
Nomenclature of Night

This is a MTL translation This is a Copy-Paste from https://www.mtlnovel.com/nomenclature-of-night/ This is more of an original novel than a fanfic, but because it has elements of SCP I thought it was better to put in here This is one of the best, if not the best online novel that I read. The MC is smart, calculist, corageous, calm. This novel is different from the others Chinese novels, give it a try. Updates will be 2 chapters a day. Mtlnovel sinopses: In the blue and purple neon, under the dense steel sky, the front end of the data torrent is the world after the technological revolution, and it is also the boundary between reality and illusion. Steel and body, past and future. Here, the outer world and the outer world coexist, and everything in front of you is like a wall of time. Darkness gradually shrouded. But you have to understand, my friend, we can’t deal with darkness with gentleness, we have to use fire.

Kliemann · Khác
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110 Chs

Chapter 3: Broken world

To worship a Bodhisattva at a time when crisis and change are about to usher in, this kind of behavior seems a bit like going to the doctor in a hurry.

However, Qing Chen felt that the supernatural phenomenon on his arm itself should be left to the supernatural being to take care of it.

For Qing Chen, paying respects does not suffer.

He likes to make preparations ahead of him and does not leave himself a chance to regret.

The time is 9:30 in the evening.

Sitting on the bed, Qing Chen glanced down at the phone. There was only this faint light in the bedroom, and only a few words from the same table Nan Gengchen in WeChat, and no one else sent him a message.

His mother Zhang Wanfang's WeChat portrait was quiet and quiet, which made Qing Chen a little bit disappointed.

Of course, it's just a trace.

He didn't know what he was expecting.

In fact, he does not blame his mother.

His father sold many properties in his family through gambling, as well as domestic violence and derailment. Qing Chen didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his mother's initiative to divorce.

On the contrary, Qing Chen, who saw his father hit his mother with his own eyes, was even happy for his mother's choice.

Because this is correct.

On the eve of the parents' divorce, my grandmother once persuaded her mother not to divorce: You are a woman who takes her teenage son as an oil bottle. How can she get married in the future? Who will remarry you?

Hearing all this, Qing Chen chose to live with his father when his parents divorced.

He remembered his parents' look of astonishment at the time, but Qing Chen knew that this was also the right choice.

Now that his mother has started a new life and formed a happy new family, Qing Chen may be a little bit lost, but he is still very careful not to disturb.

Countdown 2:31:12.

Qing Chen suddenly thought of a question. If this is the last two and a half hours of his life, what should he do?

This question is actually both serious and romantic.

Because it is asking you what you want to do most in your life, but you haven't had time to do it, or what you dare not do.

Unexpressed love, people who met but didn't see, places you want to go but didn't go, and things you want to say but didn't say are all in the answer category.

Ask this question straight to my heart.

Qing Chen got up and put on his coat. He unexpectedly chose to go out again when there was not much left in the countdown.

He pushed his broken bicycle out of his house, rode it on, and drove all the way to his destination.

In the autumn night, the wind was a little bit cooler, and the pedestrians on the road gradually became scarce.

Qing Chen, who was riding on the bicycle, looked calm, and the hem of his coat was blown backward by the wind on the bridge.

He did have a lot of regrets in his life, and there were also many things he dared not do.

But tonight he doesn't need cowardice and fear, just courage.

At a certain moment, Qing Chen was thinking, if he really was going to die tonight, then he should finish the most important thing too, he didn't have time.

He first went to the Peony Hotel, then to the Luocheng Hotel, and also to the Luoyin Family Home, but there was no one he was looking for.

Qing Chen rode a bicycle all the way through the alley, drove across the Qilihe Bridge, and came to a residential building downstairs.

When he saw the familiar broken second-hand motorcycle parked downstairs, he heard the sound of rubbing mahjong on the second floor...

Then I picked up my phone and dialed 110: "Hello, Comrade Police, I want to report to Room 201, Unit 2, Building 17, Longteng Community, Luojian District, where people gather for gambling."

The police officer on the opposite side seemed to be stunned for two seconds before reacting: "Okay, we will arrange for the police now."

Only then did Qing Chen relax, turned around and rode his bicycle home.

The idea has been understood.

When he got home, Qing Chen glanced at the white lines on his arm, counting down 1:02:21 seconds.

He began to review his preparations.

Wait, do you want to welcome that moment at home?

Qing Chen had watched a horror movie before. The story was about the protagonist bumping into something dirty, and as a result, a ghost would find him at midnight every day.

Then the protagonist hides XC, and even hides in the mountains and old forests, but he can always be found by ghosts.

At that time, Qing Chen was thinking, why doesn't the protagonist go to a crowded place?

Although ghosts are very powerful, in general, everyone feels more secure in crowded places.

For example, the protagonist can go to a nightclub and wait for the ghost to find the door at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. Hundreds of people in the nightclub are shaking their heads amidst the roar of music. No matter how you look at it, you feel that the ghost should be more scared...

So when Qing Chen thought of this place, he began to think, should he go to a place with more people?

Or, he can go directly to the White Horse Temple in Los Angeles... After all, there are Bodhisattvas there.

There are not only Guanyin Bodhisattva, but also Manjushri and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

It also looks safe.

However, Qing Chen chose to stay at home in the end. He felt that compared with demons and ghosts, when the countdown ended, things like zombies were more likely to appear.

If this thing really happened, it would be no different from going to a crowded place than looking for death. On the other hand, the Bodhisattva doesn't seem to have the business to deal with this kind of thing.

Qing Chen had already prepared supplies at home, if it was really a zombie attack, then he could hide at home for a while.

The countdown is 00:31:49.

In the last half an hour, Qing Chen turned on the lamp on the desk and quietly wrote a suicide note on the table.

If he died today, maybe one day in the future, his family and friends will still be able to see the last thing he wants to say.

If he didn't die, his life might be another world.

Countdown to 00:00:12.

After finishing writing his suicide note, Qing Chen sat up, holding the eviscer tightly in his right hand, and the pupils suddenly narrowed in his clear eyes.

The more the last moment, the calmer his emotions became.

It was like a tsunami that stood still at the moment when it was about to engulf an isolated island, and there was no undercurrent surging under the sea, only deep thinking and fierce courage were left!











No ghosts, no zombies, no disasters.

Qing Chen quietly watched the time around him fall into a static state, the time on his phone seemed to stay above 12:00:00 forever.

The second hand of the clock hanging on the wall suddenly stopped beating, and the light outside the window no longer flickered.

He stood up, the frozen time seemed to be shattered by the movement of his getting up, and the world in his eyes shattered like a mirror.

Qing Chen lifted the boning knife in his hand and looked around. The desk was gone, and the room was gone, only darkness was left.

Immediately afterwards, he too fell into darkness.

Time does not know how long it has passed, but it seems that there is only a moment. Qing Chen at this moment suddenly lost the concept of time.

In the darkness, the fragments of the world began to piece together again, and the fragments that did not know where they came from, combined into a completely new world in an instant.

Qing Chen was lying on a narrow hard board bed. It was a completely unfamiliar environment. He had never been here before.

He looked at his palm first, there was nothing there, and the eviscer he was holding had long since disappeared.

He looked at his arm again, and suddenly found that the white lines on the arm had changed.

"Countdown to return 48:00:00."

For 48 hours, which is 2 days, Qing Chen thought about it.

The next moment, the countdown jumped for a second: the return countdown was 47:59:59.