
Nomad's Tale

"Nomad's Tale" follows the story of Jack Sterling, a skilled spy who has been working undercover as a scientist for the New Order, an organization dedicated to finding and harnessing the power of the Chronotex. This rare material has the ability to alter the fabric of time and space, and the New Order plans to use it to create the next generation of nuclear weapons and unlock the secrets of time travel. Despite his allegiance to the New Order, Jack is torn between his loyalty to the organization and his desire to protect his new friends in Pakistan. He decides to uncover the secrets of the Chronotex and use his knowledge to stop the New Order's plans. However, his breakthrough research leads to his disappearance, and he finds himself suddenly transported back in time to ancient Egypt. In Egypt, Jack encounters both allies and enemies, and he soon discovers that the Chronotex has existed for centuries, and that it has been sought after by different factions for its immense power. He learns that some have gone to great lengths to obtain it, even at the cost of destroying innocent lives. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the Chronotex, he discovers that it has incredible abilities beyond just time travel - its users are granted strange and unique powers that can change the course of history.

Kaido_1867 · Lịch sử
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45 Chs

CH.39 The Conclusion of The Conflict and The Dream.

Through the forest, 'neath sun's golden ray, A distant town emerges, where memories stay. Happiness dwells there, a childhood's embrace, Yet reality's veil, a darker truth we must face.Camping with family, joyful and free, But reality shifted, as shadows came to be (DEATH). The Conclusion of The Conflict. Nestled midst mountains' embrace, a quaint town finds its place. Trees like guardians stand tall, as clouds descend like a soft thrall. Pure air sweeps through this serene space, where sunbeams dance with gentle grace. Huts of brown wood and concrete blend, on roads that weave and twist and bend. Laughter and joy fill every sight, as residents revel in day's light, a harmonious haven where life's sweet sound, in every corner and street, is found. Amidst the tranquility of the mountainous landscape, nestled between the towering trees, a boy named Jack and a man named Edward journeyed together. Father and son shared this ascent, a bonding experience etched into their memories. Pausing momentarily, Jack cast a glance back through the dense foliage, his gaze directed at the distant small town below. The sun's gentle embrace cast a warm glow upon the town, accentuating its quaint charm. The harmonious symphony of birdsong and the gentle hum of insects filled the air, creating a serene backdrop for the duo's expedition. A contented smile graced Jack's youthful face, his eyes reflecting the joy of the moment. Amidst the embrace of nature's embrace and the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves, Jack's heart brimmed with happiness. "Hey, Jack!" Edward's voice echoed through the air. "Yeah, Dad?" Jack responded, turning his attention to Edward, who was already ascending the mountain. "Come on, let's go!" Edward encouraged, motioning for Jack to hasten his pace. "Sure thing, Dad," Jack agreed, his eyes lighting up as he jumped from one rock to another, determined to catch up with his father. Once they reunited, the two of them continued their ascent together, their footsteps syncing harmoniously as they made their way up the mountain. "Dad, what's on the menu for dinner tonight?" Jack inquired; curiosity evident in his voice. Edward paused for a moment, considering his response. "Well, tonight we'll be having whatever we manage to catch during our hunting," he finally replied. "Sounds exciting," Jack replied with enthusiasm. "Let's try to catch a rabbit," Jack suggested, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Sounds like a plan, son. But first, we should reach the hilltop and set up our tent," Edward proposed. "Absolutely, Dad! Let's get going," Jack exclaimed, already hopping along the path with youthful energy. With their campsite established and their spirits high, the father and son ventured out to hunt for their evening meal. "Jack, let's craft a rabbit trap. I'll leave it in your capable hands," Edward entrusted, a warm smile on his face as he looked at his eager son."Okay, let's start by digging a pit for the rabbit to fall into," Jack suggested, getting to work with his hands and a makeshift shovel. "Good thinking," Edward praised, watching as Jack skillfully dug the pit. Next, Jack placed sturdy sticks and branches across the pit, creating gaps that would give way under the rabbit's weight. Edward observed, impressed by Jack's ingenuity. Jack proceeded to tie ropes across the top of the pit, forming a net that would collapse when the rabbit stepped on it. "This net will collapse under the rabbit's weight, causing it to fall into the pit," Jack explained to Edward. "You're doing great, Jack. You've learned well," Edward complimented with a smile. "I know, I learned it from one of the books you recommended," Jack admitted proudly. "Is that so? Well, I'm glad you're putting that knowledge to good use," Edward replied, his smile growing wider. "Dad, do you have any scraps of food?" Jack inquired. Edward thought for a moment. "I believe I have some grapes in the lunch box. Let me fetch them for you," he offered. Edward produced a transparent plastic lunch box filled with grapes, apples, and oranges. He handed the grapes to Jack, who thanked him with a nod. "Thank you," Jack said as he strategically placed the grapes on the trap. "This will be the bait to lure the rabbit." With the trap set and the bait in place, Jack and Edward retreated to nearby bushes, concealing themselves as they waited for their prey. 10 Mins Later Hushed sounds reached their ears, alerting them to movement near the trap. In unison, they cautiously approached the site and discovered a rabbit ensnared in the pit they had prepared. "We caught one! Finally!" Jack exclaimed his joy evident in his voice. As they gazed at the trapped rabbit, its eyes met Jack's. Little did the rabbit know that it would soon be transformed into a delicious meal. The scene shifted, and the rabbit now sizzled on a stove, its aroma filling the air as Jack and Edward prepared to enjoy their hard-earned feast. Accompanied by cups of hot chocolate, the meal was a satisfying reward after their successful hunting endeavor. With the moon ascending high in the sky, Jack's eyelids grew heavy, and his head gently leaned against Edward's chest. Having finished his hot chocolate, Edward set the cup down on the table. Carefully, he scooped Jack up into his arms and carried him inside the tent, laying him down on the small bed. Edward's fingers brushed through Jack's hair as a tender smile graced his lips. In the tranquil moment, the only words that escaped were, "I miss you, Jack."The rhythmic sound of hooves echoed loudly in Jack Sterling's ears, each "clop" distinct and clear. He awoke to a sky painted with shades of dark blue and fiery orange, the wind rushing by with a palpable energy. "Look, he's awake!" Ramon's voice called out. A familiar face appeared before Jack's newly opened eyes – the faces of Kamil, Ramon, and Kasib, peering down at him from atop the carriage. In a moment of surprise, Jack sat up abruptly, his gaze scanning the surroundings. "AHAH! Where are we?" he exclaimed, his eyes flickering between his companions. "You were asleep for a whole day, and you were bleeding quite a bit," Ramon said, concern evident in his voice. "We're heading back to the Palace from the conflict" Kasib answered. Jack's memory began to piece together. "Wait, what happened? I remember I was at the conflict." Kamil raised an eyebrow. "How could you not remember, Jack?" Confusion etched across Jack's face. "Wait, what happened? I don't know. I just went unconscious after I saw the soldier die." "We won the conflict, thanks to you," Kamil said with a smile. Jack's bewilderment deepened. "But what did I do?" "After you fell unconscious from seeing the soldier's head being cut off, you went berserk. You killed about 30 of the bandits in your vicinity. It was like a sudden force of nature had crushed them all. Luckily, no soldiers from the army were in the area at the time," Kamil explained. "Yeah, I saw your eyes – they turned completely black, and you stared at us for a few seconds. It was quite unsettling, I must say. We were all taken aback," Ramon added. Kasib interjected, looking away, and muttered, "Not all of us." Ramon leaned closer to Kasib, teasingly. "Oh, come on, I distinctly remember your face – you were definitely sweating." "No, I wasn't!" Kasib retorted, shoving Ramon away. Scratching his head, Jack confessed, "Well, I don't remember any of that." "How could you not remember? You were so cool! You even stole my spotlight after I transformed into my dark energy form," Ramon exclaimed, a mix of amazement and amusement in his voice."Blades appearing from your back, white yet silver. There were so many that you killed all of the bandits. We were lucky that no soldiers were there," Kamil recounted. Jack turned his attention to Ramon as he asked. "And what were you smiling about?" "Oh, I just had a good dream, that's all," Jack replied nonchalantly. Ramon raised an eyebrow. "I see." "We are finally here, I guess," Kamil said, looking ahead. "Finally, home. Man, I can't wait to head to sleep. We've been traveling for a day straight," Ramon said, his anticipation for rest evident. "I must continue with my training," Kasib added, his determination clear in his voice. Ramon attempted to convince Kasib. "Take a rest, Kasib." "No, I can't. If I want to be the strongest warrior, I must train hard," Kasib replied resolutely. "Okay, up to you," Ramon conceded in a tired tone. Kasib's thoughts raced as he watched Jack converse with Ramon. "After what I've seen today, I can't rest. His power... I'm too far behind."Few Minutes LaterThe marching soldiers entered the city to a warm welcome from the people. Children came out, expressing their gratitude and greetings to Setka. Families stood behind them, watching with smiles. "Hey, look, that's Kamil!" One young girl shouted with excitement. "He looks so handsome!" Others chimed in, their faces turning a shade of red. Kamil couldn't help but feel thrilled by the attention. He looked outside and struck a dashing pose, playing up to the admiration of the girls. Meanwhile, Ramon and Kasib exchanged glances and whispered to each other, "They don't know what he's truly like. They're jealous of Kamil's popularity among the girls." Curiosity arose among the girls as they spotted a blond man Sitting next to Kamil. Kamil's moment of glory was abruptly interrupted by Jack's presence, stealing the limelight with his own unique charm. "Wow, just look at his eyes! They're so beautiful," the girls whispered to each other. Ramon burst into laughter, pointing at Kamil. "Haha, they don't care about you anymore." Kamil's pride was wounded, and he couldn't let it slide. He lunged at Ramon, and a playful wrestling match ensued inside the carriage. Trying to restore order, Jack stepped in, raising his hands. "You guys, calm down." Their squabble came to a halt as they both paused and turned away from each other, a bit sheepish. The soldiers entered the Palace, guided and welcomed by their fellow soldiers. Despite their fatigue and some injuries, their spirits were high as they unloaded the cargo. After a hard-fought victory, they were looking forward to a peaceful night – some reuniting with their families, while others planned to spend the evening in the Palace, enjoying food and drinks with their comrades. Yet, amidst the triumphant return, the reality remained stark. Among the hundred who had embarked on the mission, only around forty returned. The plans for celebration gave way to the somber truth that some had fallen on the battlefield. Ramon handed Jack a bag filled with bread. "Hold this, Jack." "Alright, let's go. We've got everything," Ramon commanded as he stepped off the carriage. With Jack beside him, Ramon took hold of a rope, Kamil carried water, and Kasib carried a sack of wheat. They moved purposefully toward the Palace kitchen, aiming to deliver the leftover provisions to Tarek Khalifa, the Chief of the Palace. The orange hues of the sky cast a warm reflection on the pristine white marble tiles of the Palace as the group made their way towards the kitchen. Among the soldiers, there were glances and whispers exchanged, their attention drawn to a particular individual. "Why are they staring and whispering?" Kasib asked Kamil, puzzled by the attention. Kamil let out a sigh, his frustration evident. "I think it's about Jack." "Why?" Ramon inquired. Kamil's frustration grew as he explained, "Because of how many enemies he took down. Jack's feat of eliminating one of Rossie's top soldiers and her entire flank is remarkable. It's not something an ordinary soldier could accomplish, except for a few exceptional ones in the army." Kasib's understanding deepened, and he nodded. "I see it now." Ramon adopted a jokingly sad tone. "Why isn't my power-up getting any attention, then?" Jack, feeling embarrassed, quickly apologized to Ramon. "I'm really sorry, Ramon. I won't do it again." Kamil interjected with a chuckle, "Don't worry, Jack. He's just teasing you." The group reached the kitchen and handed over the provisions. Kasib and Kamil decided to call it a day and headed to their respective rooms. Ramon accompanied Jack to his room. "See you tomorrow," Jack waved to Ramon as he closed the door. "Goodbye," Ramon replied before Jack shut the door. Inside his room, Jack let out a sigh. He removed his old, worn brown detective coat and placed it carefully on a chair. Moving to the window, he pulled back the curtains, allowing the orange sunlight to filter in. Finally, he walked over to his bed and lay down, attempting to find some rest. In the quietness of his room, Jack spoke to himself, his voice a soft murmur, "What a day, and what a dream. I miss you too, Dad."