
Nomad's Tale

"Nomad's Tale" follows the story of Jack Sterling, a skilled spy who has been working undercover as a scientist for the New Order, an organization dedicated to finding and harnessing the power of the Chronotex. This rare material has the ability to alter the fabric of time and space, and the New Order plans to use it to create the next generation of nuclear weapons and unlock the secrets of time travel. Despite his allegiance to the New Order, Jack is torn between his loyalty to the organization and his desire to protect his new friends in Pakistan. He decides to uncover the secrets of the Chronotex and use his knowledge to stop the New Order's plans. However, his breakthrough research leads to his disappearance, and he finds himself suddenly transported back in time to ancient Egypt. In Egypt, Jack encounters both allies and enemies, and he soon discovers that the Chronotex has existed for centuries, and that it has been sought after by different factions for its immense power. He learns that some have gone to great lengths to obtain it, even at the cost of destroying innocent lives. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the Chronotex, he discovers that it has incredible abilities beyond just time travel - its users are granted strange and unique powers that can change the course of history.

Kaido_1867 · Lịch sử
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45 Chs

CH.33 The Poison Man and the Betrayer Part 3

Split in two, Split in two, a power's might divides, Reader, soon the truth shall coincide. Technology unknown, to bring alive, Hints arise, with secrets to derive.Who shall perish, what voice in Jack's ear (CH.23 "There is!") , Linked to past or future, all is unclear. Stay tuned to the tale, watch it unfurl, As mysteries unravel, a riveting whirl. The Poison Man and the Betrayer Part 3Jack and Kasib hurriedly stepped into the dimly lit tent that housed the ancient Egyptian lab, its atmosphere filled with an air of mystery. A single candle cast flickering shadows upon the room, revealing rows of drawers containing an intriguing assortment of items—garments, metals, and an array of ancient scientific tools. In this ancient setting, modern chemicals and advanced technology were noticeably absent, replaced instead by powders and metallic equipment that had stood the test of time. "Kasib," Jack called out, his voice echoing in the stillness. "What now?" Kasib responded, his tone tinged with annoyance. "Go and inform everyone at the tent that we've found the evidence," Jack instructed, a sense of urgency underscoring his words. "I'll manage things here." With a swift motion, he retrieved the carefully wrapped bottle from his pocket, his hands trembling with anticipation. "Okay," Kasib acknowledged, his annoyance momentarily overshadowed by the weight of the situation. He swiftly exited the tent, his steps quick and purposeful, making his way towards the centre of the camp to relay the crucial update to their comrades. Alone in the lab, Jack focused his attention on the task at hand. He knew that collecting fingerprints from the bottle was paramount, but to do so, he needed the appropriate materials. Scanning the room, his eyes settled on a nearby drawer brimming with jars containing a variety of powders. Among them was a jar of fine black charcoal dust, its grains smaller than sand. With careful precision, he placed it on the table, its presence a pivotal component of the process. As Jack opened the wooden cap of the bottle, a small cloud of charcoal dust dispersed into the air, causing him to cough and momentarily blur his vision. He quickly composed himself, knowing that time was of the essence. Next, his gaze fell upon a soft brush fashioned from animal hair, conveniently positioned on the corner of the table. Recognizing its significance, he picked it up and assumed a squatting position on the floor, immersing himself in the work at hand. His eyes darted beneath the table, scanning the assortment of accessories strewn haphazardly. Among them, a roll of papyrus caught his attention—a thin strip of adhesive material that held the promise of aiding his endeavour. "Okay, let's begin," Jack declared, a spark of excitement igniting within him. It had been a while since he had immersed himself in the realm of scientific investigation, and the opportunity to apply his knowledge and skills rekindled a fervent passion. Carefully wielding the soft brush, Jack expertly sweeps it over the bottle, ensuring that the charcoal powder adheres to the intricate ridges and lines of the fingerprints. His eyes remain focused, tracking the gradual emergence of discernible patterns as the dust highlights the previously hidden impressions. Examining the bottle with keen attention, Jack's heart quickens as he observes the subtle outlines of the fingerprints becoming increasingly visible. The once-invisible clues now hold the potential to unravel the mystery of the betrayer. Seizing the moment, Jack reaches for a strip of papyrus tape, its adhesive side eagerly awaiting contact with the powder-coated fingerprints. With deliberate precision, he presses the tape onto the fingerprint pattern, ensuring a firm and thorough bond between the adhesive and the powdered imprints. The tape acts as a lifeline, preserving the delicate evidence for further analysis and scrutiny. Taking utmost care to avoid any smudging or distortion of the collected fingerprints, Jack delicately lifts the tape, separating it from the bottle's surface. He then affixes the tape, along with the lifted fingerprints, onto a clean piece of papyrus, securing it for future preservation and examination. The papyrus serves as a canvas, capturing the intricacies of the fingerprints frozen in time. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, Jack's search beneath the table uncovers a hidden treasure—a polished crystal. Grasping the crystal, he positions it over the tape, utilizing it as a makeshift magnifying glass. With heightened focus, he delves into the minutiae of the fingerprints, studying every ridge and loop with meticulous scrutiny. The crystal's clarity amplifies the details, granting him an intimate glimpse into the unique markers imprinted upon the tape. As he peers through the crystal, a mix of excitement and anticipation courses through Jack's veins. The revelation of the hidden fingerprints holds the promise of unlocking the truth. Back at the fire (Middle of the camp) Iliaz's tear-stained face pleaded for understanding, his voice heavy with desperation as he attempted to proclaim his innocence to General Setka. The weight of the accusation hung heavily upon him, and he couldn't fathom why he would be suspected of such a heinous act. His words quivered with emotion as he implored, "It wasn't me, General. Why would I do this?" Seeking to unravel the truth, Setka pressed further, questioning Iliaz about the source of his newfound wealth. Through choked sobs, Iliaz managed to respond, "I... I just sold some of my gold, General. That's all. I needed the money." Despite the tearful plea, Setka remained sceptical, his unwavering gaze fixed upon Iliaz. The loss of a cherished comrade weighed heavily on his heart, amplifying his determination to uncover the truth. He reiterated sternly, "Iliaz, don't lie to me. You took the life of a great soldier, a good friend of mine. Do you think I will let you go?" Overwhelmed by his emotions, Iliaz crumbled to his knees, his sobs mingling with his plea for understanding. "But General, people have always hated me. There's nothing that connects me to the poisoning. Please, I beg you to understand. You...you believe in justice, don't you?" His words quivered with a mix of anguish and hope, his plea directed at the very core of Setka's sense of righteousness. Setka, deep in thought, turned around slowly, his footsteps measured and deliberate as he walked back to Kamil. Leaning in close, he whispered a realization in Kamil's ear, the weight of uncertainty now tugging at his conscience. "He's right. We lack concrete evidence, and you know what, Kamil? How can we pass judgment and inflict punishment without understanding the full story?" Setka's voice held a newfound contemplation, a glimmer of doubt piercing through his earlier certainty. Kamil, standing amidst the sea of soldiers, absorbed Setka's words, his mind grappling with the complexity of the situation. The weight of responsibility pressed upon him as he contemplated the consequences of their actions. Just as he was about to mumble a response to Setka, the stillness was shattered by a sudden shout from Kasib, piercing through the air with an urgent declaration. "Kamil, General, Ramon! Keep the suspect with you. We found some evidence!" Kasib's voice resonated with a mixture of excitement and relief, a radiant smile manifesting on Kamil's face as hope blossomed within him. The revelation of evidence promised a glimmer of clarity amidst the shadows of uncertainty, a step closer to unravelling the truth and meting out justice.Kasib, still recovering his breath, leaned on Ramon for support as he relayed the crucial message. His words carried a sense of urgency, punctuated by his heavy breathing. "We found the poison bottle. Hold anyone who is a suspect close to you. That's what Jack told me to say to all of you," Kasib conveyed, the weight of the information resonating through his words. Ramon, concerned for Kasib's well-being, gently guided him to a more stable position. With a nod of gratitude, Kasib regained his composure, his breathing gradually steadying. Curiosity brimming within him, Ramon inquired about their next course of action now that they had a prime suspect in their midst. Kasib, his gaze scanning the surroundings, mirrored the confusion in his voice as he questioned, "Who?" Kamil, resolute in his decision, responded without hesitation, "It's Iliaz." A sudden outburst erupted from Kasib, a mix of shock and anger interwoven in his words. "Haaaaa! Why did you do that, Iliaz? I knew something was fishy about you, you betrayer!" Kasib's voice reverberated with fury as he stomped towards Iliaz, his anger manifesting in each step. His hand instinctively reached for Iliaz's neck, gripping tightly. Setka, the voice of reason amidst the turmoil, calmly intervened. "Let him go for now," he commanded, his authoritative tone effectively diffusing the escalating tension. Reluctantly, Kasib relinquished his hold on Iliaz, though his body still quivered with the remnants of his anger. Setka repositioned himself in front of Kamil, Ramon, and Kasib, signifying a collective sense of unity. As murmurs rippled through the ranks of the soldiers, Setka sought Kamil's counsel. "So, shall we wait for Jack here, or shall we go to him?" Kamil pondered the options, considering the efficiency and expediency of their actions. With a thoughtful nod, he proposed, "Hmm, I think we should all go to him. It will save time, and if Jack needs his technology, he doesn't have to walk half the camp." Setka readily embraced the suggestion. "Good. Let's get going, then," he declared, his voice resolute with purpose. Turning towards the assembled soldiers, Setka assumed his commanding stance. His voice resonated with authority as he addressed the men, rallying them to action. "All men, follow me to the camp lab, where we will bring justice to Taheri's death and uncover the truth about Iliaz!" His words ignited a fervour among the soldiers, their collective voices rising in an exultant cheer. Marching in unison, the soldiers set off towards the lab, their determination palpable. Iliaz, held firmly by the soldier who had first discovered him, remained under close scrutiny, ensuring his compliance, and preventing any potential escape. During their journey, Ramon's excitement bubbled over, prompting him to pose an inquiry to the group. "What do you think his new technology would be?" Kamil's smile reflected his anticipation as he responded, "We'll find out when we get there.""Finally got the fingerprints," Jack announced with a mix of satisfaction and anticipation, carefully placing the papyrus paper on a small piece of wood to ensure stability. His voice brimming with excitement, he continued, "Now it's time to see if they collected any suspects and get their fingerprints to match it." Just as Jack was about to delve deeper into his thoughts, the sound of a loud commotion pierced the air, jolting him from his concentration. Startled, he swiftly made his way outside the lab, curious to discover the source of the commotion. It was then that he spotted everyone in the distance, their presence commanding attention. "Heyyyyyy, Jackkk!" Ramon's voice boomed across the camp, accompanied by vigorous waving. Jack reciprocated the greeting with a wave, acknowledging Ramon's enthusiasm before retreating back inside the lab. He carefully carried the piece of wood with the incriminating papyrus paper, ensuring its safekeeping. By the time he emerged once again, the soldiers and the assembled crowd had already arrived at the lab, their anticipation palpable. A radiant smile adorned Jack's face as he stepped forward, fully aware that he held in his hands the concrete evidence that would unravel the truth. "Look, here is the evidence!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with conviction, as he held up the piece of wood with the distinct fingerprint and the poison bottle. With a flourish, Jack closed his eyes, relishing the moment, and extended his hands outward, presenting the two pieces of evidence like a magician revealing a grand finale. The crowd fell into an eerie silence, their eyes wide with disbelief, as if they had witnessed something inexplicably extraordinary. Jack attempted to elucidate, his voice a mixture of enthusiasm and confusion, "Here is the evidence, don't you see it?" Stepping forward, Kamil voiced his perplexity. "I do see the bottle as evidence, but what is that on the piece of wood? How is that the evidence?" His words were tinged with genuine bewilderment. Jack turned around, speaking under his breath as if conversing with himself, his brow furrowed and perspiration streaming down his forehead like a torrential downpour. The realization of his mistake washed over him, causing his voice to quiver with shock. "Oh no, I just realized fingerprint technology didn't exist. They don't even know what a fingerprint is and how to detect them," he muttered, his mind racing to find a solution. "If I reveal it to them, then history itself could change. This is too much of a major advancement in science for this period of time. Oh no, what shall I do?" Jack's distress was palpable, his forehead still glistening with beads of sweat.