
Nomad's Tale

"Nomad's Tale" follows the story of Jack Sterling, a skilled spy who has been working undercover as a scientist for the New Order, an organization dedicated to finding and harnessing the power of the Chronotex. This rare material has the ability to alter the fabric of time and space, and the New Order plans to use it to create the next generation of nuclear weapons and unlock the secrets of time travel. Despite his allegiance to the New Order, Jack is torn between his loyalty to the organization and his desire to protect his new friends in Pakistan. He decides to uncover the secrets of the Chronotex and use his knowledge to stop the New Order's plans. However, his breakthrough research leads to his disappearance, and he finds himself suddenly transported back in time to ancient Egypt. In Egypt, Jack encounters both allies and enemies, and he soon discovers that the Chronotex has existed for centuries, and that it has been sought after by different factions for its immense power. He learns that some have gone to great lengths to obtain it, even at the cost of destroying innocent lives. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the Chronotex, he discovers that it has incredible abilities beyond just time travel - its users are granted strange and unique powers that can change the course of history.

Kaido_1867 · Lịch sử
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45 Chs

CH.9 The Present Day 2023: A Man On A Bike

"A man who's both a detective and archaeologist, Seeks answers to all, but impatient he persists. He wants it all now, but will he find the nomad's path? Friend or foe, the tale will soon reveal the aftermath.

They both fight, but for a different goal, One seeks knowledge, the other a new role. The nomad wanders, free as a bird, The detective-archaeologist, driven by his own accord.

Will they cross paths, these two with diverse aims? Will they be friends or foes, the outcome still remains. But in this journey of life, twists and turns await, Only fate knows the ending, the story to narrate"

The Present Day 2023: A Man On A Bike


The scorching sun beat down mercilessly upon the city of Hyderabad, giving the concrete buildings the appearance of a desert wasteland. Jack's house was no exception; it was surrounded by small brick houses, tightly packed together.

Suddenly, the sound of a revving engine filled the air, and a man on a bike screeched to a halt in front of Jack's house. The rider twisted the handlebars to the left, shutting off the engine. He was wearing a red and black helmet with the windscreen down, and he gave Jack's house a quick once-over before dismounting.

The rider removed his helmet, revealing a man in his Mid Twenties with a short, well-groomed beard and long hair that reached down to his nose. He glanced around and spotted a man selling tea at a nearby stall.

He approached the tea seller, who was wiping his face with a scarf due to the heat. "Excuse me," he said, "do you know a man named Jack who lives around here?"

The tea seller paused for a moment, his face suddenly filling with concern. "Yes, I know him he lives In that apartment there," he said, his voice laced with worry. "But I haven't seen him since yesterday. Is everything alright?"


"Yes everything is ok no need to worry" said the man


Then the man approached Jack's house, with its blue door standing out against the surrounding brick buildings. As he climbed the small stairs, he couldn't help but notice the vibrant scent of blooming flowers in the small garden next to the steps. He reached the door and pressed the doorbell, which emitted a sharp buzzing sound.

After a few moments, the latch clicked, and the door swung open to reveal a woman in a bright red shalwar kameez, with intricate golden embroidery decorating the edges of her sleeves and hem. The man couldn't help but be taken aback by her beauty and grace. With a friendly smile, she asked, "Yes, how can I help you?"

Feeling a little tongue-tied, the man stumbled over his words before finally saying, "Uh, hello. I'm a friend of Jack's, and I was wondering if he was here. I need to give him something."

"Okay, I understand," the woman replied. "Unfortunately, Jack isn't home right now. But you're welcome to come inside and wait for him on his floor. It's really hot outside."

"That would be great," the man said, relieved to get enter the building without arousing suspicion

He followed the woman inside and was greeted by a cool, refreshing breeze from the air conditioner. As he made his way to the stairs leading up to Jack's home, the woman turned to him and asked, "May I know your name?"

"Of course, my name is Dr. Alexander," he declared as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief. The heat was making him feel uneasy.

The woman greeted him with a warm smile, "Nice to meet you."

As they made their way up the concrete stairs, Alexander couldn't help but notice the texture of the rough surface beneath his feet. The sun's heat radiated off the steps, making them almost too hot to touch.

"And what's your name?" Alexander asked the woman as they ascended the stairs.

"My name is Mariyam," she replied, her voice ringing like music in Alexander's ears.

"What a nice name," Alexander said with a smile, as they reached the top of the stairs and approached Jack's door.

"Thank you so much, Mariyam. I truly appreciate your help," Alexander said, feeling grateful as they arrived in front of Jack's apartment.

"No worries," Mariyam replied with a warm smile.

As Mariyam headed back the stairs, Alexander took a deep breath and gazed at the concrete jungle around him. The sun's rays were scorching, and the air was dry, making it feel like he was in the middle of a desert.


He reached into his pocket and retrieved a metal lock-picking tool, examining it carefully before looking around to see if anyone was watching him. Satisfied that he was alone, he approached Jack's door and inserted the tool into the lock.

With a few forceful twists, the lock clicked open, and Alexander quietly entered the apartment. The interior was dimly lit, with a musky scent hanging in the air. Alexander's eyes scanned the room, searching for any clues that might lead him to Jack.

Alexander scanned the room, taking in every detail. The sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on the dusty surfaces. He could hear the TV playing in the background on a low volume, some news about the discovery on a new ancient city, the voices of the news anchors echoing throughout the empty apartment.

As he approached the desk, he could see the papers and books strewn about haphazardly. He put on a pair of gloves and carefully sifted through the mess, taking pictures of anything that looked important. The air was thick with the musty smell of old books and paper.

Moving into the kitchen, he opened every drawer and cabinet, searching for any clues that might lead him to Jack. The fridge hummed quietly in the background, and the sound of the water dripping from the faucet echoed in the empty room.


Alexander's eyes fixated on the black chamber, which seemed out of place among the other items in the room. As he reached out to pick it up, he noticed its weight and smooth, cool surface. He ran his fingers over the metal exterior, feeling the intricate patterns etched into the material.


"Why would someone need an isolating chamber?" he muttered to himself, as he examined it closely. He took out his phone and snapped a quick photo of it, hoping to do some research on it later.


He was about to leave when he noticed something on the ground - mud stains. He crouched down and examined them closely, taking a sample of the dirt. The texture was gritty and rough, and he could feel the dampness seeping through his gloves.


Exiting the apartment, he closed the door with a satisfying "tchhh" and took a deep breath of the hot, humid air. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The apartment felt lifeless, like a room with no soul.


Alexander made his way outside the apartment complex, the scorching sun beating down on him. He felt the heat seeping into his skin as he mounted his bike. Retrieving his phone from his pocket, he dialled Zoe's number.







"Hello?" came Zoe's voice on the other end.


"Hey, Zoe," said Alexander.


"What's up?" asked Zoe.


"I got some leads on Jack Sterling's case. I'm going to drop off some mud samples. Give me every detail you can about the mud samples," Alexander demanded, his voice determined.


"Sure thing. Just drop them off at the lab," Zoe said, her voice calm and collected.


"Also, I'll send photos of the scene with the black chamber. Try to find what experiments could be done with it, okay?" Alexander added.


"Got it. See you," said Zoe.


Alexander ended the call and put the phone back into his pocket. He wore the helmet and proceeded to retrieve his bike keys, from his pocket and started the engine. The sound of the revving engine was loud and piercing as he rode off into the narrow streets of Hyderabad, the wind blowing against his face.