
Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

A strange boy who sees something deeply hidden in people, who owns the strongest sword style without a sword, arrives in the labyrinth city with the goal of finding his master. But the intended fate changes when divine blood touches the child's body. Seven mysterious creatures make a bet that directly affects the life of a child. From this moment his story begins. Events of this fanfic begins 9 years before the main story, a little later after Ais joined the Loki familia. I do not own the characters or plot of Danmachi or Katananagatari. I only claim ownership of the OC and the plot associated with them. I took the picture from Google Image, if it belongs to you and you don’t want it to appear on the cover of my work, please let me know.

Justlucky · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs


Orario, night. A short figure was stumbling out of the Babel gate. With every step, blood flowed from the body covered with deep wounds. Those around him recoiled in horror from the sight and smell emanating from the figure, the smell of human blood.

Why could others be sure that the blood was human? Although he returned each time in a not very tidy state, after a couple of reprimands in the past, he became accustomed to putting himself in an acceptable state when leaving the dungeon.

Now, in addition to the terrible condition, in Shichika's right hand there was a tied bundle of three hairs of different colors. At the end of each bunch, severed heads hung with an expression of despair. Each of which belonged to members of Evilus, although in the meager light of the lanterns, few could figure it out.

The guards surrounded the boy and pointed their weapons at him.

- S-s-stop! You will be detained until the circumstances are clarified, - a man recently accepted into the city's military police detachment stammered. 

- Call the goddess Loki, - overcoming enormous pain in the damaged areas and an even stronger headache, Shichika managed to say before falling on his back.

As soon as his body fell to the ground, the guards shouted: "He lost consciousness!" rushed forward and prepared to shackle the boy's hands and feet.

What stopped them was that the man, no, the creature in front of them did not close his eyes, but looked at them so much.

- I was thinking.... Call a good tailor too, I won't last long like this.

A couple of minutes later. The goddess sleeping in her room was awakened by screams.

- Loki! Shichika is finally back, but his condition is critical. A member of the Ganesh family said that he asked for your personal presence, - one of the adventurers who were on duty at the gates of the estate today burst through the door.

- Just this? - the woman jumped out of bed and almost rushed out of her seat, but decided to ask something first.

- N-no, he also asked for a good tailor.

- Tailor? Send Finn to Hephaestus, let someone experienced from her family come, - it seemed that a guess appeared in the goddess's head.

- What if there are none?

- Then take her personally.


To understand what is happening at the moment, let's go back 5 days.

On the day of the quarrel between Riveria and Ais, both returned home together. They made peace, but the situation was far from happy. The girl was severely injured in the dungeon, and even though the combination of healing potions and spells stabilized her vital signs, she needed a couple of days of rest.

The family members gathered around her bed listened to her story and every word she said aroused more and more anger in those present.

- God ended up in the dungeon? He tried to take Ais, and when he was refused..... - Finn started first.

- ....He used Arcanum to provoke the dungeon to summon a monster, black wyvern. Luckily, Ais managed to use her magic, - Riveria confirmed the girl's story.

- Evilus bastards, - Gareth did not hold back his expressions.

And even Loki stood with her special expression; other gods would be very nervous if they saw her like this.1 Shichika was suspiciously quiet.



The winged black silhouette rushed around in anger, throwing things. The remaining 5 residents of an unknown place were hiding behind the throne of their leader, waiting for their friend to calm down.


- Venera, isn't it time to stop her? - came the request.

- Momo, just a little more.


- But you are here, and the only way to solve something.... It's a boy.

The enraged head turned towards the owner of the voice. In response, the orange eyes awkwardly turned away to the side.

- Don't look at me like that, I'm embarrassed.



Belphie - 1st-11th floor - 100%, 12th floor - 37 %

Vaalverif - Pantries - 94%, Magic stones - 100%, Regular food - 100 %

Leviathan - Rare creatures - 80%, Regular creatures - 88 %

Venera - Fame - 100 %, Fear - 70%

Mammon - Networth - 92%, People who owe you money - 0.

Asha - People's bodies were returned. - 100%

Iblis - Revenge. - 0%, Heads brought to the surface. - 0/3.


Shichika turned around and walked towards the exit of the room.

- Where are you going? - the goddess grabbed the shoulders of her child, not allowing him to leave silently.

- In the dungeon. I'll come back.

- I forbid you to go further than the 12th floor until you reach the 2nd level.

- But I...

- I forbid it. And I don't care what's written on your back. If you go on a rampage, then only where I allow it.

- I understand, - feeling the pressure ease, the boy left.

- Go on a rampage? x 3

- Apparently you don't spend enough time with him. Although he doesn't show it, there is a fire burning inside him. Not one that will destroy everything around, rather, if you become his target, then he will without a single word chop you into pieces. Now even I'm afraid to disturb him.

- Then why did you limit him? And what is this "chop into pieces"? This reminds me, we haven't seen him fight, - Gareth made an important point.

- I am his goddess, master and, as it turned out, love. I don't want to lose him. Through falna I saw what he capable of; he is a good fighter, and thanks to his sword style, he has never received serious damage.

12th floor, wide rooms are covered in fog, thicker than on the previous 2. Everywhere strange structures resembling trees stick out of the ground. The so-called Landform, objects created by the dungeon that monsters use as weapons. Also, starting from the 10th floor, creatures from the "large" category began to appear. Most often they have outstanding strength, but suffer in terms of speed. Adventurers who use short weapons such as daggers or brass knuckles begin to diversify their arsenal in order to inflict enough damage.

Members of different families heard the almost continuous sound of fighting and the scream of monsters. For three days now, Shichika has been destroying the creatures of the dungeon. Since his arms were not long enough, he used kicks to destroy large ones. And sometimes, forgetting about the technique, he forcibly tore off the limbs of some of them.

Due to the greatly expanded rooms, one day an interested group of adventurers saw him using his hands to cut the neck muscles of a baby dragon, then unscrew its head along with part of its spine. The effect was unforgettable; a group of frightened beastmen decided to end today's raid early.

Stones dropped from monsters could not be left on the ground; if some orc decided to eat them, then as a result of mutation a strengthened species would appear on the upper floors. Therefore, having collected a large amount, Shichika transported the bags (periodically purchased for part of the loot from adventurers passing by.) to hidden rooms on the 11th floor. Over the course of a year, it became clear that monsters do not appear in such places. Therefore, he considered this a suitable option.

Only on the night between the 4rd and 5th day did what he was waiting for happen. A figure with long purple hair appeared from a distance, surrounded by a group of people.

- Well, well, well! What do we have here? First a girl, consumed by a thirst for revenge, and now a boy consumed by anger. Fabulous! - god seemed to live in his own world, - come with me and I will give you the power with which you can get everything you want.

From the outside it seemed that the adventurer he met was seriously considering the offer, so one of the leaders of Evilus allowed him to close the distance, the god's guard also approached. And this turned out to be a good decision from their side. With a sharp movement, the boy was found right in front of his victim's face, striking. Before the hand could reach the man, it was stopped by a sword that intended to cut off that very hand. Shichika retreated.

- Third levels, no, one of the best second levels.

- You are right! But why are you attacking us? It is quite possible that we are good people.

- No. You are terrible, worse than the monsters living here, - in the boy's vision, the group he met was surrounded by the same type of flame, the only task of which was to cause torture to its victims.

- I don't agree with you here, we are bringing death. And that's great! Each of my followers...

Unwilling to listen, the adventurer again attacked the group consisting of 8 first-level adventurers and 3 peak level 2 guards.

- So it didn't work out with you either. It's a pity. Kill him, - turning around, the god walked into the distance, after which he disappeared into the surrounding fog, followed by a couple of weak subordinates.

The fight was 9 on 1.

Head-on combat is doomed to failure. It will not be possible to pursue the departed target; all 9 people are standing in the way. Then a protracted battle under the cover of fog, guerrilla tactics.

With a sharp jerk to the side, the boy disappeared into the fog.

- Don't chase him! Protect the magician, - the man with the sword, who had previously repelled the attack on his god, gave the order.

- Let`s divide into two teams, we will follow him, and you prepare a spell and wait for him to be driven into a trap.

And so it happened. The chase began. One minute, the distance is minimal, a little more and the weapon will overtake his back. Two minutes, the distance does not decrease. Three, making a loop, the boy flew towards the group guarding the magician, who was ready to cast a spell.

But when the target was within 15 meters, the magic circle collapsed. For some reason, the magician, accustomed to killing, at that moment lost control over part of the energy. Ignis Fatus.2 The magician and those around him were hit by an explosion of magic. Healing potions were supposed to be used, but Shichika, who arrived in time, managed to cut off two heads on the run, including the magician.

7 on 1.

- Damn this idiot, how can you not cope with a first-level spell? And how bad is it that we are not able to catch up with this guy. Everyone get together. Under our protection, he won't be able to reach you.

In the middle of the room, the 4 weaker members of Evilus found themselves in a protective triangle formation. On each of the tops of the figure stood one of the high-ranking fighters. Sword, spear, two-handed axe. The villains were expecting an attack. If the boy retreats, they will return to their base. But... A figure flew out of the fog, aiming at the man with the spear. The formation moved and struck. An illusion created by technology, the boy appeared a little later, aimed at the protected adventurers. Two more corpses.

5 on 1.

- This will not work. I have an idea, but you two will have to die, - the leader's gaze turned to the two weaklings.

- As if this was once a problem for us. The Almighty Thanatos promised to find us in heaven. We are ready.

- Then listen...

For five minutes there had been silence, occasionally interrupted by the rumble of the floor being destroyed; the enemy regularly damaged the dungeon, preventing the appearance of monsters. A suspicious wave of fatigue overtook the group, but this should not hinder their tactics. They were waiting.

And their wait paid off, once again a fast silhouette pierced their formation, pouncing on the weak link. This time, three men ran into the scattered, a red stone glittered under the clothes of the remaining ones.

* BOOM *

The explosion shook the surroundings, and a deep crater formed in its place. Shichika, grouped, flew away from the shock wave into the distance. The survivors followed him into the fog. The first of them walked forward nervously.

- Why are you worried? He probably died from this. Or at least, he lies wounded and unconscious, - the words of his comrade-in-arms temporarily calmed the man with the spear. For a while.

The victim of the explosion they found was standing on both legs, burned, with a broken arm and a twisted leg, but on his feet.

3 on 1.

- We need to finish him off.

The owner of the two-handed ax was the first to approach, he tried to split the enemy in half with a horizontal blow. At the same time, a spear flew into Shichika's stomach from the other side. Somewhere in the distance, the last of them was casting a spell, a curse to be more precise. Another choice.

The curse cannot be avoided, the ax will deal a fatal blow in 90% of cases, leaving the spear. A smooth movement of the body and the weapon was redirected into the ground with a vertical elbow strike, in order to completely avoid it, one had to jump.

- Τάνταλος!

The spear pierced the thigh of his good leg, followed by a curse. The boy, carried several meters away, managed to land on his feet, drawing blood.

- Just give up already! You fell under the influence of my magic, and in your leg there is a weapon made by hexer sticking out. The blood won't stop flowing.

- Is it true? - the boy's hands grabbed the spear and with a sharp turn broke its tip, after which he pulled out the shaft. More blood was spilled.

- Idiot! Now we don't even have to come near you! - Evilus members folded their hands and began to wait at a safe distance. Only after 3 minutes of staring, one of them noticed that something was wrong. The visible fracture of their opponent's right arm had healed. In addition, his own health worsened.3

- Crap! He is cured! Surely he managed to drink a couple of potions, - the man with the sword landed a couple of successful blows, opening several wounds on the target's chest and shoulder, before attempting to impale the boy standing sideways.

How could he know the main purpose of Kyotōryū? Disarm the enemy and then easily finish him off. The weapon was caught between Shichika's hands and back. After which it was broken into pieces. The man, who did not have time to react to the unexpected set of circumstances, lost his head.

2 on 1.

- *spits blood* I don't think waiting will do you any good. Any minute now the dungeon will be restored and then we all can count on her mercy, - the boy's legs slowly shifted, testing the functionality.

The men, seeing his tragic state, decided to simply leave, and as soon as they turned around, something tried to overtake the person closest to them. The battle axe tried to stop him, but was stopped by an order.

- Do not move! - Shichika's words at that moment had a special power that froze the body of the last survivor. The second one was already lying on the ground.

1 on 1.

- You know, now she has completely calmed down.

- Who are you talking about?!

- But I'm still angry.


Loki, Hephaestus, Gareth and Finn arrived at the entrance to Babel, where Shichika, surrounded by guards, lay on a white stretcher with red spots. The boy's goddess was the first to approach him, after which she took his bloody hand.

- You made us worry, but now everything is fine.

- I promised to come back *cough* I think I'll need time to recover.

Both of their lips curved into a grin.

- Really. And now, Gareth, Finn! Take him to Babel's room.

A red-haired woman with an eye patch covering her eye approached her.

- Loki, why do you need me? The boy clearly needs help from Dian Cecht familia.

- You know how to work with leather, right?

- Well, yes.

- Stitch up his wounds as tightly as possible.

The chapter turned out even longer than I thought.

Thank you for reading!

As always, add my work to the collections and send powerstones.

Tomorrow the chapter will be released a little later or not at all. I have things to do for half the day.

Justluckycreators' thoughts