
The Town of Retrien

As I leave my home for the academy I wave to Thomas who waves back. I hear him groan as he uses windcutter to level the grass in my home. Windcutter is a simple spell that anyone could master with ease. As I walk to the academy I see some peasants talking amongst themselves in a low and hushed tone. I ignore it and continue onward. When spotting the bridge, I lean over and take a look in the river. The river is a murky with a greenish hue . I spot something moving in the water but I continue on. The academy is in the circle of the town which is a few blocks from the bridge so I am closing in. the town has lots of stone which makes up most of the structure in the city. The houses seem mostly functional with no easily spot able cracks and such.

"What brings a kid like you here?" A man presumably in his mid forties to early fifties approaches me with a bottle in hand.

"I'm going to the academy." As I say this, he glares at me like I have done something wrong. I realize that just moving past is a better idea. He takes out a dagger and tries to stab me.

"GUARDS HELP ME!" I yell as I try to get away from the crazy man with a dagger. I try and attract the guards but they just stand at there posts and look down.

"FIREBALL!" As I yell this word a stone levitates from the ground and spontaneously combusts and shoots for the man. As the man sees it, he realizes it's too late. The man screams in pain and the guards come to his aid as well as some other townsfolk. I put my hood on and continue towards the academy.