
Noragami - Long Awaited Fanfic

I did not find any noragami fanfics, so I decided to make one.

HolyCentaur · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
3 Chs


Yagami kept advancing into town as entered a restaurant. He saw a young girl of around 18 crouching near the bartender and looking around with fear. 'She must afraid of the phantoms...' Yagami went behind the young girl and said, "Hey miss, May I have a drink with you? You look quite attractive.". The girl looked at Yagami with shock and could not speak for a second after which she spoke a bit loudly (A/N: Nobody except supernatural beings can hear her), "Y-You can see me??!!".

The girl was shook and began weeping silently as Yagami suddenly bent down. "Hey...." "Huh?" The girl slowly looked up to see a large phantom she attracted."Oh no. It's one of those monsters again. Hey mister follow me. We have to run." Yagami looked at her for a second with an expressionless face and asked, "Girl, What's your name?" The girl looked at him in a daze as she said,"Himiko."

Yagami looked at the approaching phantom as he said, "You, with nowhere to go and nowhere to return… I grant you a place to belong. My name is Yagami. Bearing a posthumous name, you shall remain here. With this name, I make thee my servant. With this name and its alternate, I use my life to make thee a Regalia. Thou art Himiko. As regalia, Hibiki. Come Hibiki."Just as he said that, hibiki transformed into light as she materialized in Yagami's hands.

[Hibiki Picture]

At that moment, all of Hibiki past came to his mind. She was a katana. He started randomly slashing at the phantom as he did not train his skill in wielding the sword. He then said, "Hibiki... Fight! What are you afraid of? This monster? You are a sword. Slice it." After this, there was no reply from Hibiki but the accuracy went up a lot as Yagami was a lot of critical hits in the vital points. The monster looked like a frog. They sliced its limbs but it kept regenerating. Then Yagami stopped for a second before aiming and getting a shot in the abdomen of the frog phantom. 'That was bad. Need to sharpen my skills and this time period is the best for it.' "Hibiki" Hibiki returned to normal as she asked, "You...What are you?".

Yagami smirked but didn't reply. He turned around and began walking. "Follow me, I'll tell you along the way."

----3rd Pov----

"My Lady, It seems that god has saved the girl I told you about." A bird chirped as she told her master. A blonde lady with sparkling purple eyes was sitting on the bird remarked, "Well it's good then. Do you know which god that is?" A nail then spoke, "Why don't we meet them Bishamon Sama. We have never him before." "Hmm. Let's meet him then." Bishamonten said with a smile.

[A/N: I've decided the fl to be Bishamonten. Yato anyways has Hiyori / Kofuku. the only fl is Bisha throughout the fanfic. Hibiki would be like a maid. A true maid. Nothing more. Nothing less.]

Yagami was walking with Hibiki on his side telling her about the gods and everything. "So, you are trying to spread your influence? Hmm. I know a good place where you can start with tha-" A huge shadow of a bird flew over their heads as Hibiki suddenly looked up and stopped. Yagami just looked at her and said, "That's Bishamonten. You might have already heard of her. The mightiest god of war." "Hoo. It seems you have heard of me. " Bishamonten began speaking as jumped from the bird. The bird landed on a house.

"You are very famous Bishamon-san.". Bishamonten smiled as she replied, "Hehehe. You Praise me -""Yagami. You can call me that." "You are very polite Yagami-san". Yagami had a crush on Bishamonten since he watched Noragami, but it only multiplied as everything was now real. "I wanted to ask if Bishamon-san was available for a drink." Bishamonten was surprised as she accepted it after a little thought. It was not like she had any real work except saving souls. There were not many phantoms in the recent months (MC does not know. This is Bishamonten's knowledge.). All this time Hibiki stayed silent as she was following and processing a lot of information.

----After 20 min----

They went to a restaurant as nobody would invite other people into each others house on the first day of knowing each other. Bishamonten looked at Yagami before asking, "Which type of god are you Yagami san?". Yagami looked into her eyes before replying, "I am god of war, illusions and the night. I'm still not a well known god yet Bishmon san."

"You are a god of war too? When were you born?" Bishamonten now began asking question as she was intrigued by the prospect of him being. god of war too. Yagami patiently replied, "I was born quite some time ago. My first regalia was fed up due to me being a poor god and left me. I then went to seclusion after which I met my second regalia which is Hibiki.". Hibiki who was attentive till now suddenly replied, "I will never leave Yagami sama as he saved me from becoming like those cre-phantoms." They then began eating and finished their food with some light talk in between.

"Yagami san can drop by whenever he needs some company or help. I've enjoyed this break quite well. Let's meet again sometime." Yagami smiled as he saw the retreating figure of Bishamonten along with Hibiki.

"So what do you think we should do now Hibiki?" "We can just roam around, Yagami sama. We can focus on what we should do as time passes. We have all the time in the world as we are immortal.". Yagami then smiled as they began to roam the streets.