like a place visible to all, but except the people who I allow, everybody else would for some randomly generated reason go back. This domain can also be separated or moved into another dimension while the missing place will be replaced by a replica. My second wish is for super regeneration. My third wish is that I cannot be blighted."

God just smiled and said, "Well done. Now select your race, looks and place of reincarnation.". The boy then smiled and said, "I would like to be a god. Can you make it so that I can exist without followers and also such that my strength can never decrease and only increase? Place of reincarnation is the world of Noragami. As for looks, I want to look like Toshizo Hijikata from Hakuouki. God looked at me for some time and finally said, "Look. These are not overpowered wishes. They would definitely give you a good start though. From my side, I will be giving you a system. It will only show stats."

The boy did not argue much as he liked to play survival craft open world games a lot. As the boy began fading away he looked at god and said, "Thank you for for this opportunity. I will make sure to live my new life to the fullest." The boy then faded away.

"I guess I'll observe this guy. If he is good, I'll tell him that he has his own multiverse as all other reincarnated do. Hope he doesn't destroy his and come back crying like that idiot."


A young handsome man materialized on the sidewalk of a very busy street. Nobody would notice him as no one can see a god normally unless they have a connection with the far shore.

'Nice. Huuuu. Calm Down. Open Status.'


Name : -

Race: God (A/N: I'm never changing this. No bloodline bullcrap too.)

Divinity: War, Illusions, Night

HP: 10




Stat Points: 0 (Obtained by killing.)

Remark: You have the status of a peak human.


"I see. Interesting and good. I guess i need to put in a lot of effort. Let's search for a regalia first. Need a weapon after all. As for my name... let's go with Yagami. It stands for God of the Night after all." Yagami then stared at the street. He was not in the modern times. Huuu. This is as dangerous as it is interesting. 'Is Yato born yet?... I'll think about it later. Let me search for a regalia first.' Thinking that, Yagami took a step into the street in search of a pure soul.